Maximilian Arturo (aka The Wrong Arturo, or W.A.)

W.A. is, in fact, a thin, blond twentysomething named (of all things) Maximillian Arturo. He believes that he comes from a world where the earth moves slower (a la "The Guardian"), hence his age discrepancy. The reasons that his physical appearance is so different from all other Arturos, though, remains a mystery to him.

Five years ago, he was captured by the Kromaggs. Fortunately, he used a small portable hologram emitter to disguise himself just before he was captured. (Such technology is common on his world, and is often used for Halloween or costume parties.) He disguised himself as the first thing he could think of--Lexie Richards, someone he knew from the neighborhood. Much to his amazement, he discovers that Lexie--a Lexie from another dimension, and the Lexie of this story--is one of the other captives being held by the Kromaggs. He bonds quickly with Lexie and his other cellmates: Mina Skywalker, Shelbs, and Gemmin. Amazingly enough, Lexie, Shelbs, and Gemmin all share his Christian faith. Soon, "Lexie2" soon tells all of them "her" secret. Over the course of the next year of his captivity, he begins to fall in love with Lexie.

After several failed escape attempts, Max learns that he's not like any of the other Arturo doubles, so he eventually gets the nickname "Wrong Arturo," or W.A. for short. Mina is eventually brainwashed and sent out to do the Kromaggs' bidding, Gemmin is released under the condition that she (supposedly) sends reports back to the Kromaggs. Eventually, Lexie and Shelbs escape, and sometime shortly thereafter, W.A. manages his own escape by making sure he got dumped with a bunch of dead bodies being deposited like trash on a nearby world. As Providence would have it, this is the home world of his friends, the ones that they have finally managed to get home to. He joins their fight and eventually helps them in preventing the Kromaggs from invading that world.

After sliding for a year with the Rifters (as they came to be known), W.A. and Lexie became seperated from the rest of the group. They have been sliding on their own for about three years. During that time, W.A. and Lexie did briefly become an item. They have since amicably broke up. In Changes, the "lost episode" of their spinoff story, The Portal, W.A. and Lexie were responsible for the destruction of Earth 113 and the death of the Kromagg Emperor. Thus, the Kromaggs have a major grudge against both of them, as we rejoin them at the beginning of Unsolved Mystery 2000.

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