[The Kidz are People Too Page:  Breastfeeding]
[Nursing a Toddler] [--------------------------]

". . . the longer the child nurses, the greater the benefit."--Katherine Dettwyler, Ph.D.


Toddler Nursing Testimonials!!

(or "Why Do You Nurse A Toddler?")

My Thoughts on Nursing Ellen

I wrote the following paragraph when Ellen was 18 months old. She will be four on December 13th... time sure does fly by!! She is still nursing, but only for a few seconds here and there throughout the day; some even skips some days. About a year ago she nursed mainly for comfort. Now I think she nurses because it helps reasure her that she is mommy's special girl, because her brother does it, and because she gets thirsty and *loves* the taste of breastmilk. She told me recently that "nur nurs are nummie." She also nurses because--she has told me--she likes to nurse!

You can go here if you would like to read more about our nursing relationship.

I still breastfeed my precious 18 month old, Ellen. We both enjoy it! It gives us a wonderful time of closeness, and it makes her smile. Breastfeeding often calms Ellen down and helps her to go to sleep. I know that even if she isn't interested in much solid food sometimes, that she gets superb nutrition from my breastmilk. If she is sick, I don't have to give her any pedialyte, because breastmilk is all the fluid she needs. It is better than any artificial fluid I could give her, because breastfeeding not only gives her a very easily digested liquid, it helps her get better with its rich nutrients and antibodies from me--and gives her a sense of comfort the closeness and sucking provide.

Why Do You Still Nurse Your Toddler?

Send in your "testimonial" today!! Here is what I am looking for. . .

(These are suggestions of what to include.) Please share why you are still nursing and the joy it brings, etc. :D Maybe even tell a bit about how often and if you still nurse at night. Do you nurse mainly for comfort or does your toddler still get a lot of nutrition from it? Please, include when you "plan" on weaning. **You can include whatever you think would be good to include.**


I still nurse because it helps me have more patience. It releases the "Mommy hormone" and helps me in my mothering. I notice that Libbie seems more secure in herself than other babies her age. It's a connection that we have that no one else can give her and I love that! ~ Mom to Libbie, age 17 months old

". . . And of course throughout the day, there are plenty of times when she will let me know that I am not paying attention to her, and want to nurse. After a few minutes she will wonder back to her toys, with a smile on her face and milk dripping down her chin, to play, with a sense of self and security and love that nothing else in this world could give her than mothers breast." ~ Debbie

"Our children are never really weaned. They are always in need of our gentle touch and nurturing."--from The Weaning Process by Laura Eberle

Nursing a Toddler Index

The image of nursing toddler is copyright 1997-99 Lori Thompson Photography.
Most other images copyright 1997-99 by Mykidzmom.

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