I was just thinking today.  I have no clue why I'm writing this. Oh 
well.  Anyways, I was thinking...I know...dangerous...but I was thinking 
that people are really selfish.  I know that's a negative thought and 
everything but it needed to be said. Don't you think that's true?  I mean,
yeah we all have friends and everything, but how many people don't think
about their own well-being before their friends'?  
     How many people actually really know their friends very well?  Do
you know what's going on in their lives?  Do you know what's bothering 
them at this moment?  Why their lives might be miserable?  
    See, what I'm trying to say is that we need to start asking ourselves
these questions and then if we don't know them, we need to get them 
answered because everyone needs somebody to lean on.  You know that song
"Lean on me...la la la la"  Personally, I think that if I was upset about
something, I'd like someone to ask how I was doing or if anything was 
wrong.  Now, I know...because I'm one of these people...that the person 
you ask may snap back at you and act mad that you're asking, but it's 
really not like that.  Trust me on this, K?  Okydokey pokey.  
     Have I rambled on long enough yet?  I was just wondering.  I'm sure 
you're completely bored.  Oh yeah!! ummm....nevermind...I forgot what I 
was going to say.  
     Well, I'll stop now.  If you took the time to read this, thanks.  I'll
probably get rid of it later when I look back on it and call myself an 
idiot and stuff like that.  Did you know that people who talk to themselves
have a higher IQ?  ...just as long as you don't answer yourself.  
     Bye Bye!


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