My Boring Ass Life

This page is all about my boring life

Well here is a little info bout me. I'm 25 5'8 125 lbs, brown hair, hazel eyes, and have my tounge pierced. I live in a quiet little town, if that is what you want to call it. There isn't much that goes on around here, except for the occasional sign stealing and cow tippin'. LOL. But other than that it is pretty boring. I was born in Bogalusa, La on Nov 26, 1978. Now I live in Mt. Hermon, La, don't know why they call it Mt. Hermon they don't have a mountian anywhere around here. but i didn't name it so. Well it has been about 5 months since i updated my page and now i'm working at a shipyard in Larose and i like the money but i don't like the work. it's a pain in the ass. I have to give a shoutout to a few people: my lil bro Sidney for helping me with this.

Well I started a job in May of 1999 and it is alright. I work in a shipyard in Larose La. I'm a roustabout and for those that don't know what that is, it's another word for a glorified janitor. all i do is clean up the boat and the building. The pay ain't the best in the world but it paid for my car and pays my insurance. Well I quit that job to get a better one but it was farther away from the house, oh well more money tho.

As of April 21 i got fired or laid off or something from a job that i actually liked. I was a tacker at a shipyard in Hahnville, which is along the River. and for those who don't what a tacker is it's a mini welder. But I got accused of stealing a radio out of someone's car when i already had one in mine that i just needed to install. So I don't see why i would want to take someone else's. The guy that accused me was the assistant foreman..he said that he fired me and my foreman and the superintendent said that i was laid off so now i'm looking for a job. well that's enuff about that..

I know that the pics are old cause i already cut my hair and dyed it dark red...well that's what the box said but it turned out purple but that was kewl. not to many people liked it, but hell with what people think.

well i know i haven't updated this in while, but as of May I've been single and lookin'(without any luck though). I moved out of Mount Hermon, I moved to Franklinton...for those who know where it is( i made the "big move" huh? yeah right it's only bout 10 miles differnce. I'm about to start workin' offshore, I think this makes the 5th job i've had this year(and it's only October). It's gonna be a bitch doin' my damn many W2's to keep up with. I still hang out with the same crazy ppl, and a few new ones. But life here hasn't changed much, what do ya expect from a hick town like Franklinton, I don't think these ppl beleive in change....Well now it's 2001 almost fair time again...and as far as work i got laid off from workin' offshore...and i've moved back to Mt. Hermon...still don't have a damn thing to do here except play on the puter durin' the day and run the roads at night


Now it is Dec 29th 2003, not much has changed i'm still stuck in Mt Hermon. Still runnin' the roads as usual, i don't think that will ever change. to my other pages: Home, Me, Interests, Friends, Music, TV and Movies


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