Andrew John Griffin
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Dear Company X:

Through personal experience I have learned to identify the key character aspects an employer seeks in a first time employee. For the typical regard toward academic achievement and one's tendency to encompass oneself outwardly is only the standard. If an individual is to be a potential employee, he or she must want to work for the organization to which he or she is applying. This includes a personal loyalty within the individual for the respective organization. A proud employee backs the organization and promotes it above its competitors. Moreover, a potential employee is to have an interest in the organization on a whole. An employee who performs his or her work splendidly with a growing knowledge of what is going on around him or her is an internal asset, rather than an external asset. One must be ready to work in conjunction with the other employees of the organization, not just a small part of it. In addition, once an individual has been established as a potential employee, the long-term benefit he or she will actively contribute to the organization is to be considered: Does the individual have a desired future with the organization? I, personally, have recognized how working for one organization can be extremely beneficial for establishing a career within a company; to be employed by an organization is to be educated by an organization. I believe, I have learned what constitutes a potential and desired employee.

I am a potential employee of Company X. I have become accustomed to being an individual who stands out from those around me; from being looked upon as one of the best. Consequently, I am impressed by the best, which includes Company X, not only as a telecommunications company, but universally, as a leading organization. Thus, I want to be a proud employee of Company X, a company whose increasing growth through partnerships and new services has aroused my interest-when I was younger, Company X was, to me, just a telephone company. Now it is becoming "the service." I have recently begun my never ending research into the company by reading various company materials, library periodicals, and speaking with current Company X employees, with special emphasis on the company's new and expanding services. I have seen for myself how Company X has gone "totally digitized." Furthermore, I perceive working for Company X as only the first step into a future association with the company, if not as a direct employee, then as an employee of a partnering organization. I often pick favorites and stick with them, as well as speak highly of them to others-there is no doubt in that. To be a part of Company X's team is my first choice.

Sincerely yours,

Andrew J. Griffin

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