Chronos Chronicles

July 1997 Part Three

Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 10:31:09 -0700
Subject: Re: Toward a Vocabulary of Shamanic Values


Um, not sure here, this regards the Doctorine of Signatures, a kind of obscure tradition that says the uses of plants for medicines and homeopathic medicines and even foods and utilarian purposes is *somehow* written right on them, in *Signs* or *Signatures*. There are a number of formidable theories why it is like that, but anyway, I've done A Lot of looking at plants and their uses and haven't been able to disregard this, even though sceince generally does... In fact I think it's to the contrary, I just find more and more of these *amazing coincidences* as I go along. *What are the odds* (answer=*astronomical*, ie it is likely Beyond Coincidence; humans may be adapting to thier plant environments to make it so) is the great question, always comes up with the *Walnut looks like a brain, is one of little over a dozen plants known to contain a form of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter in the brain". William Coles observed this Signature although he may not have known about the Serotonin at the time.

The Alchemist Paracelsus and the Herbalist, Nicholas Culpeper are several others who subsrcibed to this way of looking at things; Della Porta, author of Natural Magic, etc, is another... The Doctorine of Signatures also includes the ideas of sympathy and antipathy that are more often used by modern herbalists or homeopaths...

There is a lot of circumstantial evidence in treating ancient literature and symbols as remarks in this regard that he Doctorine of Signatures may have been to ancient, and mystical, persons basically what sliced bread is to modern persons...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 10:45:03 -0700
Subject: Fwd: Doctorine of Signatures

Here is a little more of specific examples of the Doctorine of Signatures in case they prove helpful to anyone; my apologies for the forward headers, a certain list starting with A... is Not recommended by me...

Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 10:35:38 -0700
Subject: Fwd: Doctorine of Signatures

Apologetically, one may find the Doctorine to resemble Quantum Mechanics in that its authors and patrons may struggle to believe it themselves some days of the week!

While it is possible to "conjure" quite a sizable list, as I mentioned previously, it is somewhat difficult to find good historical examples in literature. The walnut resembling the brain in form and substance is perhaps the best known, as well as Digitalis (species, source of the drug digitalis) whose leaf looks vaguely like a heart (distorted).

(I have observed that Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis), which Dr. James A. Duke/ USDA has suggested may be or contain a heart medicine, has even more of a heart-shaped leaf.) I can only imagine, but it is possible, perhaps, that some of the iridoid/ cyclopentanoid material is able to fufill a modest number of less-critical functions of adenosine or ATP, increasing availablility thereof?

Janis B.Alcorn, in "Huastec Mayan Ethnobotany" has citations of certain Solanaceae- and/ or Asclepiadaceae- family plants which are not only heart shaped and/or colored, but contain cardiac glycosides similar to digitalis (It is intriguing that there are several indications that the preferred use is topical, or external.

Some sources credit the discovery of aspirin in the original form of willow bark to a "branch" of the Doctorine that suggested that since Willow grew in cold damp places that would aggravate rheumatism or arthritis, that it was of such a nature to help with these problems (A similar idea might be applicable to desert environments cf. Ephedra; cf. Cactaceae) I further observe that the Weeping willow is "arched or hunched over like someone with a bad back". Any value as a diuretic may be suggested by this aspect also.

Daucus specie seem to repeat the theme that they are remedial to eye problems caused by deficiency of the appropriate constituent nutrients . One purple flower is found in the cluster of Queen Anne's Lace <=rhodopsin>; the carrot is brightly colored (eye-catching) even in the dark where the root grows, etc. Considerable fancy may regard the shape of a carrot as that of a telescope, and the single purple flower in the bird's nest-like inflorescence as that single spotter high in the crow's nest of a sailing vessel with such an optical aid. The cross section of the root may faintly suggest the pupil surrounded by the iris.

Onions, which cause tears, may be thought of as tear-shaped.

Corn kernels can be construed to represent the teeth, and one may consider the presence of the minerals Mg, Ca, and P.

Pimpernels (Anagalis sp.) have flowers that withdraw at the approach of rain; this "introversion" might be construed to suggest that their chemistry is pertainent to the neurochemistry of autism or introverted behavior. (DOPA/ DOPAmine may have been reported from this genus)

One of the more interesting observations that I have not had the opportunity to persue concerns Watermelon (Citrullus sp,) and it's resemblance to a woman who is pregnant. Watermelon is a conspicuous source of l-glutamine, which, having already become known for arresting hangovers and perhaps preventing other ravages from alcohol, so too might protect the fetus from it. One specie of Polygonum cited for glutamine content whose morphology (the sheath?) contains suggestions of a placenta, perhaps, has an ethnobotanical citation as an anti-abortifacient. At the time I was looking into this, researchers had only begun to study the role of glutamine and glutathione in the gestation process, but the results seemed promising. Gurudas makes this inference from the high water content of the melon, and has other views of what the general morphology suggests, also related to the process of conception. It has continually fascinated me that this morphology along with similar chemistry is found in such an unrelated plant as the Iris (Iris or Juno sp.) pod whose seeds the Ancient Romans purportedly put in wine to prevent hangovers. This extends to "bottle shaped" squash or gourds which may share the glutamine content and suggest, imaginatively, a large container of wine. I have somehow taken to remembering that glutamine and other "smart drugs" may be helpful correcting deviant behaviors by thinking of a watermelon's stripes the stripes of a prison uniform.

I have become enamored with the idea that Clary (Salvia sclarea) whose seeds have been used to clear foreign matter from the eye because of their gelatinizing properties, has bracts which resemble an eye who whites are irritated, perhaps by the intrusive matter or the rubbing that should be avoided in this case. It is possible to be more poetic in this case that such an eye-pleasing plant is an eye-saving one. "Salvia signatures" might also include Salvia officinalis, used as a tooth scrubber, but whose leaf resembles the tongue that is also to be brushed or scrubbed, right down to the resemblance to taste buds.

Gurudas is the actual name as it also appears in "Books in Print". I am not certain exactly who he is since the work is supposedly "trance channeled" (I tend to believe it is the result of familiarity with the impressive collection of works in the Bibliographies and much thought, but I will of course leave others to make their own conclusions) from several "spirits" though several persons serving as "channels" through which they communicate.

The material in the several texts devoted primarily to plant signatures may be rather "refined" or "esoteric" for some readers, but they are certainly fascinating reading. The material concerns the use of these agents as homeopathic preparations as opposed to "physical" foods or crude drugs.

Again, there is also a website for Gurudas/ Pegasus Products ("Flower Essences") where there is a sizable collection of this type of material. It should be easily accessible to most search engines.


Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 12:18:59 -0700
Subject: Far Memory and Soul Mates

Ought to get also Memetic on this, Memetics promises to be a source of much confusion; will recall my *Amiable Mage Tarot* post and the Doctorine of Signatures observation to suggest that Dandelions may yeild some sort of preparations to contain and abate negative Memetic effects (Memes spread like Dandelion seeds would be the signature, and those who suffer the Preening Meme, or Obsessive-Compulsive Lawn Grooming, may be unconciously relaying this information also).

Anyway, there are some questions about the actual form that Far-memory information will take in the body. Does everyone think that past-life information is Purely energetic in form, or does it require the formation of Memory Protiens? What are our assuranes that in the latter case, that the protiens forming have histocompatability with the previous incarnation?

Might this create the problem that a person can actually be Allergic to their own past life information? Is there correlation observable that past life memories often are concurrent with adrenergic effects? Would the propensity for adrenergic delirium be a contributor to the probable wide-spread occurance of false far-memory effects? (those millions of Cleopatras out there)

Is there any correlation observable between far-memory herbal/ botanical aids and those which offset various adrenegic/ histaminergic effects? I cannot recommend such an herb, but there is one which is a common tranquilizer/ antipychotic type that is also used to prevent tissue rejection in organ transplants, according to James A. Duke. I have no confirmation of its effect, if any, on far-memory, at this time unfortunately; Deepak Chopra gives an anecdote however about a person who expereinced information about the recipient of a heart transplant, that she was possessed by the bad diet habits of the previous owner and eventually ended up having a vision of, and making her peace with, him.

Is there anything to be said of the idea that for all the persons we must have known and loved before, it is those with whom we are most proximal and physically close, where allergic concepts may also have relevance, that may be most accessable and most preoccupying? (And yet we might also wonder of allergic reations sometimes to things which are not necessarily even physicaly touched..)

Can astrological medicine also assist us in these areas? Or the observation of the thymus gland and its workings however mundane or however esoteric? How does the body prepare not to be allergic to something is has not physically encountered yet Is it coincidence that Thyme and Time are such similar words?

Does the idea of finding someone who is familiar to us have a potential statement to make in histaminic and mimetic terms, and holographic ones as well, and terms of sympathy and antipathy?

Such things as Amaranth employed to interrupt "Vicious Cycle" patterns of perpetually encountering the same sort of persons, often pertainent to abuse, as well as the possibility that the victims can also participate in Soliciting the abuse . There are structures of chemicals also in such herbs used in *Magick* reconciliation as Lobelia and even probably Artemisias, sagebrush and so on, that also suggest this pattern of antihistamine use to help warring couples who might therefore be technically developing allergic problems of some more subtle nature with one another.

Homeopathically speaking also, it is wise to bring these agents around persons who are doing well at the moment? "What can cure, can cause" is basically the traditional statement here, in both magic and homeopathy...

Would anyone disagree that any apparently psychotic aspects of couples in arguement or irrational disagreement may ultimately qualifiy as incidents of Histadelic schizophrenia, or that they may be more common in persons who have tendencies toward this kind of ailment, or other allergic effects, or who have other toxicity problems present already?

Ah, the Virgoman yours truly possesses, conveniently, both the tendency to get the rash and the analytical prowess to approach solutions? Maybe...

Hoping that all of us find our loves of many lives without meandering through mistakes.

Alas, the way to the top of the mountain may be invariably uphill... a challenge, is all...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 12:39:10 -0700
Subject: ...And One For…

Having left this little trick out of the recent post of Apollonian attendant duty roster (no need to master them all, but the Boy Scout stuff is always good) I will try to drop it here before my empty monkey mind forgets again.

There is theoretically a tradition using bow and arrows in materialization; remnants of what would have gone on in Eurasian culture may be found surviving thought the valiant preservation efforts of Native American cultures (I am referring to Arrow Boy stories and those which are iconically and symbolically similar).

Basically, an arrow, provided with some sort of witness, a part to help holographically recreate the whole (in some sytems if you want a duck, put duck feathers on the arrow then, if you want pheasant, put pheasant feathers and so on.) is fired into the air, and then down it comes, harnessing the forces of gravity and acceleration, ending with a never-live copy of a live game animal surrounding the head or shaft.

I apologize if the question of the matter stream will seem at first confusing ("What? It can't snatch iron right out of the air!" No, it can't...but, Aleister Crowley, in the Thoth Tarot, Trump: Adjustment, is in touch with a possible solution; (would that be "compressed quantum matter output of planetary cores"---"The solar system is a dynamo, it has to come out somewhere"? Inevitably nonlinear relativistic excess?)

As always, it is not the carnivorism nor the gluttony which trouble me, it is only the killing which sickens me...

Your Aimiable Arcane Animal Rights Activist Truly,

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.

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