Jason Warren

The younger brother of Justin, he was always the ladies man when they were in the Academy, and he always looked for the easy path to success, which led him to dabble in the Dark Side of the Force, he became jealous of master tain, and one night, tried to kill him, but justin stopped him, he was going to prison, but he escaped via Sliding. He wandered the Multiverse for years, looking for his brother, wanting to turn him to the Dark Side, he met Mina Skywalker's ex Alex Starkiller, and made a deal, they would work together to get both of them, Jason saw Mina and Justin fall in love, he planned to use it to bring Justin to him, he had the Kromaggs capture Mina to lure Justin into a trap, Justin confronted Jason in combat after he severly beat Mina, Justin beat him, but was weak and was attacked by Alex with dark side lightning, Mina tried to save him but was also dying, Jason saw his brother dying, and the good still inside him turned back the darkness and he killed Alex, Now back on the side of good, Jason works to make up for his past sins toward his brother and Mina, by training under Justin, and working to help destroy the Kromaggs forever.
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