Hanson Family Genealogy

John Hanson

John Hanson's Bio
Hanson Gedcom File
Hanson Queries
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This page is dedicated to exploring and keeping track of the ancestors and descendants of John Hanson, President of the United States in Congress Assembled, who, for one day, was the only man in the United States Government as the government changed hands from the Continental Congress to George Washington.

John Hanson was, in fact, the first president of the Continental Congress who forged the Constitution of the United States. The father of 11 children, he has many descendants spread throughout the United States. My husband, Warren Hanson of Hacienda Heights, CA is a direct descendant of John Hanson. Being a professional genealogist, I have volunteered to host this page and will attempt to help others fill in the gaps of their genealogy. If you'd like to know more about John Hanson's ancestry, please visit John Hanson's Ancestors page.

If you would like to submit a gedcom file to be added to our archives, please attach it to an email as a .ged file (GEDCOM - or text file) and send it to Diana Hanson, Webmaster. It will incorporated into the master file and you will be able to view it as it gets updated. You'll also be able to download the gedcom at a later date, so keep checking back!

Please sign the guest book so we know who you are and can send regular updates. If you would like to post a query to the Hanson Family Page, please email the Webmaster.

Thanks for visiting!

John Hanson's Bio | Hanson Gedcom File | Hanson Queries
Other Historical Links of the Continental Congress and Colonial Virginia

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