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Some people call this trait "imagination" or a "gift". To me, creativity is the outlet where you show your imagination to the world. It is a nice gift to be an artist that can draw and colour a beautiful painting. Anyone can do that who has "skill". The difference that makes a few artists great and noteworthy is their "talent" that comes directly from the intensity of the expression of that creativity. Talent is important because it shows people how well you can communicate your imagination through the creativity of your work.

It is a wonderful experience visiting a local art store or nearby gallery to look at the latest "creations" from some of the newer contemporary artists (some who are famous in their own right). My particular favourite artists are Robert Bateman and Trisha Romance. Both of these artists have a gift that is so unique and pure that it makes their own work stand out from all the other paintings mounted near them. I can't explain the reason for my preference other than these paintings have a magical quality when I look at them that completely describes the setting that the painting is trying to portray. The quality of Robert Bateman that I enjoy is the minute attention to detail in both the animals and landscape he is presenting. They appear life-like. The qualities in Trisha Romance that I like are the softness and texture of her colours and this uncanny ability to capture a sentimental moment through facial expressions and body language in her characters. These qualities makes these artists very creative and very popular. You can't help but look at these paintings (for hours sometimes) and enjoy their beauty. I know that other people agree.

So how does creativity "happen"? There is no magic formula or potion that will make you creative. There is however the theory that everyone has something that they are very good at. The key is to fnd what this particular "thing" is. Some people have unique skills in craftsmanship for building houses. Other people have skills for creating incredible works of stained glass. Yet other people have the ability to write books (yours truly). We are not unique people. We have just been fortunate to "find" and develop a very good way of venting our imagination. It is not an easy process but we do it out of passion.

From my own experience, I have always known that I had a skill to write and to talk. I wrote poems during my high-school years and had a "manuscript" which only a few friends and family ever saw. It didn't amount to much but even then I "knew" I had a gift or skill which was unique to me. I didn't pursue it any further because the timing wasn't right and my heart just wasn't in it. I was still only a teenager with other interests, new priorities and not enough time to do everything. I put the manuscript away in a safe place and forgot about it for many years.

The true creativity to write has been with me all along. Over the last 6 years I have been keeping a personal diary on my home personal computer. Some of the diary entries are very long and "winded" and delve into the very depth of my character and feelings. Some of the passages were very difficult to write and some were very joyous to write. I did know that the quality of the writing was very good and it was inspirational. Somehow, I did manage to write when the urge hit me. That was then.

Recently I have found a newer urge to write and it has come out in the form of a book. It is a more mature creativity that has depth of character and resilience. It is a different form of talent even though it is the same inspiration. The level of creativity that I have found in myself has soared to new heights but it is still the same motivation. I cannot explain the differences between writing poetry or writing in a diary versus writing a book, other than to say it is a more complete form of expression that gives me great personal gratification.

The one thing about creativity is that it is personal. You cannot "push" it out and you cannot artificially create it. It has to flow on its own and it has to be totally natural to your spirit with your own moral integrity. If you stress your creativity you will lose it and it will be very painful emotionally if you are not careful. You can ask any olympic athlete who has trained long and hard for 4 years prior to an Olympic venue. They will tell you the struggle to keep the inspiration alive and the fortitude it takes to be driven to the point of personal perfection. They are no different from any artist. Their "art form" just happens to be competitive sports. It is still a matter of personal excellence and control.

Many people will tell you during your life that you are good at something. At first you may think it's pure nonsense and pass it off as politeness. It is important that you listen to people when they tell you this and consider the merit of what they are saying. People are normally quite objective and may see qualities in you that you have overlooked as being just ordinary. In fact, the talent you have could be a gift that is very unique. Never be afraid to pursue something creative that "feels" awkward or too simple. Many famous people have built empires of fortune and glory from just a good idea, self-determination and encouragement from a close friend or parent.

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'97 Book

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- This storyworx page was last updated on January 27th, 1998 -