Drew Joshua Bitterman


Welcome to my Homepage! You are number since December 24th 1997!

I grew up in a small town called Short Hills, New Jersey. I went to High School in Morristown, New Jersey. The school was called Morristown Beard School. After High School I went to Muhlenberg College. I loved it there and was highly involved including the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. I would recommend Muhlenberg College to anyone who wants a school where professors are approachable, everyone can know your name and someone who wants to get involved around campus.

Along with the normal mom and dad family I have a brother, step-brother and step-mother. To see pictures of my family click here.

During the summers I went to a camp called, Camp Watitoh. It is located in the heart of the Berkshires, Becket Massachusetts. It serves as the summer home for around 250 people. Everyone knows everyone and everyone gets along. I went there for 13 summers. I started as one of the youngest campers and I ended as a counselor. I loved it there. Click here to see some pictures of my camp friends.

I was honored to be selected to go on a trip called The March Of The Living, with Metro West New Jersey. This trip usually occurs during the month of April to coincide with Holocaust Remembrance Day and Israel's Independence Day. 6,000 teens from the U.S.A, a total of 9,000 teens from around the world, survivors of the Holocaust and chaperones, traveled to Poland to visit concentration camps, ghettos and other important places that were significant during the Holocaust. After a week in Poland we traveled to Israel for a time of celebration. The trip was great and I would recommend it to anyone. Click here to see some of my pictures of my friends from The March Of The Living and some of the sites we visited..

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