Chronos Chronicles

August 1997 Part One

Date: Wed, 6 Aug 1997 11:39:15 -0700
Subject: Re:


Being the resident translator between magic and science , I know this kind of trick from the second in the series on Anti Gravity edited by David Hatcher Childress, "Anti-Gravity and the World Grid" wherein it's described as some kind of thing like "Quadripolar Human Gravity Antennae"... I suspect it's eligible for considerations reserved for Howard Wachpress' technology, depending on a few things...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 09:09:07 -0700
Subject: Dowsing for "Class-M" Planets?

Okay, like I'm such a pathetic optimist I believe in beaming in worlds and stuff...

But I was trying some water witching last night, and thinking about how Crowley says that the force involved will someday take man to the stars, and how all the ancient chariots I ever see don't look like they'd really work with animals pulling them- they'd break ?- but they look like dowsing forks, probably involve the appropriate woods, and how I've heard how all the old Roman roads are supposedly built over underground streams... (Many horse jokes, mostly on the capitalist-fascist internal combustion regime...)

Is there something commentable if unremarkable in the idea that maybe part of dowsing means that such space propulsion might have an uncanny ability to not only take a person to other worlds, but to take them immediately and directly to worlds with water?

Thus proving you can lead a horse to water, etc, *so to speak*, in a Greener Tongue...

Will already consider letting the withy point the telescope...

Earning the right to overpopulate Terra through tantrika, and just thinking, as it were... (as it was) !!! :-) !!!

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Sat, 9 Aug 1997 17:01:08 -0700
Subject: Uhhhhh...

Although I am not able to converse properly at present, fortunately I am just flying around in my own little subject ship all the time anyway, so I just bought a book I haven't read yet called Plant Spirit Medicine by Eliot Cowan.

I bought it because I hope it will go where Gurudas Didn't on explaining the Doctorine of Signatures, the possibility that human adaptation remains so dynamic that up to the moment we are altering our ailments so that what ever is handiest will be the cure. (see Depak Chopra for maybe some intial glimspes, or other places. Chopra: "The heart hallucinated"; psychology/psychiatry: psychosomatics; substitute symptoms.

These plants spirits may be a personification of these mechanisms. Maybe then we are getting somewhere, maybe beyond...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Sun, 17 Aug 1997 12:06:00 -0700
Subject: Before I Forget... Again...

Hi All

In spite of my particular troubles getting all of the occulthaven material, the list has become my person notebook which means you can tell my head has Really been a vaccuum lately...

Still, I can't help being a little inspired; so there is this Pale Purple Coneflower out there that is getting to me. Everyone knows their Echinacea quite well by now, and yet...

The leaves are just too dark for their own good, you could expect that maybe Coneflower will go places where only Mugwort used to (Okay, Endora, ever burn This for an incense?

But that green is something I took off a realtive of Rupturewort/ Herniawort, a Soapwort it was that was so oddly dark and sticky too that the Doctorine of Signatures term, Tachichrome was born, and stuck into the realm of *Conformational Binding* a face lift for the body coming in by beefing up the glue that binds body and soul as if the breech of bodily health were the loosening of a drumskin. So one thinks this is how the herb fights the hernia? A great one for prolapses too? Get out the herbals time...

But the floral color has a glow of peace, contentment and vision. We nocturnals know this one, how the sun erodes our pathetic little acculmulations of aethereal fluidum on which we etch our dreams and aspirations, only to be scorched again into lethargy and emptiness...

And how does this pertain to the immune system? (Oh if only Rudy Steiner were still sitting hee, having tea with Madame Blavatsky!) Let's put it this way: the body's antihistamine or not, there is only so much adrenalin one can stand. No wonder they're looking at that polysaccharide last time I checked in with *Planta Medica*...

So with the customary warning: Can Echinancea alkylamides rot your teeth? see: Sanvitalia and Salmea species; see Janis B. Alcorn, "Ethnobotany of the Huastec Maya"; I have a wonderful feeling that man's relationship to the Coneflower is only beginning....

And Mugwort? Maybe that's good for hernias, serendiptiously being that's what I'll get for trying to pull any of those humongous b*st*rds up... :-)

Eats-Sleeps with-Breathes-and Smokes-Herbs
(promoted by Native Tribesmen, formerly Sleeps-With-Sheep) :-)

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include seeds; write for details.


Date: Sun, 17 Aug 1997 13:24:54 -0700

Hi, Y'all! M*M!

I've been going thought the archives I can get to see what digests I can throw out, to be cured of being Chroni the Chronic Mailbouncer, and I have to admit, I'm really proud of Occulthaven and the quality of the discussions...

Really delighted about finding out someone else is a "Pythian* (Preistess of Monty Python) and better yet (Speak of the Devil so to speak), I just bought C.S. Lewis' "The Screwtape Letters" (I finally found it!) hoping to prove to myself some more that he is *One of Us* and this book isn't a statement of his Christendom, but a typical *speakeasy* coded work under the subject header, about the countless applications of the herb Wormwood and its close allies, like Mugwort and Sagebrush.

I got as far as the intro and was ROFLMAO to see his use of the phrase *Spiritual Cramp*; I know of few places you could see this illustrated in the Signatures and Signs of nature than in the Geniculation/ Contortion at the base of the Wormwood stem.

Will get back to you but I'm pretty sure; as I told another list today, this probable book of applications for generally a single herb just so happens to have the name conspicuously displayed (Wormwood is the name of the other demon besides Screwtape, who is likely my old friend Ourboros) of that very herb, which is the easist of all to devote an entire book to...


Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Sun, 17 Aug 1997 17:10:54 -0700
Subject: Re: OH: Money Come Incense

Okay if I mix it during the hour of Saturn so I keep from spending it?

I'd probably give it all away if I mixed it during the hour of the Sun...

Want any recipes for "Money GO Incense"?

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Sun, 17 Aug 1997 18:53:12 -0700
Subject: Re: Ready to Rock...

Hi All!

Those are them. I still think there's more verses to "Lavendar's Blue". Mostly because I can' get a thematic analysis to work out right. It says "lavendar is used in spells to subjugate others to do your farm work" and that can't be right, it's way too immoral for a song that starts off so heartful and tender. Maybe King and Queen are God and Goddess and this is about finding soul mates, but... the rest of it?

The Thomas Campian song is so pagan it can't hide it; its about Palingenics of course the art of raising things from their ashes. And it's explicit. According to historical literature this is about the time this art was coming into prominence, but you can see the anomalies in the history of science, murmur being a minimal force needs to be used, no different than temperate heat is used in cooking; (*Epicurean* used to mean people with a Palingenic philosophy before it mean cooks actually, as far as I know); eyes, in other words, light, ie this is Not running on photons in this instance, and so forth, maybe love is used is the sense of the philsopher Empedocles' writings. Or in the sense of electricity that has homogenous static patterns rather than turbulent discordant ones... and so on...

There is another one by the same fellow, about the rivers run backwards or something, which is another dead give away for Palingenic instructions, is it "Fire" or "Fire, Fire"...
Does anyone know that one by Campian? I barely remember it due to lack of repetition... Or this story that he's a contemporary or peer of Bacon?

... Just Putting the *Free* Back in Freemasonry...


Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Mon, 18 Aug 1997 10:43:32 -0700
Subject: INRI vs NIR...

Hark! An Inquisitor's Scarlet Robes!

I'm looking at a Celtic wall hanging, an Irish blessing, and I'm haunted by the symbols of formulas for protection thru invulnerability (hey, Cunningham started it so *don't shoot me*, hee hee hee). The little border of dots around persons recall comments in these areas from Theosophists, and there are some Celtic knotwork designs recalling the Marathon *device* of the Greeks (Yay! Greeks!)


...Can I say that Nitrogen in a collective quantum state may have non-linear properties that can substitute for the *magickal* calcium the Theosophists seem to assert??? on webtv?

Having been making a Ayurvedic tea for my Pitta-ness, today is the first time in a long time I haven't got up feeling like some kicked he sh*t out of me the night before- not much ambition yet... will keep you posted, toasted, and will be using Ayurvedic Pop-Tarts as throwing stars within a week I hope> I'm a little clearer on the fact that the Knotwork is signifying a Non-Inductive Resistor apparently, as if the very act of being done by a projectile or a high impact were an ac of (mutual?) inductance, and can be headed off at its aspect of being a high energy potential, expressing itself tangibly enough for mystics befoe the physical impact. And that this orientation would secure this.

In this area, I have for some time theorized that many amulets having loops and bows have this property and work even beter than faith can assure; while I am on the subject, I cannot seem to recall writing that they also resemble the ancient Egyptian Shen, which may be supplanted by the Cartouche, even as it appears on US Currency.

Maybe it was the Grand Idea of our Freemason Founding Fathers that money should help us feel safe and secure because we're supposed to exchange it, but because a properly annointed/ consectrated bank note can grant this quite literally... Sounds a little more like it...

(Having fallen under the effective impression of late that Freemasons have no priorities but retelling war stories ad nauseum, touting attrocious political opionions and above all drinking their little livers out, donna blame me for catwalking into their drawers. I wasn't, I gots my own...)

Therefore thanks to Non-Inductive Resistor Technology, kissing under the Mistletoe (heh there's another appearance of it?) probably couldn't be safer...if you know what you're doing....

Now, if I could get that on my spaceship... without it looking silly in a tu-tu... Happy to juxtapose this, anyone seen a Non-Resistive Inductor lying around?

A: Not since that last guy levitated at one of those stone circles. I swear to Hermes, when you have to put lightning arrestors on trees that evey pagan knows Repel lightning, something very upside down has become of the physical electrical properties in the area

I call this a reactance window, when a certain frequency has been gone beyond, the physical behaviour of a circuit changes. I assert that at least often there is nowhere for it to go but upside-down.

Old hands know inversion quite well, hmmm? I betcha two hands raise to significate actual ownership of inversion boards...

Will get y'all a patenet number and any other bona-fide info on the NIR as soon as I find it...probably by tying a ribbon around my head and rubbing a balloon on my hair... whilst I praise Hercules who jump started his brain in the same way it is said...

'Tis *E Pluribus Unum* (*You the many-footed one*) aspiring to kick some butt... and am not ashamed to have been taught the entirety of this knowledge by a sheep... in leiu of some sober masons... Sheep of course have no use for secret handshakes, since..., you get the picture, right?...

Putting the Free Back in, wait a minnit, how much is this *Money* gonna cost me anyway? ;-)- aw, Sh*t...


Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.

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