Chronos Chronicles

January 1998 Part Three

(Digest 23)

Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 07:48:46 -0800
Subject: Earning that Yellow Beanie or Trying


Still mulling over the implications of that old chemical analysis of ectoplasm. Sure sure, possible replication of quantum-state electrolyte maybe if you're into that. Once again, nobody I know of speaks of having bothered to check if the gold they made really came out of the ground or not, to speak of making elements.

But if you don't believe in resolidifying propogatable quantum matter, maybe all of the applications of quatum concepts here might underscore something that may more definitely be fact:

Perhaps the one-sidedness of a label itself, namely the Pauli Exclusion Principle, would be better to be contrasted with an Inclusion Principle?

I am thinking it would be possible to explain how ectoplamic, quantum?, matter could replace itself with matching obtained matter, less with vectors and intermediary particles and so forth than this simple concept.

Now what is the myth? Dunno. Does Tantalus' myth underscore the criteria-polarity?-for governing this?

Will the term, “quantum holography” be applicable when considering if the atoms in a hologram used as a wave and or particle guide to assemble a materialized object has the proper quantum statistics for this process, if any?

Hmmm... just one tiny shred of brain more and I would be thinking coherently?

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:


Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 08:03:23 -0800
Subject: Re: Weirdness


Charged objects more likely to tunnel? Hmm... Yes, I can think of a number of things that might be exemplary maybe, and Gurudas gets into flower essences that can promote teleportation affecting coherence of energy or someting like that, which might be saying the same thing... Electrically charged particles are obviously not more likely to sit and stay put...

It is a pity I don't think more about atoms in a pop-tart tunneling their way into the form of one materializing, this could even overcome collision any problems dealing with angle and order of assembly couldn't it?

I don't know what would have to go with this to explain what appears to be the differences, but I did like the fractal idea as a way that "above and below" or macrocosm and microcosm might resemble each other a great deal. Perhaps this is the "relativity of size" concept (Lopez, Variational Homogeneity, Borderland Sciences Research Foundation)? Still waiting for someone to make catastrophe theory out of Neils Bohr's dream of the solar style puported to be his visionary way of glimpsing working of the atom, much as Kekule and his dream of the Ouroboros revealing the ring structure of Benzene.

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:


(Digest 26)

Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 17:30:53 -0800
Subject: Miscellany


I was going to forward a post from a physicist that appeared on the cuups list last August that may have *accidentally* contained one of the few true secrets of the universe, I've mentioned it before, and can't find it.

HotBot shows only one link to my incomparable web page still in spite of my efforts to promote it. Grrr... maybe I should let the world get out and push their own paradigms before I start ranting some more Age-of-Aquarius bashing... look at those powerlines everywhere, aren't they beautiful , looks like a spiderweb strangling the Earth Mother for the final kill, and with the spirit of Aquarius with us, we can dutifully just keep paying the bill and not making waves, it's the friendly thing to do, right? (gag) ....until they start getting torn out of the ground, dropped by ice, etc etc. This is crazy, really...

Wear gold brown orange and maybe red, avoid blue, burn cinnamon and anything else ruled by the nice kitty, etc, etc. Really. I swear it helps understand where peoples heads, er, hearts were at when they were building the pyramids and perfecting the Magickal crafts and all...

No really even the giants I have links to have gone way Past the mark with free energy IMHO, typical of Aquarius in the negative aspect. I really must understand why such negative expressions of this exceeding beautiful sign are so prevalent, I don't know enough reasons... Why be left at odds with what should be my perfect dancing partner?

Because someone IS trying to understand? I dunno, there was some reason they invented zen, and I'll feel like such a turd plying reverse psychology... "now children, I Don't Want you to eat your vegetables"... (as if that even works on kids? hah!)

Well, anyway, I'm feeling an intuition, dimly, about regauging done by ghosts. Tom Beardon's advocacy of this reguaging concept is something I wish I had encountered seven to ten years ago when I started all of this quest, I've Not seen it applied to Parapsychological phenomena, although the Scalar EVP spirit communication scheme (in Rex Research EVP infolio).

Little things like "is a *hot spot* (parapsychology) possessed of the properties of degenerate semiconductor inherently"? Then, using some examples of degenerate semiconductors I've referred to, and using converse logic... Then, using divine inspiration inversely, going back to Glaukos and Dardanos, and the symbols in the Poppy, and cognatables like Arianrhod, and this and that... There may be nearly a whole ready framework waiting for any necessary accurate quantities... And raising victims from the sea stands ready to be done and cross-illuminates the rest of it all by comparison...

And almost ready to name specifically what forces stand in their way that intervention is required...

That is what the poppy tries to tell me in this context, that some degenerate semiconductor systems have circular polarizations concerns going on. A few thoughts on how electrical/ electrochemical systems approximate the behavior of Tam-Happer's efforts with beams of light.

A little circular polarization with matter waves as a carrier and I could have my magick pop-tart, if that isn't doing things the hard way...

Could be that being the biggest cat out of the bag is why someone as driven as to appear quite sincere as Beardon is content to retire quietly: the cat IS out of the bag...

Will think a second on advantages of Helical polarization if any while worshipping the morphologically correspondent vines of Dionysos and who-not...

But yeah, according to my feeble efforts in Far Memory, that was the pharmakon, rituals to return lost loved ones from the sea. Thus those traditions are linked closely to the Mother Goddess in her Cretan form. So one day she is the mother whose utilarian wiles give her the fastest of reflexes, and maybe today those lil' vipers are Dionysos' Ivy. But that's the point of traditions that walked for thousands of years, innit it: "thou shalt not die of boredom from an overdose of dogma".

Um, having made another history-making contribution to the list, does anyone know if the new list is creating archives? Is anyone saving this stuff?

You never know, now that the year and month of Jack-Secret-Mystery-Goat are passing, who might unburden themselves of great news usually unspoken. May I remind you, my book of shadows is a seventy-five volume encyclopedia full of pre-ritual utiliarian expanders.

May love and light untie all tongues,
Sharpen aims
And keep us young.

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:


Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 18:50:53 -0800
Subject: Re: Miscellany


Just making addenda to myself. But yeah, I don't write ideas on paper anymore, Sooo....

(I'm not negative toward economics per se mind you, just feeling like a very old soul with more and more culture shock for each effort to get in touch with the ancient center. It keeps swearing to me that money in those days was ONLY having been enchanted with various powers, water purification, amulets, wild beast repellers, etc etc. So I still run a terrible risk of being totally at a loss for what to do to acquire the $ stuff. The idea is just so... alien... even after thirty years of it passing through my hands as it gets handed to me... Makes me damn near glad to be a disablity, isn't that Sick?)

(slaps self for ranting)

Och, what a headachy kettle of philosophical worms to open... But yes, it occurs to me that part of the Archetypical Correspondence thing tying the Poppy to this regauging business also may refer to the effect of both the system and the botanical on conciousness. Is that what sleep is, then, a regauging of the physical apparatus of conciousness? Or conversely, the fight or flight?

For perspective, the Poppy's rattle significates how gambling is like an opium addiction, or an adrenalin addiction, is actually able to generate adrenalin, apparently some kind of holdover from rattlesnake situations, and leaves the casinos to be some kind of black ooga-booga where if you close your eyes, all of Las Vegas tries to sound like a snake. This leads to implications about the medical use of ceremonial rattles and so on...

But that's the old stuff... This really does border on some stuff that's new to me, one more reason the whole idea of regauging shines, it not only seems to cover literally everything that comes before, but calls up new issues in front of he who was sure there were no stones left unturned.

So like, now I can be the Andy Rooney of the Mystic Arts: "Didja ever wonder if insomnia is nature's way of telling you you spent one or two past lives getting up at night to make use of the unantagonized aetherial fluidum/--/ectoplasm to materialize the worldly goods when the kid's weren't watching? Hell, what even makes me think the ancients even used to sleep as a rule?"

Regauging Far Memory patterns? There's an idea. Maybe I'll recover a fluency in Greek? Or a related penchant for monastics? And did you notice, having made lemons the symbol of the syndrome where nine out of ten women having a regression think they were Cleopatra, and being the only thing nine out of ten anybodies seem to know about Cleo is that she was a *pioneer* in use of a-hydroxy acids in beauty, putting lemon slices under the eyes, that the citruses have the same radial morphology as poppy heads have on top? Trippy, innit it, these serendipitious coincidences we call Correspondences. well, i call 'em that anyway...

Now to hammer this into compatability in my own mind with what already IS compatable, the Hyperdimensional, Hypergeometry stuff out of Hoagland's Martian Archaeology stuff. Only Sounds difficult?

But yeah, ran across that book, "Black Holes and Teepee Doors" or something like that. That's hint enough for me, and I passed it up because as near as I could tell at quick glance, the authors thought it was hint enough too so only the title was saying much...

But yeah, too, A little thought gets in now and then... Was going over invisibility again. Fern spores? Why does this work, to be so highly praised and often said? Sympathetic? Fool me, I'm from Show Business, we used to use Lycopodium moss spores for flashpots on stage like at concerts. So maybe this Invisibility spell consists of Invisibility due to a blinding flash right in the eyes of those you wish not to be seen by? One account of a famous mystic getting out of the grip of the lawmen that way leaves this to infer, that no one who got flashed wanted to admit they were had by something so... mundane... Should I be taken in by even that, though? Sure, I wouldn't leave That one out of my Utility Belt, but really, to really be thinking Magickally, shouldn't I try thinking that this "poof" property is simply a Signature in the "Below" of something similar but greater in the "Above"?

And many new and breathtaking questions may lie within this also... (prepares to trance channel the Cosmic Creativty Consultant once again and hopes for something on the less eccentric side...)

Here's one for you, if we can't pick up on regauging far memory off the chemical side (eccentric chimpanzee now annointing toaster with Lilac oil to conserve power. No, but now it's on fire and the pop-tarts taste terrible) ((Notice that A-hydroxy acids may end up with -CH2OH groups, like the regression-aid herbs, in the body. The specimen cup, please?)) maybe we are looking at the magic bullet that explains why some of us... well, one of us, anyway, being yours truly, almost NEVER has a day of both looking well and feeling well. And onward, to the citric acid cycle as an expression of renomalizing a polyphase?, seven-chakra? regauging function, O orange, thou art citrus, thou art the sun, and now that I doth think of it, is the big bugger up there regauging too? Put that in your new era for mankind and smoke it, even if jolly old sol has a few More surprises than that for us...

It makes me wonder... as the flowers regauge into bloom, then regauge the rain right off the seeds maybe? Will a universal principle Not be busy at work everywhere?

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