4th and 5th Grade Student Research Resources


Current Events Resources

Science News for Kids - There is much more than just news here.
New York Times Learning Network  Be sure to check the news summaries.
Crayon   - Choose real news and create your own custom newspaper.
CBBC Newsround  kids news from the BBC
Internet CNN News   - Keep up to the minute here.
On-line News Hour Extra: News for Students  highlights important events
Scholastic News Zone  top stories from Scholastic
New York Times Learning Network  More than just news
Kids Post  Provided by the Washington Post
Time for Kids  On-line version highlights a few important happenings
New York Times Learning Network  emphasis on stories of interest to curriculum activities
Time News Service Daily   - You are more current here than if you bought the magazine
ABC News  They keep up to date here.
CNN Interactive  Keep up-to-date.
Time for Kids  limited but good
ABC News For Kids  features special interest information
The NASA News Room   Find out the latest from the space agency.
The Why Files  The science news behind the headlines
Popular Mechanics for Kids  Well done fun while learning
National Geographic.com/kids  Some activities and access to National Geographic World


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