DECEMBER 27-29 1996

RETIMANA REUNION DECEMBER 27-29 1996 Descendants of Retimana and Kiri Amos are invited to register their interst to attend a reunion to be held at Waikare marae, Northland, New Zealand. Registration fee is $25. This fee is for yourself and your dependant children. If your children are working or recieving a benefit e.g umemployment, they also need to pay a separate fee of $25 to register their interest. This is to be paid to the Retimana Reunion Committee by 27th June 1996. Contacts are: Hazel Tauri, RD3, Karetu, Kawakawa, New Zealand. Ph 09 404-1238 or Shirley Reti, Box 189, Kawakawa, New Zealand. Ph 09 404-0004 EDITED MAY 18TH 1996 UPDATE MONTHLY MEETING MAY 25TH 1996 AT WAIKARE MARAE 1.Closing date for registration and numbers is June 27th. Please contact organisers so they can budget for numbers. This is not the deadline,just the registration date. 2.Raffles and fund raising has been helpfull. Any other ideas please notify organisers. 3.For the formal cake cutting ceremony, a fruit and a banana cake will be made. 4.Due to the expense of a professional photographer, family members may take photos and videos. Please could the negatives be made available to others. 5.Tentative programme as follows: Friday Midday to 600pm Powhiri Mihimihi until late Saturday Whakapapa/Urupa Photos Big Kai/Cake Cutting Social ??Kareoke??Band Sunday Karakia-Christenings Porapoaki Cleanup Updated June 6th 1996 REUNION MEETING AUGUST 31 1.REGISTRATION Approx 363 attending. Registration fee of $25 need to be submitted ASAP for each family member. 2.FUNDRAISING.Good efforts by all so far. 3.ACCOMMODATION. Restoration of the Old Whare will be completed soon and will be used with the New Whare also and maybe the Primary School. A marquee may also be required. Those who have caravans,tents etc should bring them to ease accommodation. 4.AFTER REUNION ACCOMODATION. Family wishing to stay on afterwards are wellcome to do so for a small hui fee, food etc. 5.WHAKAPAPA.Each family should prepare its whakapapa to have it placed on a noticeboard for copying. 6.TSHIRTS. Reunion Tshirts and caps are available at various sizes for $15-$20. 7.PHOTOCOPIER. A photocopier will be available for a small fee. 8.KAI. Donations are being sought to assist with these costs. 9.BANK ACCOUNT. The bank account for deposits is: ASB KAWAKAWA 1230 90 0084992 00 RETIMANA WHANAU REUNION Updated Sept 17th 1996

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