Jaina Solo

Jaina and her brother, Jacen are the twin children of Princess turned leader of the New Republic, Leia Organa Solo, and smuggler turned Rebel Hero, Han Solo. She was born on Coruscant, just two weeks before he cousin, Mina Skywalker.

Jaina grew up on Coruscant, along with Jacen, her other brother, Anakin, Mina and her other cousin, Ben.

Jaina was always curiosu about mechanics and science. With Mina, Jaina came up with the idea for Sliding.

Other than her parents Jaina had her Uncle Luke, AUnt Leyta, C-3P0, R2-D2 and Chewibacca the Wookiee looking after her. And Jaina was never short on compainions in her childhood. Jaina thought of her cousin Mina as the sister she never had.

Jaina was always strong in the Force and was kidnapped many time in attempts to get her powers.

When Jaina was thirteen she started to go to her aunt and uncle's Jedi Academy on Yavin Four. Jaina briefly went out with her friend, Zekk, but it ended quickly.

While at the academy Jaina, Mina and Jacen started to work on Sliding. When they were finished Mina, and her best friend (other than Jaina) tested it out. When they didn't return Jaina became sullen and locked herself away from the others, worried about what had happened to Mina.

When Mina returned the next year Jaina became her old perky self. Jaina met Mina's new friends, WA and Jason (who she developed a major crush on) and met Mina's love, Justin.

For a few weeks Jaina pined for Jason and missed her cousin even more. So Jaina convinced her parents and aunt and uncle to go to Earth Prime. Jaina asked Mina if she could join the Rifters. Mina agreed, happy to have her best friend and cousin around.

Jaina is 14 (the same age as Mina) with brandy brown hair and eyes. She has Corellian luck and the Skywalker Force power. She'll be an excellent addition to the Rifters.

--Bio by Mina Skywalker

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