The most important thing probably in a band is the music it plays.
So, of course, you would like to hear what we sound like ...
If you live around Basel, Switzerland, you might catch us live on one of our gigs. If you live farther away, you can download some audio clips ... the next best thing to seeing us live or hearing our CD

The audio clips provided here are in two formats, in streaming RealAudio, for which you must download the plug-in or as PC .wav audio files.

Please note that the .wav files sound pretty tin-canny (as is to be expected for 11kHz 8bit .wav files). The RealAudio files, however, are taken directly from the RedBook CD-R used to press our CD and are therefore of much higher quality.
Hear or download some sound bites:
rtz_rv.wav Real Virtuality (excerpt) 292K, 11kHz 8bit mono .WAV format

Real Virtuality (longer excerpt) in RealAudio format:

rtz_co.wav Caffeine Overdrive (excerpt) 290K 11kHz 8bit mono .WAV format

Caffeine Overdrive (longer excerpt) in RealAudio format:

r2z at a gig!

Announcements: Concerts in the near future:
January 22, 1998 return to zero live in Zürich, Switzerland!
We will give a concert at a party of the ETH student community
January 23, 1998 Concert at the "Sprengfest". the party of Basel's chemistry students

r2z at a gig!
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