Random Ramblings

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Discussion Forum - Allows you to respond to and post messages about the fourth dimension

  • Spare, David

    A problem that we in the 3d dept at SKY TV is this: If there were such a vehicle as a 'gravity ball', that is something that accelerated a person using a local gravity field, would you feel the acceleration? In other words, if you were floating in space at a conttant speed & fell into the gravity well of a body would you perceive the change in direction?... I hink not...others don't agree.

  • Ted Rice

    Your comments on infinity and 1/x being continuous at x=0 are ridiculous!! First 1/infinity makes no mathematical sense. What you mean is 1/x as x approaches infinity is 0. Second 1/x goes to negative infinity when x is negative and positive infinity when x is positive. Even if you can imagine the graph touching the y-axis the graph is not continuous. Consider the function f(x)={-1 if x<0 and 1 if x=>0} This is not continuous.

  • celes

    My theory is that when things implode they actually enter a negative dimension. For example when things enter a black hole, I think the gravity or pressure becomes so great that any matter will become an infinetely dense point and as the black hole continues to crush it, it will implode (disappearing from this positive dimension) and when entering the negative dimension will actually expode.

  • Harry Glinos

    Since your web site has gotten so big and your the amount of mail you get is so much that you can't keep up anymore. As we all get older it seems the amount of time that we have to do things seem to get shorter. I suggest that you put together a small web team together. Have one person read a portion of the email and them do some minor maintinence jobs on your site. While you do all the major jobs and make all of the decisions. This should give you more time for yourself and you web site wont have to suffer because of your ever tighting schedual.

    Harry Glinos Sergei4@oocities.com

    Yes, I agree. I am going to make many changes. I just halted the topic page. Anyone want to help? - Eric

  • Dan Spires

    I was just re-reading my entry for the line theory and it occurred to me that you may have come across something not so new! If you look at the moustache theory in 3D and lay it on its side to achieve a representation of the limitless volume of infinity you would get the typical sign for infinity (the lazy figure eight) . . . Or maybe you've just explained it? Go figure! Dan

  • Brad Moser

    Hi, This is my first visit to this web page and i'm quite impressed. I just began pondering such topics a few days ago while finding myself bored in calculus III class. After reading some responses and thinking on them, I have one major point I'd like to argue. Everybody describes if it is possible to travel into another dimension and how it could be done. But suppose we are already in every dimension. I believe infinite dimensions could exist and my first thoughts have been of the fourth being time and the fifth being alternate universes (I've been pondering the sixth). I think that we are already in each and every one of these dimensions. We don't have to find a way to travel into another dimension, just through each dimension. Write now i'm sitting at the computer and i'm in every dimension: I'm in the x-axis, the y-axis, the z-axis, time, universe, and everything else. If i stand up, i have moved in the z direction. If i walk forward i've moved in the y direction, and walking to the right is in the x direction. Just like i'm always in the first three dimensions, i think i am always in all the other dimensions. Time is continually in motion, therefore i exist in the third dimension. to move along the time axis would be to move forward and or backwards in time, by either speeding up or slowing down the rate at which our first three dimensions travel. We are also in a universe. But infinite universes could exist. By journey through wormholes or other undiscovered phenomena it may be possible to travel into another universe, which may consist of our version of time or any other rate of change of time. I picture all of this as another 2d graph. Each point on this graph is a universe (let's say universe on the y-axis and time on the x-axis). Each universe is a 3d graph of its own. So focusing in on one point finds one universe. What if we added a z-axis to this model. That would be the 6th dimension. That's what i'm thinking about now. Even if i'm way off on a lot of what i've said, i hope you've at least picked up one new way to look at dimensions.

    Brad Moser Sophomore, Lebanon Valley College

  • Brian Moses

    Hello. I read your space bubble theory and it is very interesting... It seems like that could very well be a reality, but i found one thing that may be incorrect. You said that the center of our universe is the point (0,0,0). According to einsteins theory, our universe is a 4D sphere. Just like a 2D universe would be a 3D sphere, and the universe would be the surface of that shpere... Now, what i am getting at is that the center of a 2D universe (according to einstein) is the middle of that 3D sphere (a point which cannot be reached from within that 2d universe... and if the universe were a sphere, there would technically be no center to the surface of it.) Anyways, since the center of a 2D universe is inside a 3d shpere, that means the coordinates of a 2d universe would be (0,0,0), not (0,0)... Step that up one dimension and it would seem that the center of our universe is in the middle of a 4d sphere and the coordinates would be (0,0,0,0)---one more coordinate to plot for the 4th direction. Please let me know if this makes any sense. Im open to any comments (good or bad).

  • Al Stewart

    Wish you could move it to zoomnet :) I signed you guest book on geocities. I believe anything that is conceiveable in the mind of man, exists somewhere! Else he could not conceive it! I have 2 web sites on zoomnet my home page is:

    "http://www.zoomnet.net/~djstewart/index.html" (regular home page :)

    I believe more young people need imagination, few have it! (i am 59 and been married for 24 years) I liked your 4th dimension page, it stimulates the imagination. I have studied Einestein thories and have a few of my own :)

  • Nick Graham

    No matter how powerful the rocketship is, it can't accelerate at the rate given. Eventually it would reach as close as was possible to lightspeed, and one (or both) of two things would happen: 1) Time would slow down, as per Einstein's suggestion. At lightspeed, time stops, so two hours would never come. Or, 2) The increase in the rocketship's mass due to its velocity would prevent the rocket from ever reaching lightspeed, since an object with anything more than infinitesimal mass would, at lightspeed, have infinite mass. Since it is impossible to fit infinite mass inside of a finite space, the rocketship would have to stop accelerating before lightspeed. Since there is no way to tell how far before lightspeed the rocketship must stop accelerating, the exact answer to this question is uncalculable. I have barely started to scratch the surface of research in this fascinating area of study, so I won't guarantee the veracity of my above statements. If you find an error in my reasoning, e-mail me and correct me. I would be most appreciative.

  • No Name

    I am 14. At fear of being laughed at: a thought, Today in class, my teacher was discussing the extraordinary advances being made with science and technology. She briefly (and in my opinion, thoughtlessly) added that perhaps eventually someone could invent "time machines." I opposed this explaining that some people believe that perhaps the 4th dimension is time, possibly made of infinite space and dimension. If dimensions are contained in one another as some people again believe, then the third dimension would be contained in the 4th. It is not possible to survive in the 2nd, 1st, or 0 dimension, right? I am not sure if I am getting all of this but if it were true, what makes anyone believe we are capable of surviving in the 4th. The class laughed at me (they didn't know what I was talking about), and the teacher changed the subject. I just want to know if this makes any sense at all whatsoever. I don't think the 4th dimension is time, thus my argument. 2 quick reasons: -We know, or think we know 0, 1, 2, and 3 are space dimensions, why would 4 not be. -It would mean my life is already been planned out, already been lived. Besides, my mother always said I could do anything if I just put my mind to it. I don't think she meant you can do anything you put your mind to, although it's already been done. =)

  • Zachary Schneirov

    The fourth dimension can be anything you wish; it's silly to say "The fourth dimension is time." or "Space is the fourth dimension." because it all depends on which way you look at it. You could consider the first dimension as being length, height, or width depending on what your orientation is in respect to that line. You could even say that the first dimension is time, the second dimension is length, the third dimension is width, and the fourth dimension is height. Likewise, the fourth dimension can be considered another spacial dimension while the fifth dimension can be considered time.
    If you really want to be realistic about four dimensional objects, you should consider the inverse square law that applies to all the forces that manifest themselves in the third dimension. The electromagnetic force, gravity, the nuclear force, and the weak force all vary with the inverse of the square of the distance, or F=1/d^2. In the fourth dimension, it would be the inverse cubed law, or F=1/d^3. Therefore, there would be no way for matter to form because the particles would either drift off in the fourth dimension or they would spiral into each other.

  • Daniel Herman

    Dear Eric, Your web Page Kicks!!!!! You dont know me but from your web page now I know you. Your web page saved my life because im doing a project in my sequential II math class about the fouth dimension and all your theories and ideas will make my research paper a phat one. I just want to know if you have any visual material that you can give to me or scan over. Anything and everything will be greatly appreciated. Also, If you dont mind i want to tell you a few ideas i haveabout 4-D. Im pretty sure you dont like the time theory but that is a very logical one to me. It would have to be one of the top theories. Ok, you have a 3-d cube or sphere or whatever. Instead of trying to find an extra axis to the shape to make it 4-d, you can ue time. without time, the object never had time to exist, and is therefore not an object. You need time to see a 3-d object period. Objects also change their positions sometimes and you need time to notice the changes. If you spot a flock of geese in the eastern part of the sky at lets say 5:30 pm and you see them moving to the western part until they are in the western part at 5:31 pm. How would you not see the change in their position if it wasent for the passing of time. If time didnt pass and you constantly saw them at 5:30 even though time had passed, there technically wouldnt be an object where you were looking because the geese have moved on. Objects are dependent on time thats all i have to say. Well if you can send me any visuals, thank you for them and thank you for your time. If you want to post my letter in your web site im going to need you to ask me permission first.

    Sincerely, Daniel Herman

  • David Chafin

    This is david chafin, and i have a theory on why peace is not in total exsistance, just partial peace is good, evil is bad, correct? well peace is the fight against evil, and vice versa well, to have total peace, evilness must be eliminated eliminate evil, and peace has no reason to exsist, because it has nothing to fight therefor, if evil isnt here, peace wont need to exsist, because no one will understand it's meaning

  • Schizo21@aol.com

    thats some weird shit brotha.

  • D. Spires

    Hey Eric! Did you catch what Cerine said for dividing by zero? I doesn't really mean anything. For example, if you have 8 pieces of pizza and 4 people, each person gets 2 pieces 8/4=2 makes perfect sense. But if you have 8 pieces of pizza and 0 people, how many pieces does each person get? 8/0=0? 8/0=8? 8/0=infinity? It's a nonsensical question. This seems to echo the question of a tree falling in the woods. If there is nobody to eat the pizza, does one actually exist? Just a thought, Dan

  • Michael Calaluca


  • Mr. X

        I think that the answer for the pancake enigma is not correct.  I
    have two possible solutions, of which, I think the second one is
    First:  By seeing a just right side (JRS), you are guaranteed of having
    either the just right pancake (JRP), or the half right pancake (HRP).
    If you pick the JRP, you will definitely see a JRS.  If you pick the
    HRP, you will see a JRS 50% of the time, and a burnt side (BS) 50% of
    the time.
    Prob of picking JRP = 1 - (Prob of picking HRP * Prob of seeing JRS)
                                     = 1 - (.5 * .5)
                                     = 1 - .25
                                     = .75
        Therefore, if you see a JRS, you have a 75% chance that you picked
    the JRP.
    Second:  There are a total of 3 JRS on the 3 pancakes, 2 on the JRP, 1
    on the HRP, and 0 on the burnt pancake.  The probabilities of picking
    pancakes are as follows:
        Number of Chances of Seeing JRS on pancake/Total Number of JRS
        Burnt Pancake:  0/3 = 0%
        Half Right Pancake:  1/3 = 33 and 1/3 %
        Just Right Pancake:  2/3 = 66 and 2/3 %
        Therefore, if you see a JRS you have a 66 and 2/3 % chance that you
    picked the JRP.
        In any case, I enjoy your sight.  Doing some different thinking at
    some point during the week is refreshing.  Keep up the good work.

  • Marion Strauser

    About "The Hanging Enigma" -

    I think he could have been hung on any day but Friday - because as long as there was more than one day left in the week, he wouldn't know which day he'd be hung, until the executioner shows up.

  • Pete Rutske

    Hi, You say that we as 3D beings do not move thru time. I suggest we do. As I sit here at my desk tonight I am not in the same place I sat last night at this very same desk. I have traveled along a time line from yesterday to today. Everything has traveled along the time line. We have no referance to judge our movement. Our clocks travel along the same line at the same rate, unless we are acceleranting close to the speed of light. The veil of ignorance will be lifted when we can "see" with out the aid of the photon. Light. WE are limited by our mutual acceptance of reality. We have accepted a 3D reality. The earth is flat!, so to speak. We need an explorer to sail over the edge to prove another dimension.

  • Mitch Ousdahl

    If the universe for a two dimensional object (say a plane) would be a sphere say, then a a plane along the x-y axis could be moving along the z axis and encounter the sphere. What if everything existing on that 2-d plane (energy, say) was a side effect of interaction between the plane and the sphere. Say some good 2-d folk had just come into existance when the plane encountered the sphere. Since they aren't especially bright, they normally percieve their universe as the part of the plane intersecting the sphere (a circle). As the plane moves along the sphere towards the sphere's equator, the 2-d folk's universe would seem to be expanding. As it passes the equator, it would seem to contract and then come to an end. I know that this is just random bullshitting, but wouldn't it be cool if our percived universe (the part of an infinite cube that intersects a hypersphere, aka a sphere) was something like that. That's assuming that we percieve our immediate universe as something like a sphere ( I always had that impression, for some reason). That's also assuming two objects in two different dimensions can interact in some way. Since this assumes so much, I stop now and settle for sounding only slightly like an ass.

  • Nicholas Liggett

    I noticed the fact that you believe in, perhaps, an infinitely large universe, or a curved universe that touches itself...i.e.: a 3d space wrapped around a 4d sphere, much like the idea of the 2d world on a balloon surface, constantly getting larger. This premise would support the idea of picking a direction, flying for a few eras in that direction, and eventually arriving back at your starting point. Now, I don't remember which scientist it was in history who disproved this theory, but he did a good job...allow me to iterate. The light in out sky comes from, of course, our sun. At night, other than the moon, the light comes from the stars. If the universe were infinite, or curved around a 4d sphere because that would produce the same effect visually, there would be an infinite number of stars in the sky, or at least visually infinite. In that case, our sky would be lit up as bright as day, even at night. This phenomenon would be caused by the fact that no matter where one looked in the sky, there would be at least one pinpoint of light coming from that location. So, the entire sky would be lit up...because even a million flashlights from a mile away are bright, henceforth, an infinite number of stars some lightyears away will still light up. Even if, though the infinite void, the light from a star were warped around the gravity field of a black hole or a star, or dimmed by a nebula...another star's light would be warped right back into that stars position by another, or perhaps, the same black hole or star. This theory follows Darwin's theory of give an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters and enough time, and by sheer probability, they will produce all the works of Shakespeare. It's a statistical certainty.
    Nicholas Liggett

  • Kate

    Hi Eric. I've been fascinated with the fourth dimension and especially time travel for years. My current interest is in founding a peace academy. Though the idea for a peace academy is not new, (A proposal went through Congress in 1983) one featuring fourth dimensional science and arts might be. What do you think? I'd love to share more with you, but I'm not sure where to start. Let me ask you how did you become interested in the fourth dimension?
    Peace, Kate

    May Peace Prevail on Earth

  • Jose

    I want to thank you. I have not only gathered info. from your web page, but you have given me the opportunity to put out what today's society needs more of: spiritual knowledge. Also, I want congratulate you on an excellent web page, very informative, constructive, edifying and interesting. You are giving people the opportunity to teach others without the contention one may run into by trying to use conventional ways of communication. May God bless you, and keep up the good works. ps my name is jose(004556@prtc.net).

  • Jose

    I hope that you recall an essay I did on the fourth dimension; it talked about how light and sound made up the fourth dimension. Also, I talked about how Jesus Christ is the perfect example of someboby having the knowledge of the fourth dimension and, briefly explained, how if we was to fully understand the fourth dimension it would have to be through Him. I don't know if you will post this on your page but if you do I would like to pick up where I left. For those of you who didn't get the chance to read my first essay I'll quickly give you a review of what is the fourth dimension. Basically, the fourth dimension is a vast amount of space in which light and sound work as the primary source of energy; that is, after its maker: God. The third dimesional world we live in is a manifestation of what has, will and goes on in the fourth; the lesser is controlled by the greater. Now, how the we know that light and sound come from the fourth? Not only did God say: "Let there be light", but He also made a sound as He said it. Recently, scientists discovered that material had been left, in other words created, after they had fired a light laser at an area no larger than the period at the end of this sentence. Also, scientist have discovered how particles are held together by sound. All this data does is prove what God has been trying to teach us through the bible. All one need is enough interest to learn and a little bit of learned knowledge. All the "misteries" that man have and will discovered are all talked about in the bible; a wise man once said: there is nothing new under the sun, all that one thinks about has already been thought by someone else. The only difference is that the language the bible is written in was the language that was understood then. Anyways, if the third dimension is controlled by the fourth then we must be part of that dimension. To a certain degree, we can control our third dimensional space by having a little bit of knowledge about the fourth. How does one control one's third dimensional space? It all starts with the thought process. I'll give you some examples so that you may better understand what I'm trying to say. Have any of you feared being laid-off? Have any of you feared failling a test? Have any of you thought about being successful at a particular field of study or career? Whether it's a thought of fear or a thought of success, what goes on in our minds will manifest itself if we speak it out. Once we have had a thought long enough in our minds we, conscienceously or not, start to speak it out. Take for example the kid who plays sick in order to miss school. The child thinks: well, i'll just tell my parents that I'm sick so I don't have to go to school. What happens after the child thinks and says that he's sick after so many times? The child actually becomes sick for real. What about people that become rich? They just don't become rich overnight. They become rich because they have said "I will be rich" so many times that they actually become rich. Do you see the pattern? In this sense, we can control our third dimensional space. It is just a matter of how under control your thoughts are. Also, it is a matter of how good one controls one's tongue. Of course, the spoken word is not the only thing that will fully control your third dimensional space. There are additional attributes that play a role; one additional as a matter of fact. But, for the sake of this essay we'll stick to the sound made when we speak. As words come out of your vocal cords a dimensional reaction between the fourth and third dimension starts taking place. It is like putting lukewarm water in a freezer. If the water is left in the freezer long enough a physical reaction will take place: the water will turn to ice. Once the power of your spoken word has been let out then the reaction starts taking place. How long does that reaction takes to manifest will depend on how much faith you have or how much fear you have. You see, faith and fear are both the same except they work against each other(all a different subject in itself). If you have alot of faith that you will become rich and you say it then you are only telling your spirit, which exists in the fourth dimension, that you want to be rich. What do you think your spirit will do? Your spirit will be mobilized by your spoken word to make you rich. If you have alot of fear that you will flunk at anything you do then you're only telling your spirit to mobilize itself to failure; your spirit will produce failure. You will reap what you will sow; it is not only a spiritual law but it's a law of the natural. The fourth dimension is just as natural, and even more real, as the third dimension. I hope that you have gained knowledge about the fourth dimension and I'm looking forward to finishing on How To Correctly Manifest The Fourth Dimension In Your Life. In the mean time keep your spoken word as positive as possible. You will not only feel the difference but you will take active part in the manifestation of the fourth dimension.

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