September 1915

Newspaper clipping from the Stratford Express (Date: Unknown)

Sergt. J. Brady, "A" Company 1-6th Essex, writing from the British Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, says:-

I have much pleasure in informing you that I am still alive, and hope to return to dear old England some day. I shall never forget the first day we went into action. What a sight! Of course we lost some, but thank God not so many as we might have done. We are resting to-day (September 1st), and expect to be in the thick of it again tomorrow, and hope we shall do as well as we did before. We find it difficult to rest during the day on account of the flies, which are a perfect nuisance here, and in the evening we are troubled with snipers, bombs, etc., but are getting quite used to this sort of thing now, but shall be more than pleased when the war is ended, and we return to our wives or parents. God only knows when that will be, but some of us will be spared to tell the tale. I begin to feel a bit seedy now after 24-years service, but must stick it now at any price. All the "boys" (like myself) wish you well, and hope to meet you again. How are Stratford and Forest Gate looking? Good old England. . . We don't have any concerts out here except the mules, which give way to their feelings during the night.

L.F. King 3603
No 4 Platoon 'A' Coy.
1/6th Essex Regt.
161st Brigade
54th Division

Dear Mother + Dad

I am pleased to say that I am quite well. I received a letter from Auntie this morning also one from Nellie. Edgar + the other boys are all quite well. It is fairly hot out here + we have got plenty of flies. I hope you are all well at home. Give my kind regards to Mrs Townsend. This is all for the present. God bless you

I remain
Your Ever Loving Son

PS Please enclose paper + envelopes for reply in your next letter. LFK

55 Copythorn Rd
North End

My Dear Lionel

Just a few lines hoping they we find you still safe and well, I was so pleased to receive your letter of the 8th but since then I have been very anxious about you (as we all were) for we thought you were on that unfortunate Transport, but thank God Dear Li I have just had the news that you were quite well ob the 20th, I feel so thankful, you were soon in the thick of it weren't you, I hope and trust you will come though alright, also Edgar, "poor boys". Dear Lionel Renie and Gwen have had their holiday, Hilda went with Renie, they stayed the first three or four days at White Parish, and the other ten at Aunt Aggies, they had a very nice time, the weather was lovely while they were at ????, but ???? at White Parish, Gwen stayed with Aunty Lizzie all the time, she came home the same day as Renie and Hilda went. Aunty Beaty came to look after us here, young Fred came with her (he is a nut) they stayed three weeks and two days, they went home yesterday. Ernie and Aunt Lizzie are coming tomorrow for a week, your Mother is coming down to see us soon if she can, we shall be so pleased to see her. Renie saw Fred Shelly when she was at Aunty Aggies, he is not quite the ??? yet, but he is gone back to Windsor now. Uncle Will, Sid, Wilf and Tommy are still safe and well. Florrie Barter is still at Biscombe, she is alright when she was paddling in the sea with the children the other day, she picked up a nice new wedding ring, she is going to give it to her Mother for her birthday, lucky wasn't she. Oh I must not forget to tell you that Nell and Sam are engaged + want to get married very shortly, I don't know if Uncle Jesse will give his consent or not. I will tell you when I write next time, I expect I will know by then. How is your Nellie getting on, please give her our kindest love when you write. Now Dear Lionel I don't think I have anymore to say this time, hoping to hear from you sometime, and that kind providence will watch over you all the time you are in danger. Dad Renie and Gwen join with me in sending you our very best love and wishes

from your ever loving Aunty F. Newman
xxxx Good bye and may God bless you and keep you safe xxxx

PS Dear Li if there is any little things you would like please tell us when you write xxx ta ta

L.F. King 3603
No 4 Platoon 'A' Coy.
1/6th Essex Regt.
161st Brigade
54th Division
Sept 5th 15

Dear Mother + Dad

I am please to say that I am quite well, I have not heard from you since the letter you wrote on Aug the 9th. Edgar, Harry + Bert are all quite well. Those Photos we had taken in our drill uniforms have not arrived out here yet. I hope you got our photos safe from St Albans. Nellie wrote + said she was sorry she never saw me before I left. I wonder if I shall be home for Christmas. We don't get much war news out here. Wouldn't it be a great setup to all if this terrible war would end. I pray to God it won't last much longer. We are all terrified to death out here by flies. We have jam for tea + we have to wave our hands over it while we put it in our mouths. I will have hundreds of things to tell you if please God I get back safe. I hope Freddie doesn't get to daring with the motor. I am glad Fred wasn't old enough to be a soldier. We had some flour issued out the other day + I made some pan cakes but they were nothing like yours. Up to yesterday we had all our food issued out + we cooked it ourselves but now we have a company cook. I have only tasted bread 3 times since I have been out here. Our chief food consists of tea, biscuits, bully beef, bacon + jam. We don't wash very often, I haven't washed for 5 days now. The chaps are happy enough though. I had a shave today being Sunday. I wish they would have a service out here. I'm sure the men would appreciate it. Well dear Mother + Dad I must close now. Hoping you are all in the best of health, God bless you

I remain your loving son

L.F. King 3603
No 4 Platoon 'A' Coy.
1/6th Essex Regt.
161st Brigade
54th Division

Dear Daisy

Pleased to say I am quite well and Edgar is ditto. I hope Arthur is getting on alright in the army. I bet you wish the war was over. It is very warm out here + there are plenty of flies. Please remember me to Ma + your other companions. Haven't much to say new so must close

I remain
Your Loving Cous

L.F. King 3603
No 4 Platoon 'A' Coy.
1/6th Essex Regt.
161st Brigade
54th Division

Dear Mother + Dad

Please to say that I am quite well. I received your letter dated Aug 30th + the books yesterday. I received one from Auntie also. I am so sorry you don't get my letters regular, perhaps by now you do for I write twice a week. I am sorry I can't tell you any news the letters may be delayed if I did. Dear Mother if you get this in time I want you to wish Dad Many Happy Returns of the day for me. Edgar, Harry + Bert are quite well. Edgar sends his best wishes to you all. Please remember us both to Mrs Townsend I am sorry Mayor Richards has been wounded so badly. I must close now hoping you are all in the best of health. God bless you all

I remain
Your Everloving Son

55 Copythorn Rd
North End

My Dear Lionel

I cannot tell you now pleased I was to receive your letter, I must tell you I had one yesterday the 19th, and three today the 20th, one dated 24th Aug, one 30th, one 1st and one 8th. We are so glad to hear that you are still getting on alright, we think and talk about you everyday, and I hope if please God the war will soon be over, and that we shall soon be happy together again. It is a terrible time for all you dear boys, but I hope God will bless you and give you all the strength and courage you need so much. Dear Li, Renie had a very nice time with Aunt Aggie, it was lovely weather all the time, Hilda goes all the way on our country village, I think I told you that Frank Shelly has been under an operation in London, he is going on as well as can be expected, but had rather a bad time, he had to stay in bed three or four weeks. He was on draft again but was medically unfit, when he is well he will be off again. Ted wants to join the Flying Corps, I don't know if he will or not. Dear Lionel I am so glad to say that we've got your Dear Mother staying with us at last. She stood the journey capitally, rather tired of course, but looking much better than I expected to she her. I am so glad she has such a nice neighbour in Mrs Townsend, it is just what your Mum wants, someone to cheer her up. I hope hope she will be able to stay with us a fortnight but of course it is all according to Uncle Fred and Freddie, and how they get on without her. Dear Li how you must have enjoyed your bread after such a long time (what a shame that you should have such hardships, but never mind Li as long as your dear life is spared, we will soon make you forget the horrible times you've had when you come home. I am glad you heard from Nellie, and that she is alright, do you get the Boy's Friends Renie has sent them, I expect they will turn up one day. I will send some books for you too. Glad to hear Edgar is alright, please remember us all to him. I think your Mother and you make a lovely photo, it is come out splendid. Now my Dear Lionel I think I must bring my letter to a close with best love

from me your ever loving Aunt F. Newman
Ta Ta for the present, and may God bless and keep you safe

Mother is writing to you this afternoon x x x so long

55 Copythorn Rd
North End
Sept 21st

My Dear Lionel

I am here staying with Auntie + I tried to write last evening but somehow I couldn't, perhaps it is because I keep talking so much, I was ever so please that Auntie had a letter from you soon after I got here, I look for a letter on Sat morning before I left home but I did not get one , but it came at 2 o/c + young Freddie sent it on to me, I heard from you last Tuesday. I had the letter you wrote on the 24 Aug + it was 21 days coming + now I've got the one you wrote the 8th sep, it is a shame that you have been so long without any bread, you must have forgotten the taste. I am ever so cheered with Auntie + we don't half talk about you. Dear Lionel I have got the Photo from St Albans, Auntie is just about pleased with hers, + I gave Mrs Townsend one + I did not send one to you because I was rather busy getting ready to come down here so I must wait till I get home + then I will send you another parcel + photo same time, if all is well + to spare your Dear life. I don't know if I shall go any further or not yet, Fred + Dad where alright when I left, Dad's hand is nearly well. I thank you for the camera, Bertie will be pleased with it. Mrs Townsend came with me up to London Bridge Station + saw me off. I arrived here about the same + we are having nice weather so I think it will cheer me up ever so much, I hope it won't make any difference to you on account of me not writing last night. Trusting you are still safe + sound. Best love to you from all +

your ever loving Mother
god bless you + protect you

I am please you have heard from Nellie

L.F. King 3603
No 4 Platoon 'A' Coy.
1/6th Essex Regt.
161st Brigade
54th Division

Dear Mother & Dad

Please to say that I am quite well. Edgar doing the same. I hope you are all quite well at home. Have you sent me out anything yet. We are right away from civilisation + cannot buy a thing. I should be please if you could send me out some tinned goods such as sardines, herrings in tomato sauce + fish paste also come chocolate. I know it will cost a lot to send out but you will know at least I will appreciate them more under the circumstances. We are also very short of writing material out here. The best way to send the parcel would be to sew it up in a white cloth. I have got no more to write about. I wish I had for I like writing home more than anything, I hope it wont be long before I am home, until then I live in hope. God bless you all

I am
Your Ever Loving Son

55 Copythorn Rd
North End

My Dear Lionel

Many thanks for kind and ever welcome letter, which I was so very pleased to receive this morning, and to hear that you were still safe and well at the time of writing (the 15th Sept) and hope and trust this will find you still the same. I know it must be terrible for you my Dear, but my only hope is that your Dear life will be spared, never mind dear Li about a few hardships, which I know quite well abound for you poor fellows out there, as long as you are spared, the flies must be very tormenting to you, and it is so bad for you not to be able to wash. I hope if please God you will not be out there very long, the papers are very cheerful today, Grand victories everywhere. I will send you a paper so that you can see a little how things are going on. I hope you will receive the sweets your Dear Mother sent you. I am pleased to say she is still with us, she hasn't been one hardly at all, she says she can't make up her mind to go any where, and really hasn't any inclination to go any where, while you are in such great danger, but the change wont hurt her, even if she doesn't go out. I am pleased to say she is quite nicely, Renie, Gwen and myself are all right but Dad has rather a bad cold, he was out in the rain the other day, and wet weather doesn't suit him. Dear Li I had a letter from F Shelly on Saturday, he is getting better, but has been very ill, he had pneumonia besides the Operation, he is going to write to you, I heard that Nelly ands Sam are going to be married on the 16th Oct. I think all the people down home are all right, Uncle Willie, Sid, Wilf and Tommy are still all right, Sid is in Barracks, but is too tired to come up this far, I don't suppose he gets much further than the canteen. Dear Li there is another budget going through, they are rising the prices of almost everything, but the people are willing and proud to pay for the sake of our Dear Home Land. I don't seem to have much to write about and I'm afraid you will think this a very silly letter, but it will be something for you to read, so now my Dear I will conclude with best love form Dad, Renie, Gwen and please accept the same from me your ever loving Aunt F. Newman. So long Dear Li and may God bless and protect you always.


PS We were so sorry to hear about poor Frank, it seems such a shame, he soon done his bit poor boy, kind regards to Edgar hoping he is well. Ta ta xxxx

L.F. King 3603
No 4 Platoon 'A' Coy.
1/6th Essex Regt.
161st Brigade
54th Division

Dear Mother + Dad

I received your letter of the 6th + the books quite safe. I expect I shall get the parcel by the next post. I am please to say that I am quite well, Edgar being the same. We have just come back from our first church service since we've been out here. Dear Mother will you write to Auntie + Nellie + tell them how I am as I have run out of envelopes. I received some 'Boys Friends' from Renie yesterday. Please thank her for them for me. Dear Mother will you send me out two undershirts + two pairs of pants + a couple of large red handkerchiefs. Have you got our photos yet? I hope this will find you all quite well. Harry, Bert + Wallie are alright. Give my best respects to Mrs Townsend + Mrs Tucker. Do you ever write to Miss Deard, she would be please to hear how I'm getting on. Well I must close now as I have no more to write about now. God bless you

I remain
Your Everloving Son

25 Gumleigh Road
Little Ealing

My Dear Lionel

I cannot tell you how pleased I was to get your letter or how I feel about poor old Frank. I feel as if I had lost a very dear friend as I have looked upon you all as if you belonged to me, you see how it is. Thank you it was not you dear. I would have written to you before as I have had your letter a week but I have been in bed for 8 days (I'm still there) with quinsey. (rotten) Now dear boy what am I to say to you. Your Dear Mother is a Brick, I never thought she would be so brave, she of course is very anxious when she does not hear quite so often as she would like but on the whole she is putting a good many of her stronger ones quite in the shade. I do not know what I should have done without her, she is indeed a true friend to me and Li dear I want you to look upon one as a friend too, you will wont you. I mean a real friend not a make believe. Tell Edgar I stole his little Bible as a keep sake and when he returns safe and sound I will return it to him (Perhaps). I hear from my brother you are having a jolly rotten time of it out there, of course I have not told your Mother of any of the Horrors he has told me about. Poor boys I am so sorry it is so bad. But never mind, a stout heart and a stiff upper lip goes a long way doesn't it. You say dear you wish we could have another tea together in dear old England. So we will, just you and I and Edgar if the good God brings you safely back to us and then we will talk is all over.

My dear Brother Capt. E A Richards 6th Batt York?? & ??? was wounded in the arm and abdomen on the 10th of August just about the time when you were landing, he was able to reassure your mother as she quite made up her mind you were on that troopship that went down. I have got you photo taken with her and it is spiffing, have you one of Frank with you. Any one would do if you could send it to me, I should be so glad, wish my love to him if you ever pass his grave. You know Li I am a firm

The rest of this letter is missing.

The start of this letter is missing.

to endure, unless one is in it they cannot realise what the others had to go through. I do not think you ought to have jam that draws the flies terrible + it is rather bad not to be able to have a wash a little oftener but never mind that as long as you are spared to come home again. Freddie is not daring with the motor driving, he has been very steady with it, + he has got on very well but I do not know how he will get on during the foggy weather. Dear Li your letter dated Aug 30th gave me the bad news of Frank being killed by a stray shot. I must say I felt upset over it for a long time, it does seem so terrible to think of it. I can seem to see him with his new equipment on that Sunday I was with you, poor young chap, when you get those photos with your Helmets + drill uniforms on, send me one wont you + then I will have the poor boys photo, in you letter Frank and Killed were blotted out by the sensor, but in the letter you wrote to Mrs Townsend it was not so that is how we know it was Frank, except that you said Harry, Bert + Edgar + Wallie were all well + then of course Franks name was the missing one. I will send you one of our photos when I get back home, they were extra busy with so many people having there Photos taken at St Albans. I expect your photos will arrive after a time you see some of the things are delayed when others are not. I had a letter from Dad yesterday, all were well, cats + rabbit inclusive, Daisy's Arther has been home for the weekend. Auntie heard from Ernie + they are alright down home, Auntie + Renie + Gwenie are about the same old style but uncle has been queer with a cold. Aunties dog is a lovely creature he understands things so well + Bruno + Kitty are lovely too. Fred Shelly is getting better, he has had a severe illness, he is in a London Hospital so I will give him our address so he might come+ see us. Dear Lionel I have sent the Lloyds News, you may like to read it. The war news in the Chronicle yesterday was ever so much better, the British, French + Russians are all gaining, I hope + trust that god will keep them keep it up. Dear Lionel fancy Nellie being sorry that she never saw you before you left, you see she really ought to have been with us that Sunday unless she did not want to write to you any more. I have not heard from her since you left home. I think I must conclude. Best Love from one + all

I remain your ever loving Mother F. King

Dad said your money came alright +that Freddie sent the receipt back. May God bless and keep you safe xxx

All pictures (unless stated) on this site are the property of Christopher John King (Lionel's Son). If you wish to use any of the information on this site could you please contact Matthew Francis King (Lionel's Grandson) at Thank you.