Chronos Chronicles

November 1997 Part Two

Date: Mon, 3 Nov 1997 14:31:11 -0800
Subject: *Knave of Tarts* Returns...


Read Lewis Caroll's chapter on the Knave of Tarts quite carefully looking for allegories how to materialize pop-tarts. Think I'm getting close, but Really, what some people won't resort to...

Overlooked a good spiel on the Jack-O'-Lantern as a Cauldron...

I get to thinking, that holographic leaf display in auric photos, ...
I mean, last night I was lecturing about phase conjugation techniques, about that kind of crystal where you shine two lasers in and then shut one off and the crystal recreates the beam. Okay, I can see what it is and where it's going show it a laser and a pop-tart and "Pavlov's Crystal" will recreate the pop-tart, so to speak...

But this is still fraught with so many obvious questions that were never explained, that it gives it much in common with Dumitrescu's perforated leaf and other Kirlian, of which many obvious things seem to have never been attempted...

I'd bet if there's been progress, they're down to admitting you can use plain old quartz as a PC crystal, but...

...and okay, the "Pump Loops" explanation of this kind of Phase Conjugate effect make me think casting a circle might be creating a pump loop and okay, I got into the subject under "Healing Holograms", right after Gerber's going on in the reference above how the whole universe is a hologram...

But right about here I have nothing going for me unless the desperate serendipity that the associative memory crystal questions and the Kirlian questions might be one and the same...

A terribly long shot, but I wouldn't rule it out yet...

Hmmm... *more research*!

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Mon, 3 Nov 1997 23:05:46 -0800
Subject: Tears Without Magick


It was too late to warn me, right?

Just got my Crowley books today, "Three Great Hoaxes of the War" and "The Fun of the Fair".

WHAAAT? You mean there's No Magick in them, just the superficial impertainent political dogma that they appear to be?


Oh well, I like what I hoped they'd be better. (you mean we can learn something from non-disclosure? Yes, Data...)

But I'd have sworn the Three Great Hoaxes of the War were The Uncertainly Principle, The Bomb, and Germany as an Instigator. Could have fooled me.

Will try reading "The Fun of the Fair" again before I press flowers with it, maybe I just missed the subtleties for lack of orientation with European history this century. Oh sure, use something for an allegory that no one in their right mind Gives a rat's ripcord about... see if I care...

Okay, okay, is there somewhere on-line I can go for info about these books before I do That again? Or other resources?

Oh the unspeakable pain... I'd rather have been tied to an anthill by Chinese...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Mon, 3 Nov 1997 23:56:00 -0800
Subject: "Dating a Goddess"


Just got to peek at the 97-98 Witches Almanac (not the Llewellyn whatzit)... on my way to oblivion-through-trivia...

pg 26: Diana and the Date Palm Tree. (Her *breasts* *are* dates. End of story.)

Oh, no, I'm defending a Saint? (Jerome) It's no fair! :-) :-) :-)

Well, you know. Unless you're our of dates... The squirrels seem to agree... that the Pine IS also one of her primary affiliations. But their hearts are certainly in the right places.

Wanna bet you can get compasses out of dates? Nicer than burning off bird brains for that magical stone... Hence we have a meteor legend? (Zeus, I hope I'm not turning into Erich Von Danniken here.)

Or something like that.

Obviously, if they had thousands of years to be way ahead of me, I'm certainly not caught up yet, am I?

Just feeding the bears... If they get unruly, pass the laxatives and praise this "Bran" fellow...

I like this Witches' Almanac, as quaint and chipper as those Jeanne Rose books that got bought also.

Oh BTW, got one on "Feng Shui Astrology: Using 9 Star Ki to Achieve Harmony and Hapiness in Your Life" by Jon Saunder. Ain't read it yet but should be fun as long as it doesn't make my medicine wheel wobble or something. What, he's thanking Michio Kushi?!?!? Wow! fire up the cauldrons, maybe... & *The Arkana Dictionary of Astrology" may make an Astrologer of me yet, I dunno. Usually I get dizzy looking up there, but...

...To bibliophiles, this IS adventure; elsewise,

...It'll beat counting snowflakes...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Wed, 5 Nov 1997 00:49:08 -0800
Subject: Wounded Healer Whining...

Hello. Was taking some kind of weird herb and Actually Reading Again... *Return of the Thunderbeings" or something. Had *500 Nations* on, and the fellow talking about looking at his ancestor's artworks leaving him feeling refreshed. Hey, me too. Made me wanna look a little more... Sooo, I always think of Wounded Healer as a repercussive healer, someone who takes on as much damage as they fix, if for a shorter time than it would have taken.

But that isn't all it is, is it? Seems as if my bitchin' bleedin' hearted thing is a kind of that. I know the crises well that can precipitate the process. (at least it wasn't my cat that got ran over.)

Which brings me to that near machismo near masochist notion Not to be the umpteenth $%#$ to glorify or justify needless pointless suffering, or to suggest the daily dying followed by a large dose of the dark night of the soul...

And yet, even through compassion, I know quite well that Heavens can be Hellish places. I also know that when one is content, complacency awaits. I also know that some of my more flamboyant posts get done as if retaliatory for some injustice upon my person, or more likely I just get reminded that what sucks is still out there...

So gee, um, what makes me think I'm an advocate of Spiritual Peace? Physical Peace, yes. But...

Oh, hell. If anyone has the time and the season down for this one, they're one up on me. I'd fall into writing the book on how to feel. How absurd. But yeah, that ideal state between suffering and apathy, I can't even think of it's name. Whatever it is, I'm all for it...

(okay, it's *I Like the tradition, it just doesn't have any coherent promise of an afterlife, maybe this is your one chance*. okay, it's *I Love the magic jewelry but it's made in some Asian sweatshop and marked up 2000%.* et cet.)

It is ...balance? Anyone got some real names for it?

All I can think of is more cr*p like the old rainbow between yin and yang becoming the spectrum of experience between life and death I try to systemize the proceedure for asking a beings permission to ressurrect them. The weird part is how many NDE cases I saw reporting that a rainbow was talking to them.

Being a holographic brain in a holographic universe running on empty, this post probably alludes to a lot more things than I'm currently aware of... as usual…

But... *nobody wants to* talk about whatever it is or Soliton Particles in magic or science...or...or...or so...

Your rambling rhetorical wreck,

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Wed, 5 Nov 1997 09:32:40 -0800
Subject: Re: Internet Message and Psychology


Um, actually, the diagnostics are flexible. You wouldn't believe the cr*p on my papers when I got institutionalized breifly, although they were careful not to drag my belief systems into that. I wish they had, it wouldn't have been nearly so pathetic. I'm sure that they could have.

Since dozens of people have written me personally about my *Wounded Healer Whining* post (ok, nobody wrote) wondering what was really up with me. I did say I was taking some herbs... apparently it was the Black Cohosh in a decongestant formula made up by some silly persons. It's *ambrosia* outside of that, but it has reserpine, a cousin of Navane, the common anti-psychotic.

This is one of the things that troubles me about mixing psychology into this realm, is that not only do they still consider this Technically a pathology to be magically oriented, but there are some of us a little to easy to cure of our orientation, even when the belief system has evolved into a system of Knowledge.

I'm that close to looking at my library and wondering what kind of demented jerk owns all these books and who cares what's in 'em.

Maybe that's a sign of depression, really, loss of interest in long-standing favorite things. I don't feel depressed.

I had the very same problem with any of the anti-psychotics I tried.

I just wake up and I'm not really me anymore.

Very spooky, really. And the ramifications.

It'd be nice to have a medicine to mop up after the medicine here. Any suggestions?

I think this is why we have peer group support and stuff, huh?

Hopefully a couple days of patience and I'll be back to my usual magical thinking... I think I hope... Yeah! What's next after immediate chemical renunciation, campaining to Compromise pagan rights? Hunting? Cannibalism? Football? AIEE!

...I think I'll just sit around and hate myself 'til it wears off...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Wed, 5 Nov 1997 10:10:17 -0800
Subject: Excalibrated


What are all these stupid plants doing all over the house? ...

Actually, I've cracked the pop-tart jokes so many times that they're working like a post-hypnotic trigger, I think I'll be okay this very morning... so there :-) Where would I be without the marshmallows though?...And the Emer Kenny CD?...

Really, though, It IS Very scary. (Never buy cold remedies from Seventh Day Adventists without looking carefully at the label... :-) I should know better, really.)

Nearly have a forward here from the UK Pagan Mailing List about a certain Arthur Pendragon who thinks he's a reincarnation of King Arthur. Seems his Excalibur is getting him in a bit of trouble, he's presently facing several charges (wouldn't suppose this is Political would you?) for carrying such long sharp things. Wish I knew more about it... I'm sure I wouldn't have so much sympathy if he'd unsheathed it during a bar brawl...

I'd love to say he should just get an imaginary one and visualize, I'd love to be God personally and address his accusers: "Who TOLD you it was a weapon"; methinxt something to long for is a projective hologram magic *weapon* until the *powers that be* figure out the difference between a weapon and a tool...

(Might help to clarify a few things, too…)

Then again I must sound like I'm ready to run down to Toys-R-Us and buy a plastic light saber to battle the forces of darkness with. Y'notice that the safer you get here the less sane someone's going to think you are? Seems like ya just can't win, Sigh.

Good thing he wasn't a lumberjack, the axe might be legal...)

...Let me emphasize, Magical Tool being the correct term...

So just for the record, I'm not bring it up to be rhetorical, it's of course a concern whether or not some of us want magickal weapons around where the responsibility-challenged might get into them. Just as it is how it correlates for the item between how dangerous it is and how effective it is magickally.

Again, this is likely extreme to concern one's self with, as compared to whether the brouhaha was over a machete or a shop tool, but there seems some interesting things that are possible with energy that might replace the sharp things, which I refer to John Lust's notions about the magickal/ electrical properties of houseleeks in his "The Herb Book", and pyramid energy or mana.

It's possible that a sword handle with a recess the inverse shape of the blade can act much as the sword, being obviously much safer, just as much as Polyneisan wisepersons might assert that Mana can accumulate in caves or outcroppings, ie positive OR negative resonant masses. Other things which may replace sharp magical weapons if carefully considered might be things like pyramid tipped wands, various wands in general that are distinct from the normal magical tool, and so forth.

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


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