Nightsong's Tarot Page

Welcome to my tarot page. Tarot is a form of divination which is done
using a special deck of cards. This deck is roughly divided into
two sections: the Major Arcana, a group of 22 cards numbered from
0 through 21 which symbolically describe a life's journey
from 0, THE FOOL, through 21, THE WORLD;
and the Minor Arcana, which is divided into four suits:
which symbolize the element FIRE, and matters of physical activity;
which symbolize the element WATER, or emotional matters;
which symbolize the element of AIR, or mental and intellectual matters;
which represent the element of EARTH, or material matters.
These four suits are traditionally numbered ACE through 10,
The Minor Arcana, over time,
transformed into the playing cards we know today,
losing one court (face) card over the centuries.
The Fool, the 0 card of the Major Arcana,
has become the Joker of today's playing cards.

I have several Tarot decks in my collection at this time, and
the one I use most frequently is the Ancestral Path Tarot.
This deck mixes themes from four different archetypal settings
and assigns one to each of the four suits.
Japanese/Ainu culture in the Swords,
the Egyptian Osirian myth cycle in the Staves(Rods),
the Arthurian Grail story in the Cups,
and Menominee and Winnebago legends
in the Sacred Circles(Pentacles).

Other decks which I have are the Motherpeace round deck,
the Hanson-Roberts deck,
the Waite-Rider deck,
the Ukiyoe deck,
the Aquarian deck,
and a black-and white issue of the
Daughters of the Moon round deck,
designed to be colored by the user.

In my collection is another deck called the Dreampower Tarot,
which uses a unique symbolic structure that I find quite insightful.
It can be called a Tarot in that it is a set of cards
which one uses to intuit, or tap into the subconcious,
but its "Major Arcana" structure is completely different
from that of a standard deck.
I have collected these over many years,
my first deck was acquired in 1970,
at the age of 15, and the most recent addition occurred in 1996.

If you are considering exploring Tarot for the first time,
check to see if any classes are available
at New Age or Occult shops in your area.
If this is the case, you often will have the opportunity
to examine various decks
before you make the decision on which one to purchase.

Many decks available today come packaged with books outlining
the history of the symbolism used in each card
and recommended layouts.
These books are useful in that they point out
meanings you may otherwise miss, but in the long run
practice and intuition will be your guides.

Thank you for visiting my Tarot page.
I hope I have given you some insight.
I am providing a link to my favorite Tarot site on the web here.
It is filled with information about both Tarot cards,
and Wiccan activities in Salem, MA.


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