New Immortals

Ryan LaPorte

"From the dawn of time they came, travelling through the centuries, to reach the time of the Gathering... When the few who remain will battle till the last... There Can Be Only One."

How many have died by his sword you might ask? You might even ask if such as he could kill. Well, it seems to me, that he's killed quiet a few, being so swift and fierce that most Immortals would cower in his presence. But that is only in the storybooks, my friends. Only legends and fiction has showed this Immortal's skill.

I met Ryan LaPorte when I was in seventh grade - he was in fifth at the time, a friend of my brother's. As many do, they became good friends, and Ryan ended up becoming somewhat of a brother to me. (Calls me "Sis" frequently) So I got used to his antics, and all the different fights he would pick with both me and Andy.

It was he who introduced me to Highlander again. He had been watching it on USA for quite some time before I got cable, and ended up making me more of a fan then he had been. But he likes the swordplay - the fights - the action.

He's quite good at it too, being able to swing a sword better then either of us (Andy and me), and loving every minute of it. He owns a sword that looks exactly like that in the picture, although he didn't get it until after this picture was taken with my sword. But he also owns an El Sid Colada - and also a dragon head Katana that looks suspiciously a lot like Duncan's. Strange - he has one like that in his story.

All the fights came to an end earlier this year... Not because he is dead or anything, but because he's moved up North - quite a few hours drive now. But he keeps the spirit alive, and keeps fighting - watching Highlander - and waits for the time of the Gathering...

PS - if you would like to read his story, "Back in the Game" - feel free to click on his picture.

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