Chronos Apollonios' "Home on Olympus"

Hephaestos' Hearth:

Scalar Thermics and Ancient Magick: Is Scalar Physics the True Key to Solar Energy?

Hopefully, this will serve as a companion page to the "Janus' Door" page at this site. I can tell you that it's needed, because I'm shivering enough to be making many extra typographic errors as I write it...

A concern going back into antiquity, of course, is how to stay warm... "Nowadays", how to afford to stay warm. Leaving out why it is we get cold, take ill, and eventually freeze to death, and hopefully we'll live long enough to get back to that...

Our prospects again, ones that might help explain why the ancients didn't invent, out of necessity, the very things our lives depend on now, do seem remarkably bright...

We can imagine force fields that act as our windows do, or even better, sealing in heat at every nook and cranny, things our windows do not do. We can imagine that they ideally are able to also sort fresh from stale air, breathable gasses from toxic ones. To tell you the truth, this is anywhere but beyond us and our technology. Misplaced priorities, perhaps...

Hence, a vision of a Janus, a god of doorways who faces in and out at the same time, may take on for us the form of the so-called "Maxwell's Demon", an intriguing and reportedly elusive physical effect that can do such things as sorting warm particles from cold ones, isn't that far fetched at all. Such a "demon" could easily take a familiar form, a logical extension of things with which, as we explore technology, we are already quite familiar. Osmosis, ion-exchange, heat exchange, and more. Electrochemistry, and even electrostatics, such as the inventions of Oscar Blomgren, could greatly avail us also.

There is of course more, and I have often here used the illustration of holograms that conserve certain physical properties by speculating about the possibility of a hologram of a heater that could actually work like one, keeping you warm, without the constant electrical input, just as holograms of lenses show certain optical properties of the originals without the requisite physical mass.

If you like, you can take this all the way to magick mirrors and other agents of so-called "time-reversal". Such concepts as these devices being able to realign their enviroments to "remember", physically, the state of being warm, may be ultimately no different than Tom Bearden's thoughts on "re-gauging" energy systems to make up for the wastefulness with which they are now inherently designed.

Rather than assert to you, however, that these border on sources of limitless energy, since for us, this still requires major overhauls in attitude and lifestyle to keep from being synonymous with limitless waste, within these techniques and their related esoteria may lie the clues to how we can keep them from becoming just that.

May we begin our inquiry with our most familiar and significant source of heat, the sun?

We have often been discouraged from thinking that power can be sent by wireless. Such a notion is still mindlessly parroted in the name of education, and such a premise flagrantly pretends not only that Nikola Tesla, who single-handledly invented the bulk of modern conveniences or their most essential workings, it pretends that the very first known experiments in radio and wireless which showed exactly this thing happening are not part of every children's reference on science, it pretends that metal in a microwave oven isn't something we have to avoid, and it pretends that there are wires coming from the sun.

Each day begins with the most impressive demonstration that such a premise is absolute nonsense, rising in the sky to give life. The sun can send power by wireless. It can also do it across a vaccuum, which is remarkably significant.

We have been told that our seasons, the occasion for this very writing, are due to deviations in the earth's precession. This is such a flimsy premise that many people are easily taken in to believe that seasons are due to irregularities in the earth's orbit, and the fault is not their own. That's a good an explanation as the one we are supposed to believe. This premise encourages us that due to the earth's precession, there is a greater distance between the sun and the wintering places during those seasons.

Think about this for a minute. The sun is ninety-three million millions away. If we had a million more miles of distance between us and the sun in the winter and the summer, should even that make so much difference? The extremes of temperature on even more distant planets from the sun than our own exceed ours.

We can also consider that even when it is below zero outside, the bright sun can pour through our windows and bestow warmth. How is this possible if it has become so much farther away that is cannot bestow warmth on the earth? This is no different than what happens in our cars. Provided the window is rolled up, we can recieve significant warmth, and in the summer, we can recieve it far in excess of what we desire. Without stopping to contend with the precise details of the erroneous notions that all of this is due to heat and how it accumulates, it's clear that what we need could be an overhaul of our basic ideas about the workings of all of this.

Our view tends time and again to be a subjective one, just as are our very perceptions of warmth. What is cold to us, what we perceive as an opposite to energetic states of matter, is only somewhat less energetic than what we recognize as heat.

Of course, this is not all of it. Richard C. Hoagland's forays into the physics of planets that result from his observation of artifacts on Mars and the mathematical messages of their placement, already embrace the fact that certain planets of this solar system put out more energy than they take in from the sun according to our dogmatized reckonings. Especially with such a system of apparent internal generation of energy, it's hard to image how the slight difference in plantary position can make such a difference as the seasons.

In the course of his inquiry, Hoagland has become an advocate of the scalar physics of Tom Bearden. Bearden has exemplified his physics as being able to transmit energy by sending such signals as two separate, subtle components which produce the relevant effects when the signals re-converge. While the demonstration model is of scalar weaponry, purported to have been secretly engineered by various governments, the technology may have relevance here.

If we consider our rather inexplicable variations in warmth received from the sun, we may not have so much enclosures which concentrate the heat energy that by rights should be far more evenly distributed, as we have receiving resonant cavities for solar emissions of scalar energy.

Just as we also cannot correctly account for the effects of the sun in other instances- Carl Sagan, for example, once said during one of his television programs that deserts cool the earth, because being light in color, they theoretically reflect heat back into space. I was rather fascinated with entertaining the thought of someone making Mr. Sagan walk across his "cool" deserts barefoot at high noon and seeing if his peculiar opinion still persisted. While we have the basic understanding that dark things absorb more heat than light ones, and while we can see evidence of this everyday, it's just not that simple.

The first exception to Mr. Sagan's rule of course should be the notorious "hot tin roof", which is not only light in color, but amply reflective. My own feet know of days when the difference between the softening blacktop and the pristine white concrete sidewalk was a negligible one. I can also tell you of days when you could fry an egg on the hood of a car no matter what color it was.

So what is all of this telling us? Perhaps that not just color, but possibly the organization or the density of crystaline structures- the sands of the desert, the sidewalk, the metal of the car hood- is also a very significant factor in the ability to absorb, or receive, solar energy, just as we may have to consider such things as black body resonance in trying to explain the true effects of solar heat and the way it is favored by enclosures.

Another thing that favors the scalar theory of solar energy is the fact, that just like Beardon's scalar physics, there is little of even a formidable energy signal that is relevant between the source and the destination. We have often heard the speculated scenario of the astronaut who can manage to freeze to death in the cold of space... even if he were closer to the sun than the earth is. Any relevance at all may be purely incidental, as is often our understanding and utilization of energy altogether. Applying scalar physics, such a situation might be altered.

Hence, the potential for increasing solar collectors, as well as an incredible spectrum of energy techniques, using scalar physics, is enormous. But there is more. Again, there is the concern that unlimited energy means unlimited waste, and it's difficult to argue. Yet when we look at the aspects of scalar theory, we see energy transmitted both not only very efficiently and deliberately, but also with exacting control over its range, rather than our present conceptions of broadcasting.

What this may mean, is that rather than use free energy to keep pouring heat into our homes, only to have it freely escape into the environment, which may have eventual possible consequence, we may be able to integrate into these systems limits which control this factor. Such transmission of heat could might not only be fixed so that warmth is distributed within a given radius, with the energy unable to escape, but could even be tailored selectively to warm selected objects. Scalar heating could warm the persons in a room without having to incidentally warm everything else in it, which alone could produce tremendous savings of energy and leaps in conservation.

It's yet another occasion to consider whether we need free, unlimited energy before we truly learn what to do with energy, and all of this in addition to what has been said about how energy is applied in households in this page's companion page, "Janus' Door".

There is of course more... while I have proposed that the ancients, in creating celestial markers all over the earth, which require knowledge of the earth's precessions in order for us to correctly calculate their ages, may have done so primarily to draw our attention to the precessions of the heavens to call our attention beyond it to the precession of the atom, we have identified this already as an even that corresponds with our procession of seasons.

If we extend this to the atomic level of matter, exactly what are we looking at? Furthermore, if we re-extend this physics back up to the level of planets and stars, what is this saying? I will for the moment leave this to the reader's imagination, but the implications are indeed incredible, and our familiarity with the fundaments of much of it, may be as close as our microwave ovens.

So, for the moment, seeking to understand scalar thermics, and suspecting that the ancient people of earth knew all of this very well, where can we turn for help and guidance with our quest to possess this technology? Besides the places I have already implied or hinted at here, do you find it ironic at all that the ancient Greeks immortalized man's receipt of fire, heat and light, in the form of a story that both casts as the vehicle of this receipt, the component of a wand that clearly can be seen from it's context as a sender and receiver of energy? Prometheus, according to Greek mythology, brings man fire on the same fennel stalk that is the core of the Thyrseus-wand with which ancient magickians of the Elusianian mysteries performed their miracles, including the well-documented miraculous growth of plants.

Even more so, do you find it ironic that as we talk about the potentials to recirculate heat, to regenerate that energy, that our myth of Prometheus includes the daily regeneration of his body, as he is perpetually tortured by the gods for his "crime" of kindness to man?

For all we know, they are trying to tell us that they often wondered whether or not the sun was even sending us energy at all, or whether it was sending us something that every day, turned time backwards for the physics and physical characteristics of matter, and made them magickally as warm as they were before... that, "as above, so below" being the motto, as the planet precessed, so precessed the atoms it was made of, and their restored states gave warmth and light... that the sun did, or could, simply make them as they were the day before, which just happened to be warm, as opposed to making them warm. There may well be a difference.

All this in addition to the miraculous thermodynamics, that because of the role of precession in "time-reversal", highlight the physics of the magickal, alchemic resurrection of the Phoenix bird, known as Palingenics, that can be conveniently tacked on to the precessional message of the ancients.

The witch learns or should learn firs, that the power of anything can be inverted, that "what can kill, can cure", "what can harm, can heal", and all of this "hair of the dog that bit you" magick is emminently justified by the most sophisticated and ambitious views of modern physics. Even moreso, its brainchild, homeopathic medicine, is recognized and accepted even by the cynical and restrictive governing bodies.

While I have devoted a page of this site to "Magickal Fire Prevention", which includes some simple yet likely profoundly powerful tricks, that when correctly accomplished, can keep a house from being engulfed in flames, what would the other end of that stick be? Can what keeps a house from being far too warm, also keep it from being far too cold? That is only one possibility, and for materials, it largely calls for three sticks of a certain wood with peculiar physical properties.

If we stop and think back, and imagine, of not only unusual devices and techniques which the ancients employed, but of anywhere that the form of the dwelling itself might have enabled and reflected the physics within, what can we find? While the most primitive qualities of such a structure may be all that is at work in the here and the now, there is much about the tipi, for example, with its impossible amount of heat loss through an open roof, that leaves us to wonder how it could ever be adequate according to our reckoning. While I don't have an easy answer for you, I'm a little fascinated by the fact that the very physical form of such an unlikely dwelling, is a physical model of polar precession.

As Richard Hoagland so admirably pauses to reflect now again when looking at the anomalous knowledge of past peoples, "Now what did they know?" "What did they know", indeed!

There is much to more to consider as well. There are elements of the rituals of certain peoples that seem as if they are the remnant of a science that could have included radiogeothermics... (am I the first person to use this phrase? ) that would allow us to extract heat from the excess energies of planetary cores by wireless means. This of course in the wake of fabulous promises of employing geothermal energy that now seem to have run out of dwindling steam, or that even look naieve in retrospect. Such a means of tapping the earth's core could both circumvent the inherent and even overwhelming difficulties of transducing geothermal energy- turning it into a more usable form, or of distributing geothermal energy.

Turning heat into electricity and back into heat again sounds as questionable as many of our other energy follies, including how easily we forget the relative inefficiency of our own nuclear reactors, which are, in truth, outside of their nightmarish aspects, little more than glorified steam engines.

Scalar technology could provide the missing link here, just as easily as it could also give us the most efficient solar energy we could imagine.

These ancient rituals also don't stike me as being much different than the reseach of Charles Brush. Who that has seen it could forget his research on falling bodies that remain permanently warmer. Permanently warmer, and yet after all this time, we're doing anything but standing in line to even talk about putting such an effect to good and practical use (let alone making good use of some of the more sensible candidates for explaining "cold fusion", some of which clearly have been never know to share the inherent drawbacks of Pons & Fleischman's notorious experminent.), even though it all seems to fit together sensibly.

So as I look on the results of a surprise winter cold, the deaths in a garden that had remained green almost until Christmas, we've had the worst winter here in ten years. This, only days after web sources reported that it looked like our government had been playing around with their "secret" weather control experiments again (you'll find the most credible people you'd want to run into backing that up, by the way, including Tom Bearden), when suddenly the jet stream took the most peculiar of "unexpected" dives. Much of the technology I'm talking about already allegedly exists, in anything but the appropriate forms...

You tell me whose hands it belongs in, and most of all, for what sort of purposes... because it occurs to me that instead of these nasty and deadly surprises from our weather, here is the technology to keep a backyard a green and productive paradise all year round, without disturbing our climate or our environment.

Mr. Beardon seems to be a modern Prometheus, who has shared the knowledge in the hands of self-aggrandizing "secret" powers, the would-be "Gods", and bestowed it upon mankind. (Ironically, they haven't tied him to a rock to let the vultures devour his liver daily in quite some time, if anyone has any "Men-In-Black" stories waiting in the queue.)

I leave you to ponder this, while I dwell on fire gratings that look like tools for cohering energy, how all good chimneys tend to resemble dowsing forks, and probably a hundred other subtle clues to now long-forgotten sciences, as Nikola Tesla himself used to speak of his "wireless arts".

In the long run, it seems as if a whole spectrum of wonderful knowledge has long been known on this earth, however quietly. There is simply more you can do with some sticks to stay warm than the horrendously wasteful process of setting fire to them. We shall see... leave it perhaps to Palingenics, our Alchemist's vision of applied time-reversal science and the "implicate order paradigm", to give us the power to burn the same log more than once if burn it we must. There are many possibilities, ripe for any mind that refuses to sit on its laurels. Add to that the desire to bestow improvements on one's fellow man. There is the gift of Prometheus.


Visitors since December 24, 1998

"The answer lies within your higher self. Ask yourself the following question: If you were an angel who had the knowledge of free energy on planet earth, whould you love this planet and its beings enough to share your gift without recognition? If you can answer 'yes', then you are a master of the Prometheus game and you will find, as I have, that wonderful, synchronistic events and experiences accrue that yield inspiration and guidance."
-Moray B. King, from the book, "Tapping the Zero-Point Energy"

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