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One day in the Garden of Eden God spoke to Adam. "I've got some good news and some bad news."

Adam looked at God and said, "Well give me the good news first."

Smiling, God explained, "I've got two new organs for you. One is called a brain. It will allow you to be very intelligent and create new things and think new thoughts. You'll be able to hold intelligent conversations with Eve. The other organ I have for you is called a penis. It will now allow you to reproduce your new intelligence within a new life form and populate this planet. Eve will now be very happy that you have this organ to give her children."

Adam was very excited and exclaimed, "These are great gifts you have given us. But what could be such bad news after such good tidings?"

God looked at Adam with great sorrow and said, "The bad news is that when I created you I only gave you enough blood to operate one of these organs at a time."


During my travels out west I was captured by a gang of thugs who vowed to execute me in three days for trespassing on their turf. According to their rather peculiar local custom, they said they would allow me a wish they would grant each day until the time of my execution.

On the first day I was allowed out of my tent and I grabbed by horse by the ears and whispered my message into one of them. The horse returned one hour later with a beautiful blonde riding him.

The leader of the brigands laughed and said, "What a one track mind that fellow has."

The second day I was led out of my tent so the second wish could be granted. This time I took great care and whispered my message into my great steed's ear and again he galloped away. This time when he returned there was a luscious red head mounted in my saddle.

The heathens laughed again. Their leader reaped his previous observation. "What a one track mind. He must really be stupid."

On the last day when I was led out of my tent, I roughly grabbed my horse by the ears and whispered as forcefully as I could, "Look you idiot. I said bring back a posse. That's posse....."


An anxious woman goes to her doctor. "Doctor," she asks nervously, "can you get pregnant from anal intercourse?"

"Certainly," replies the doctor, "Where do you think lawyers come from?"

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