Janesville Zouaves

13th WI Volunteer Infantry, Co. B

The Thirteenth Regiment was organized at Camp Tredway in Janesville, Wisconsin and mustered into the United States service on October 17, 1861. The regiment left the State on January 18, 1862 to report at Leavenworth, Kansas. The following was the regimental roster:

Colonel - Maurice Malony
Lieutenant Colonel - James F. Chapman
Major - Thomas O. Bigney
Adjutant - William Ruger
Quartermaster - Platt Eyclesheimer
Surgeon - John Evans
First Assistant Surgeon - Elisha Horton
Second Assistant Surgeon - Simon L. Lord
Chaplain - Rev. H. C. Tilton

Company Captains First Lieutenants Second Lieutenants
A Edward Ruger Lewis T. Nichols Milton Bowerman
B Edwin E. Woodman James L. Murray George C. Brown
C August H. Kummel Daniel R. Lamoreau John T. Fish
D Edgar W. Blake Simon A. Couch Nathaniel D. Walters
E Robert H. Hewitt Eugene F. Warren S. S. Rockwood
F Fenton F. Stevens Samuel S. Hart Nicholas Crotzenberg
G Archibald N. Randall Henry M. Baliss Elmer W. Taylor
H Joseph L. Pratt Charles Noyes Robert Glover
I Julius W. Lauderdale Newton H. Kingman Henry Carroll
K Pliny Norcross John H. Wemple Alphonzo D. Burdick

The regiment proceeded by way of Chicago, Quincy and the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, to Weston, Missouri, thence marched to Leavenworth City, arriving on the 23rd of January. The regiment remained in camp until February 7th, when they began their march to Fort Scott, having been assigned to take part in General Lane's "Southwest Expedition." On the abandonment of the expedition, the 13th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, along with the 12th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, were ordered to march to Lawrence, Kansas. Shortly after arrival, the regiment was sent to Fort Riley for the purpose of joining an expedition to New Mexico. This expedition was also abandoned and the regiments were ordered to return to Leavenworth, where they arrived on May 28th. In a day or two, the regiments boarded transports and landed at Columbus, Kentucky on June 3rd. Here they were placed on railroad guard duty from Columbus to Corinth, on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. While stationed here, Company D was detached from the regiment and sent to Hickman, Kentucky. Company G was detached from the regiment and sent to Smithland, Kentucky. Company G would rejoin the regiment in November, 1862 and Company D would rejoin the regiment in August, 1863. The balance of the regiment proceeded to Fort Henry in August.

On September 2nd, they marched to Fort Donelson and entered upon garrison duty at that post. Joining an expedition to Clarksville on the 5th, about 900 rebels were encountered near Rickett's Hill. After a short skirmish, they were routed, and a large number of arms, horses, mules, and a large quantity of army stores were captured. The Thirteenth returned to Fort Donelson in the 8th, after a march of seventy miles. They remained at this place until the end of October. In the meantime the regiment engaged in frequent scouting through the surrounding country and exercised a general surveillance over the guerrillas and marauders in that neighborhood. In November, it joined the forces of General Ransom on the Tennessee River and proceeded on a fruitless expedition after the rebel Morgan to Hopkinsville. The command, however, had a brush with the rebel Woodward at Garretsville, in which that leader left 46 killed and wounded on the field, besides a large number of horses, guns, equipment, and 14 prisoners which were captured. Returning to Fort Donelson on the 11th, they moved the next day to Fort Henry and engaged in garrison duty. The marched a distance of over 160 miles on the campaign. In the latter part of December, the regiment took part in an expedition in pursuit of General Nathan B. Forrest. General Forrest was engaged in a raid on General Grant's communications into west Tennessee. The regiment returned without coming in contact with Forrest. The regiment guarded supply steamers between the Fort and Hamburg Landing. On February 3, 1863, news was received that Fort Donelson was attacked. The regiment was immediately en route to reinforce the garrison at that post. Driving the enemy's skirmishers before them, they reached the Fort in the evening, with a loss of one man wounded. The garrison, assisted by the gunboats, had successfully repulsed the enemy. The regiment remained at Fort Donelson during the summer, engaged in scouting and garrison duty, making occasional excursions after guerrillas and other rebel deprecators. Julius H. Carpenter and Jacob B. Mereness, of Company C, were murdered by guerrillas near the Fort on August 22nd.

On August 1st, Colonel Maloney was recalled to take command of his company in the Regular Army and Captain William Penn Lyon, of the 8th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, was commissioned as Colonel and soon after assumed command of the regiment.

On August 27th, the regiment left Fort Donelson, marching by way of Columbia, Tennessee, and arrived at Stevenson, Alabama on September 14th, a distance of 260 miles. Here Colonel Lyon was placed in command of the post and the troops there stationed. At this time, Stevenson was the depot of supplies for the Army of the Cumberland, which had just entered on the campaign which resulted in the repulse at Chicamauga. After that battle, and the troops had gathered under the shelter of the Union guns at Chattanooga, the enemy busied himself in cutting off the supplies necessary to support the troops in that position. This fact made Stevenson an important post - its capture would have compelled the surrender of the brave remnant of Rosecrans' army, or the falling back of the whole Union force towards Murfreesboro, Tennessee. At that time, the Tennessee River was very low and easily fordable at many points, and the garrison was very small, with but a little artillery. Fortunately, the attention of the enemy was directed to other points, and no attack was made on the depots at Stevenson. The XI and XII Corps, under General Hooker, arrived from the Army of the Potomac and secured the safety of the post. The Confederate General Wheeler succeeded in destroying the communications with Nashville, so that the supplies at Stevenson were entirely exhausted and the army at Chattanooga was in imminent danger of starvation. This was a very dark period in the history of the National conflict, which was not fully appreciated by the people at the time. Colonel Lyon and his command fully understood the responsibility of their position, and felt that the safety of the whole army depended upon their vigilance, energy, and bravery.

The regiment joined the brigade to which it belonged at Nashville in the later part of October and went into winter quarters at Edgefield. Here it was employed in picket and guard duty until February, 1864. More that three-fourths of the men reenlisted and the regiment proceeded to Wisconsin on veteran furlough.

The regiment arrived at Janesville, Wisconsin on February 18th, and they were warmly welcomed by the local citizens who had assembled to greet them. The regiment reassembled at Camp Utley in Racine on the expiration of the thirty days' furlough and arrived at Nashville on March 31st. They encamped at Edgefield and engaged in garrison duty and guarded the railroad from Louisville to Chattanooga. Here they were assigned to the First Brigade, Fourth Division, XX Corps and formed part of the force designed to operate against Atlanta. But their destination was changed, and the brigade was assigned the duty of guarding the Tennessee River between Stevenson and Decatur. About the end of April, the regiment moved to Stevenson, where Colonel Lyon was placed in command of the post. Companies B, C, E, H, and K were stationed along the tow railroads which crossed here, while the other companies were doing post and garrison duty at Stevenson and guarding General Sherman's supply trains to Dalton, Georgia.

On June 4th, the regiment marched to Claysville, Alabama, where the companies and detachments of companies were distributed along the bank of the Tennessee River for 40 miles, picketing and patrolling might and day, while the Confederates were engaged in similar duty on the opposite side. Earthworks and blockhouses were erected and every precaution taken to prevent the enemy from crossing the river and interrupting Sherman's communications. Frequent raids were made across the river, capturing prisoners and seizing Confederate stores and several severe skirmishes occurred with the rebel outposts and guerrillas.

On September 1st, the regiment, with the exception of Company C (which was left at Gunter's Landing), marched hastily to Woodville to prevent the destruction of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad between Huntsville and Stevenson by Wheeler's cavalry. On September 3rd, they moved by railroad to Huntsville, where Colonel Lyon was placed in command of all troops and railroad defenses from Huntsville to Stevenson, a distance of sixty miles, with orders to hold the railroad and prevent it from being broken at all hazards. Lieutenant Colonel Chapman was placed in command of the regiment. On the 14th, several companies were scattered along the road, with headquarters at Brownsboro. Work was immediately commenced strengthening the defenses, erecting stockades at the bridges, patrolling the road, and other duties, tending to insure the safety of the trains. The regiment was absent a short time at Decatur during the month. On their return, they drove off a detachment of Forrest's cavalry, who were engaged in burning the railroad track. During most of the summer, and into September, much sickness prevailed in the regiment. Leaving the convalescents to hold the positions along the railroad, the regiment march to Larkinsville, Alabama on October 1st, to keep open communications with General Steadman's train of reinforcements for Huntsville. This was done because General Forrest attacked that city. Returning to Brownsboro they moved to Huntsville, removing the obstructions which Forrest's men had thrown into the railroad cuts, and quartered in the court house. Forrest having retreated, they returned the next day to their positions on the railroad. On the 24th, Captain Blake, commanding the able bodied men, moved to Decatur to assist in its defense. They were attacked by General Hood and two men were slightly wounded.

On November 23rd, most of the able bodied men, under Lieutenant Cobb, proceeded to New Market. There they dispersed the 4th Alabama Cavalry, destroyed their camps and provisions, and killed or wounded 13 Confederates.

On November 25th, General Hood crossed the Tennessee River in force and moved directly to Nashville. General Granger was ordered to concentrate all the troops in northern Alabama at Stevenson and fortify it. In pursuance of this order, northern Alabama was evacuated by the Union forces and heavy trains of government property were dispatched over the road to Stevenson. With the balance of General Granger's command, the regiment marched to Stevenson, where they were immediately set to work constructing stockades and earthworks to prevent Hood's retreat, should he attempt to do so, or to enter east Tennessee. Remaining here until Hood's defeat at the battle of Nashville, the regiment returned to Huntsville and resumed their duties on the railroad. They set to work repairing and rebuilding those defenses that had been destroyed by the rebels. On December 31st, Company G, stationed at Paint Rock Bridge, was suddenly assailed by about 400 Confederates and Lieutenant Wagoner and 35 men were captured and two men were severely wounded.

One hundred and sixty of the non-veterans, including the Lieutenant Colonel and several officers, were mustered out on the expiration of their term of service. Major Thomas O. Bigney was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel on November 21st, but he was subsequently mustered out on the expiration of his term of service. On January 6, 1865, Captain August H. Kummel was appointed Lieutenant Colonel. On February 15th, Captain Charles Noyes was appointed Major.

In February, Company C and G were stationed on picket and patrol duty at Gunter's Landing on the Tennessee River. Here Lieutenant Loucks, of Company C, crossed the river with a few men and skirmished with Pete White Cotton's band of guerrillas. Lieutenant Loucks's men captured several prisoners, and in a personal encounter killed their infamous leader.

On March 20th, the regiment was assigned to the Second Brigade (Brigadier General Beatty), Third Division (Major General T. J. Wood), IV Army Corps (Major General Stanley). Colonel Lyon resumed command of the regiment. The detachments were called in and the regiment proceeded by rail to Knoxville. The regiment was on their way to Virginia. They marched by way to New Market and Bull's Gap to Jonesboro and remained encamped there until April 20th, when they received the news of Lee's surrender and President Lincoln's assassination. The Corp was ordered back to Nashville. On the 20th, the regiment left Jonesboro and proceeded to Nashville by the way of Chattanooga. They arrived in Nashville on the 22nd and went into camp.

Here those men whose terms of service expired by October 5th were discharged. A considerable number of the 24th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry was assigned to the regiment to complete their term of service.

On June 16th, with the rest of the division, the regiment proceeded by way of Johnsville and the Tennessee, Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, to New Orleans and went into camp at Chalmette. In July, the regiment embarked for Texas and arrived at Indianaola on the 14th. Proceeding with the brigade to Green Lake, the regiment suffered severely from the long march of 24 miles, the scarcity of water and other hardships. They remained in this camp until September 11th, having suffered much from sickness produced by the heat of the climate and the lack of a vegetable diet. Many died here who had gone through the whole war without being sick. On the 11th, the brigade started on a march of 145 miles to San Antonio. The heat at starting was excessive, towards night a storm arose and the temperature changed. The men suffered severely from the chill and many where left the next day in the hospital. Arriving within seven and a half miles of San Antonio on September 24th, the brigade went into camp and remained until orders came in November to muster out the regiment. The papers were made out, and on the 24th the men were mustered out and ordered to proceed to Madison to be discharged from service.

Colonel Lyon's term of service expired on September 10th, so he left the regiment and the command devolved to Major Noyes. On October 9, 1865, commissions were issued to Lieutenant Colonel Kummel as Colonel, Major Noyes as Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain Cobb as Major, but neither of them could be mustered into service. Desiring to remain in Texas, Major Noyes resigned the command to Captain Cobb. On November 27th, the regiment began its march to Indianola, 160 miles, where they embarked on a steamer, reached New Orleans on December 13th, steamed up the Mississippi, and reached Madison on the 23rd. The regiment was discharged from the United States service on December 26, 1865.

Though the 13th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry had not been called to take part on the field of battle, the duties which it performed have been just as important, for it is to the faithfulness of its sentinels, that an army owes much that it achieves on the battlefield. With its supplies cut off, its communications closed, an army is often defeated. It is then that the faithfulness and vigilance if the regiment, who guards the trains and keeps the enemy at a distance from the highways by which supplies reach the army in an enemy's country, begins to be appreciated. The regiment held many important positions on which the success and welfare of Sherman's whole army depended. Ceaseless vigilance and stern fidelity characterized the operations of the regiment. While others may pride themselves upon the achievements in the field, this regiment may point with pride to its four years of service, as being one of the material elements in the success of the armies of the Union, whose communications and flanks it was called upon to protect.

Regimental Statistics - Original strength, 970. Gain - by recruits in 1863, 169, in 1864, 2122, in 1865, 33; by substitutes, 33; by draft in 1865, 72; by veteran reenlistments, 392; total 1,931. Loss - by death, 183; missing, 3; deserted, 71; transferred, 6; discharged, 321; mustered out, 797.

All the information in the above section was taken from The Military History of Wisconsin: A Record of the Civil and Military Patriotism of the State in the War for the Union, by E. B. Quiner, Esq.


Organized at Janesville, Wis., and mustered in October 17, 1861. Left State for Leavenworth, Kansas, January 13, 1862. Attached to Dept. of Kansas to June, 1862. District of Columbus, Ky., Dept. of the Tennessee, to August, 1862. Garrison Forts Henry and Donelson, Tenn., to June, 1863. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, Reserve Corps, Dept. of the Cumberland, to October, 1863. Past and District of Nashville, Tenn., Dept. of the Cumberland, to January, 1864. 1st Brigade, Rousseau's 3rd Division, 12th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to April, 1864. 1st Brigade, 4th Division, 20th Army Corps, Dept. of the Cumberland, to March, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 4th Army Corps, to August, 1865. Dept. of Texas to November, 1865.

SERVICE.--March to Fort Scott, Kansas, March 1-7, 1862, and duty there until March 26. Ordered to Lawrence, Kansas, March 26, thence to Fort Riley April 20 and to Fort Leavenworth May 27. Moved to St. Louis, Mo.. thence to Columbus, Ky., May 29-June 2. Guard duty along Mobile & Ohio Railroad from Columbus, Ky., to Corinth, Miss., until August. Moved to Fort Henry, Tenn., thence to Fort Donelson, Tenn., September 2 and garrison duty there until November 11. Expedition to Clarksville September 5-10. Action at Rickett's Hill, Clarksville, September 7. Hopkinsville, Ky., November 6. Moved to Fort Henry November 11, and duty there as garrison and guarding supply steamers between the Fort and Hamburg Landing until February 3, 1863. Moved to relief of Fort Donelson February 3. Duty at Fort Donelson until August 27. March to Stevenson, Ala., August 27-September 14 and duty there guarding supplies until October. Moved to Nashville, Tenn., and duty there until February, 1864. Veterans on furlough February-March. Return to Nashville March 28. Garrison duty and guarding railroad trains from Louisville to Chattanooga until April 26. Guard duty along Tennessee River between Stevenson and Decatur until June. Moved to Claysville, Ala., June 4. Picket and patrol duty along Tennessee River until September. Scout from Gunter's Landing to Warrenton July 11 (Co. "C"). March to Woodville, thence to Huntsville, Ala., and guard Memphis & Charleston Railroad from Huntsville to Stevenson. Ala., with headquarters at Brownsboro until November. Repulse of Hood's attack on Decatur October 26-29. At Stevenson until December. At Huntsville until March, 1865. Paint Rock Ridge December 31, 1864 (Co. "G"). Operations in East Tennessee March 15-April 22. At Nashville, Tenn., until June. Ordered to New Orleans June 16, thence to Indianola, Texas, July 12. Duty at Green Lake and San Antonio, Texas, until November. Mustered out November 24, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 5 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 188 Enlisted men by disease. Total 193.


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