Who are these two mysterious people?

Here's where to find out!

We are Melissa and Jenny, two American students who studied at the University of Kent in Canterbury last year (that's in England by the way). Jenny is from the University of Southern California and Melissa is from the University of Kansas. Along with our two faithful friends, Debbie and Clare, we seemed to waste a lot of time sending e-mail to each other and playing cards… which doesn't mean we didn't take time to hammer out the occasional essay.

Now that we've been spread over the globe, we feel a little lost, so please hang in there. Melissa is studying hard and Jenny is doing her student teaching.

Personal Interests

Harrison Ford, and David Duchovny are our two main men. Not really, but you wouldn't know it by the amount of posters of them on our walls. Other than guys, we like Kareoke night in the bar, jotting down to Canterbury for an afternoon of shopping, and watching habitually Friends and The X-Files.

Melissa (Liarbyrd)thinks Jenny (Omouse)is much too surburbanized... much to happy. In fact, Jenny rarely writes anything that doesn't have a happy ending, which means she's probably repressing (or is that suppressing) some deep dark secret and might one day go postal.

Jenny thinks Melissa needs to brighten everything up a little. She's got a rather tweaked sense of evil humor that sometimes scares Jenny. She writes sad stuff... but she reads cool comic books.

Now one begins to wonder how these two ever became friends... It's strange, but being tossed into another country and culture seems to have united the oddest of pairs. But they work together... Jenny doesn't let Melissa write anything to depressing and Melissa doesn't let Jenny write anything that's so happy, it's cheesy.

Melissa knows practically nothing about html, so Jenny is the one who puts these things together (yes I am talking about myself in third person). Melissa, Clare and Debbie (their British friends)give advice about what should go on the page, and Jenny tries her best to accomodate. Jenny can't spell, and neither can Melissa (hey there's one thing in common) so please have patience with them.

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Ooooh, we're hangin' out with The Bard at the Huntington Library and Gardens. Cute, aren't we?

© 1998 jlmathis@usc.edu

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