La Florida (The Flower)

Florida is a diverse state. You can take a jungle cruise down a river into the mangroves of the Ten Thousand Islands in search of Florida manatee and crocodile. You can take a nature walk back into a Cypress Strand to a "gator hole" complete with mama and her babies in a secluded area of a cypress preserve. You can take a wildlife drive into the "Outback" on dirt roads, along deserted waterways in search of the birds and alligators that abound throughout the state.

Or you can take an airboat ride through the sawgrass prairies and mud flats of the "River of Grass".

Coastal wetlands stretch inland from estuaries and beaches. In temperate climates, they're salt marshes and grassy fresh marsh and tidal flats. In tropical areas, they include swampy forests of mangroves. Draining, dredging, and filling wetlands, as well as rising sea level, are destroying coastal wetlands worldwide.

From the northern pinewood forests to the rolling vegetable fields of the central part of the state and the southern citrus groves, Florida is the producer of a large quantity of vegetables and fruit. Fishing and shellfishing are a major industry that teems within the Atlantic and Gulf waters surrounding the state.

The foregoing is a glimpse of Florida as it is today but does not touch upon the fact that Florida is an area of delicately balanced ecosystems that have seen abuse over the years. The number of endangered species of plants and and animals grows almost daily. The Everglades has become a "cesspool" of contaminants from overuse of the adjacent land for farming. The wetlands through- out the state suffer from the encroachment of modern construction and pollutant runoff. The once pristine water of the Florida aquifer is being tainted and the levels of water reduced to dwindling amounts. Many see Florida as a paradise that will continue forever while others realize a major turnaround must take place to attempt to put things as right as possible so the generations to come may enjoy Florida as have the generations past.

Earliest Origins of Florida

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