This page is to recognize other sites that contributed to this one. I offer thanks to those who've put together pages that have helped me create mine. Whether it be by providing referrence,entertainment,or in some cases,motivation.

The Marvel Chronology Project - This site lists most every known appearence to most to most every known Marvel character. A wonderful bibliography site with few errors. I owe the most to whoever put this one together because it helped me fill in a couple of spaces in my collection. Thanks guys.

The Marvel Directory - Great Marvel info site and where most of the bios on the Juggernaut homepage are from.

Wolverine's Den - Along with the Marvel Directory this where most of the bio links come from since Lex's Marvelite page went down.

Marvel Villains Footnotes - This page actually has nothing to do with my site but a page like this one deserves mentioning at any opportunity. It has the near complete chronology of many Marvel villains. That's a listing of nearly every appearence,with a healthy summary of the character's involvement in each issue. I assume the site owner will eventually get to every issue in time. I don't know how he does it,but the site owner has also done similar pages chronologizing the Hulk and other characters which are linked to this one. That man's my role-model.

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