4th and 5th Grade Student Research Resources


Resources for Parents

Safe Kids  lots about Internet Safety
The National PTA  lots of links on many subjects
Parent Soup  e-zine with great features and interactivity
Common Sense Parenting  updated frequently with down-to-earth advise
Parents and Children On-line Together  lots of ideas from Indiana University
Family Education Network  Many topics and information with some categorized for appropriate ages of students
You Can Handle Them All - discipline suggestions for over 100 behaviors
Special Education  much good information from the University of Virginia
A Guide to Helping Your Child  links to some good sources and ideas
How to Raise a Reader  good advise from the ALA
Make a Difference One Student at a Time - a great training manual for American Reads from SIU
The Reading Wars - gives background on various approaches
Helping Your Students with Homework  Although it is for teachers, it has good information that parents would know.
The Compact for Reading  lots of information and ideas for home and school
Start Early, Finish Strong  How to help every child become a reader is important to know.
Natural Maths  ideas and quizzes to help a student learn
Rick's Math Web  information and work sheets
Booklist  Reviews of children's books from the ALA
SchwabFoundation for Learning  An excellent resource of information about Learning Disabilities and how to deal with them.
Screen-it  Parent oriented reviews of movies, music etc.
Super Kids  great software reviews
Advice for Parents & Teachers on Bullies and Victims - straight forward
Raising Children to Resist Violence  from the American Academy of Pediatrics
CHADD  Comprehensive information on ADD/ADHD
Gifted Education  Resource links from Rice University
Family Village  a global community of disability related resources

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