4-Cage not required



The following piece of conversation was heard via an amateur’s radio,a few years ago,in a time when Lisbon’s Municipal Fire Dept.(the RSB) still used the 2-ways FM 33,4 and 40,1 MHz frequence ,instead of its current 800 MHz coded trunk system.


A lot of RSB’s activity has traditionally been non fire-related, with the FD providing manny different services to the Community, as animal rescue or aprehension.

For these non-emergency services the RSB operates a few Light Utility Vans (LUV) manned by two Firefighters.Some basic equipment is permanently carried on board, with more specific gear being added as needed.

To facilitate animal aprehension jobs a metalic cage has been provided so that dogs or cats may be safely lured inside and carried to Municipal animal depot.


On that evening,at dinner time,the following messages were exchanged,between LUV 1 and the Central Dispatch Room:


-Central,this is LUV 1 with Ff #... at the radio.Reporting arrival to incident location.We will now proceed to aprehension

-LUV 1,Central here:Are you carrying the cage?

-Central,this is LUV 1:Negative and I do not think I will need it.

.LUV 1,Central calling:You should use the cage.I will find out were it is for you.

-Central,from LUV 1:We can do the job without the cage.We have done it before….

-LUV 1,from your Central:The cage is at Battalion 3 Main Station.Pick it up there and then resume your current job.


(at this point the reader should know that B3/Main was at a considerable distance from the incident location)


-Central,this is LUV 1 calling:Thank you for the information but I do not think I will go for the cage.It is an easy job that we can do with no problem in no time...

-LUV 1,from Central:You should really pick-up the cage...

-Central,from LUV 1:no way,we will easily catch the animal by hand.I will report later.


(a few minutes later,from a very anxious Firefighter#...)


-Central,Central,this is LUV 1:Ambulance required .I repeat ,Ambulance required at this location.We have a wounded Firefighter here with dog bite !


