Erin's World of Figure Skating

First of all, I want to apologize for not updating this site in months (it may even be years!!) I've been really busy doing a website for my Skating Club (which you can visit at Also, there are going to have to be some major changes so that this site is a little more low-maintenance. My e-mail address has changed since this was last updated, so don't fill in any of the forms until I take this message off because I won't get your information! Again, I'm sorry for letting this site get really bad. It needs a lot of work and I PROMISE that I will get it done soon! Thanks for your understanding!

A Skaters Planet

This may seem a bit strange to most of you, but after you read this and really think about it, it would actually be pretty cool!

Figure Skating Poll

Fill out this survey to see what the majority thinks of figure skating issues. Your opinion is very important!

A Skaters Journal

Your feelings about skating, why you love it so much, what it means to you, and lots more.

Figure Skating Photography

This tells you how to capture those wonderful skating moments on film. Take pictures of you, your friends, or the Stars!

Care for your skates

Figure Skates are quite expensive, so it's a good idea to learn how to take care of them properly.

How to train off the ice

Figure Skating takes a lot more work than just the everyday skating session. Learn how you can improve all aspects of your skating with these off-ice activites.

Cool Stuff

Interesting gifts that you can make for your friends, or give out at competitions. They're really a lot easier than they look!

The Jumps

Diagrams of some of the jumps, which should help you understand jump positions. Also, if you're confused about which jump is which, this should help!

Precision Skating

This is the ideal precision skater resource. It features ways to improve your team, fund-raising ideas, and lots more.

The Scrapbook

Keep all of your memories organized by creating your very own scrapbook.

Famous Firsts

Who was it that landed the very first axel? Test your skating knowledge by checking out these famous firsts.

My top 10 ultimate favorite skaters

A list of my ten favorite skaters. You may agree or disagree - that's the beauty of sport!

Fan Mail Addresses

Have you been wanting to send something to your favorite skater? Well, this is your chance!

Bulletin Board

Have a question you'd like answered? Or a pair of skates for sale? Post all your skating announcements here!

Sign My Guestbook

Leave a message as proof that you were here! Have a question or comment? Leave a message and I'll get right back to you.

View My Guestbook

Take a look at some of the messages other people have written.

My Links

A list of many other sites that you might want to check out.

A very special thank you to Cherryne K. Edejer who allowed me to use the three images at the top of this page!

© 2000 Click Here to e-mail me with questions, comments or suggestions!

This Figure Skating Webring site is owned by
Erin Penney.

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