Lotzabop's Groovy Tunes

I've put up a few files that I've either written or have obtained permission to post. If the midi/copyright concerns get ironed out, I'll post my HUGE collection of jazz mids that are waiting offline! Meanwhile, use the email below to contact me for custom projects or commercial use of one of these tunes.

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The Files

Weird Charlie- an original 5/4 blues with a melody you can whistle in the shower!

Diana- an original ballad with a quirky twist to it.

Prime Time- A laid-back jazz tune with a nice walking line. This is part of a musical Martin wrote and maybe we can get the whole thing done for a web premier! Words and music by Martin J. Tener and posted with his permission.

Scatfish- an original 5/4 bop with minimal melody so you can concentrate on the changes.

Moon Pie- an original 7/4 blues. Don't you want to be able to say you've heard one?

Blue Gravy- an original blues.

Skeetboot Bodeep Zamboom Day- a scat lick I like so well I named a song after it.

Hutzpah Rag- accordian rag at it's finest! Catchy little tune that just fell together. Hmm...maybe I should do a few more. What do you think?

Wiegenlied (Cradle-Song), Op 49, No. 4 by Brahms arr. Grainger- I tweaked Graingers arrangement just a little and if I could play better, it probably wouldn't have needed that! This is very nice.

HB 23 {Hale-Boppe 23}- I wanted to do a tune for Hale-Boppe and didn't want to name it Hale-Boppe so... I went with HB and added 23 to make it rhyme. Hey, It's a good enough reason for me!

Press me Now press me

That was a text to speech converter saying, "Laktophish neeploop dinorfius." Silly things amuse me, I guess.

This is only a test. In the case of an actual emergency, you would be better off doing something other than playing on your computer! Leave me an e-mail and let me know what you thought of the page.

Special thanks to Maggie for the great graphics!

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