The Bible Prof

Homepage for William H. Barnes, Th.D.

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Personal Pages:

Academic Homepage
Brief Biography
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North Central
Class Resources:

Summary of the Minor Prophets
Ten Commandments
Elijah-Elisha Analysis
Isaiah Outline

Favorite Sites:

The Assemblies of God
The Minnesota District
The New York Times
The Washington Post
CNN News
Pioneer Press
USA Today
North Central E-mail

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I am indeed a Bible professor, who has the wonderful opportunity to teach Bible and Biblical Hebrew at a Pentecostal (Assemblies of God) university in Minneapolis, Minnesota, called North Central University. Previously, for some fourteen years, I taught these subjects at her sister school in Lakeland, Florida, called Southeastern College of the Assemblies of God (now, Southeastern University). Wherever God has sent me, I thank him for the opportunity to have made a difference in the lives of hundreds of young people, who in turn will "turn this world upside down" (cf. Acts 17:6) for the sake of the Kingdom of God.

It's now been over nine years since I first attended the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida. I visited that wonderful place on eight separate occasions in the 1990's, and as I think back, I still marvel at what God had accomplished there. Do check out this link to the Brownsville Revival website for further information.

In the summer of 1996, the New Living Translation first appeared. I had the privilege to help out in the translation of the books of 1-2 Kings. More recently, a revision of this translation (what is termed the "NLT Second Edition") has been published. Click here for further information on this most readable translation of the Bible.

Thank you for visiting my page, and I pray that these brief comments and links may make a difference in your life. God bless you, today!


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