Last updated: October 9, 2000

Photo courtesy of Gymbox.
Photo: Andreea on beam at the 1999 Worlds in Tianjin, China.

Isa's Life
Andreea was born on the day of July 3, 1984 in Onesti, Romania. She then began gymnastics as a child in Onesti. A talented young gymnast, Isa became the Junior National champion in 1996 and joined the national team in 1997. She trains with C.S.S. Onesti, and her favorite gymnast is Nadia Comaneci. But Andreea's life has not always been happy and perfect. Not long ago, Andreea's mother passed away and her father abandoned her at home. Isa currently lives with her grandmother, and also feels that her teammates, whom she spends a great amount of time with, are her "family" as well.

My Thoughts on Isa
I believe Andreea has great potential to be an outstanding gymnast for Romania. She is just sixteen years old, and already her skills are very advanced. Isa won a team gold medal in the 2000 Sydney Olympics, partly due to her outstanding (and probably the best on the team) bars performances. Isa performs a triple twist on floor with ease. Andreea has improved greatly in many aspects throughout the past few years I have been seen her compete. Each competition I see her in, she looks more polished and clean. Andreea is what one would call an "artistic" or "graceful" gymnast. She has nice, clean choreography and lines. Her moves on each apparatus are smooth, not choppy, like some gymnasts. This is one of the reasons why I love to watch Isa. I hope Andreea will achieve even more access in her life, and maybe we'll see her in Athens! :)

Isa's Profile
Full Name: Andreea Florenta Isarescu
Nickname: Isa
Date of Birth: July 3, 1984
Age: 16
Hometown: Bucharest, Romania
Residence: Onesti and Deva, Romania
Coach: Octavian Belu
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 84 lbs.
Marital Status: Single
Education: Liceeum (Deva, Romania)
Occupation: Student
Favorite Event: Uneven Bars
Superstitions: "I have with me all the time a talisman."
Memorable Achievement: First European Championships and 1999 World Championships.
Why she chose gymnastics: Her parents encouraged/pushed her
Most influential person: Her coaches
Most admired person: Gina Gogean, Lavina Milosevici, Romanian gymnasts and athletes, Gabriela Szabo
Ambitions: "I would like to return home from Sydney with a medal in the Individual competition and then become a good coach."
Major Awards: In 1999, was awarded National Athlete of the Year, 2000 Olympic Team Gold Medal

Feel free to e-mail me if I left out some things.


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