New Immortals



I'm what you'd call a magnet for trouble. Sure enough - the first time I ever show up in the story I'm singing in Joe's Bar after he saved me from a mugger. The first time I'm introduced I'm caught breathless by a glance of an Immortal. Suddenly I've fallen into a league of Immortals, Watchers, and the Game. And this is just in the first three stories!

The second trilogy I get to save Nancy and Joe from an evil Immortal - but get my throat scarred in the process. In the two part story "Return of Cassandra" I and Kath almost get fried to a crisp. Finally in "An Autumn Trip to the Island" I get to go on a vacation. I'm kidnapped in the three chapter story, "Immortal Blade". What's going to happen in my next story... I have no idea!

I wasn't planning on making myself an Immortal. I always thought there should be one person who was just plain "normal" not a Watcher or an immortal - just me. But everyone said I have "An Old Soul" - I act wise beyond my years sometimes. Other times I act my age... 22. But I kind of relate to Methos (yes, Methos is my man in these stories!) and so like him as my favorite character on the series.

But just because I'm not an Immortal doesn't mean I don't pick up a sword once in awhile! Truly, I love swords. (Okay, I know some HL fans who think it childish to buy swords just because of a show... But I'm 22, what do they expect!) They are beautiful pieces of workmanship - and except in these pictures, I use them only for decoration and inspiration while writing. (Besides - how else do I write whether I can actually free myself with a sword sawing through ropes unless I've tried it? Got to be realistic here! ;-)

I have been lucky enough to have met Nancy... She came over October 1999 for a good romp with the swords and camera.

It's one of those things about me, I make friends of all ages. And that's something about Highlander - it doesn't matter what age you are. 22 or 40 or 400 or 5,000... Anyone can be friends. Anyone can have a fun romp through the woods, climb trees - battle Immortals, sing at a bar, discover mysteries, and get to relax at Fantasy Island for the weekend! I am pleased that I have made so many new friends - new characters - and new tales. And am glad to show off those here on my website!

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