Superb Titles by Sirona Knight

Brought to you by Kalioppe's Castle

A pleasure to behold! Hunt has imbued this deck with a tangible energy. Her images of humans discovering the power of the animal world evoke emotions ranging the spectrum from loneliness to joy. The expressiveness of the illustrations makes this one of the most powerful decks commercially available, well suited for use in spellcraft. Conway and Knight pool their considerable talents in the companion book, giving their lucid and vivid interpretations of the cards' literal and figurative meanings. The cards and book work together as a synergistic whole, a testament to the prowess of the authors and the illustrator. The Shapeshifter Tarot is analogous to the traditional tarot, save for the addition of three cards, "The Double," "The Journey," and "The Dreamer," which reflect the Celtic shamanic tradition on which this deck is based, a tradition that will teach you to access and direct animal energies to fulfill your own needs and at the same time bridge the chasm between humankind and nature. (Reviewed by Brian Patterson, Price: $23.96

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"Moonflower" weaves together the spiritual, sexual, and your dreams. Flow with the Goddess and God whose seasonal energy enlivens each of the 13 lunar cycles. Within each of the guided journeys is a section on Practical Knowledge and Useful Information including; realms of dreaming and doubling out, healing, personal awareness, positive patterns, and more. Sirona Knight quotes Carl Jung, "Our unconscious existence is the real one and our conscious world is a kind of illusion, an apparent reality constructed for a specific purpose, like a dream which seems a reality as long as we are in it...Unconscious wholeness therefore seems to me the true spiritus rector of all biological and psychic events." Sirona Knight also understands the oneness of energy. "Moonflower" is a magical book that has great meaning not only for lovers but for everyone who longs to step from the illusion we call reality and into the real world of unconscious existence. It brings out the magician in you. (Reviewed by "The Tree of Life.") Price: $15.96

Click on the book cover to order Moonflower!

High priestess Sirona Knight's new release is an intriguing collection of Goddess erotica based on the Celtic Gwyddonic Tradition. This Welsh Druidic philosophy sees the mating of female and male energy as the basis of life, leading toward oneness and empowerment through the constantly renewing cycles of the Sun and Moon and all things. By embracing the concept of merging with the Goddess and her consort while making love, new doors may be opened, lifting you beyond the limitations imposed by your mind to help actively shape your future. Sexual exploration, using ancient knowledge and ritual, provides a bridge between the manifest and the unmanifest. Greenfire cavorts provocatively through the Wheel of the Year, employing tasteful sensuous guided journeys. Each Celtic Great Day (Sabbat) has its own chapter and offers practical knowledge on magickal subjects such as working with crystals and gemstones, studying nature, the four elements, dragon energy, ley lines, and how to make pookas. Fundamentals of Gwyddonic Tradition are synthesized throughout this easy-to-read book. Greenfire illustrates powerful methods for patterning energy and provides an extensive reference section. This book is a valuable and exciting addition to your library...(Reviewed in Magical Blend magazine.) Price: $11.96

Click on the book cover to order Greenfire!

Price: $5.96

Click on the book cover to order Celtic Spirituality!

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