Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They belong to the wonderful Romiko Takahashi and her licensees (Viz Communications in North America). This work is strictly for the non-profit enjoyment of fans. No copyright infringement is intended. Story type: Continuation Authors Comments: This is one of the two stories I had attempted to blend in "Married, Too". The original story was getting too complicated, and the Miko character wasn't getting enough exposure (Not that way you perverts!). I plan on keeping the episodes short, so I expect a lot of them. At least twenty, probably more. I admit I chickened out. In the original story the "club" was topless. I decided Kasumi and Nodoka would have a little trouble with that. I still haven't decided which way to go for sure, so if you have any preferences, please let me know. Miko A Ranma 1/2 Fanfic by Tom Wrensch Episode 1: A Proposal? Draft 1998-08-16 ================================= [ Ranma, Genma, and Soun are walking through the streets at night. Ranma is half-carrying Soun and Genma is staggering along behind. ] RANMA: Geez. I thought this was supposed to be a *little* celebration. You two got nothing to celebrate anyway, just cause I was nice to Akane once. GENMA: You had a good time boy, admit it! RANMA: Yeah, like watching you two drink like fish was a lot of fun. GENMA: (looking sly) How about that club we went to, you liked *that* didn't you? RANMA: ... GENMA: (laughing) You should'a seen the look on your face when Mi-mi came to wait on our table! RANMA: Hey! Give me a break! I didn't know there were clubs like that around here. As for 'Mi-mi... SOUN: (seriously drunk) Oh Mi-chan, you're so kind to a lonely old man. RANMA: Hey pop, what's with 'Soun-chan' and 'Mi-chan' anyway? GENMA: Soun saved her from some thugs about five years ago. Since then she's been calling him 'Soun-chan' and flirting with him whenever he shows up. RANMA: And how often is that anyway? If mom knew you were going to places like that... GENMA: Growf. RANMA: Hey, where did you find water? Stupid old man. SOUN: (mumbled) Oh, Mi-chan, you're so wonderful... RANMA: [ Flashback ] [ Ranma, Genma, and Soun are sitting at a low table partially screened from other tables by paper dividers. There is a candle in the middle of the table and a few other occupied tables can be seen in the background. ] RANMA: This isn't like the last two places. GENMA: No, boy. This place is *special*. This is our club. RANMA: *This* is the place you go to when you're going to your club? Just what kind of club is it anyway? SOUN: This is a gentleman's club. RANMA: Huh? What's that mean? [ A server steps up to the table. She is wearing a short skirt and halter top. She is very pretty and built even better than Shampoo, though she is obviously older and more mature. ] RANMA: (looking at server with eyes bugging out) Erk. [ The server kneels down next to the table. ] SERVER: What may I get for you gentle... Soun-chan! (She takes Soun's hand and squeezes it.) It's so good to see you again. SOUN: Mi-chan! I hoped you would be working tonight. I'd like you to meet Gemna's son Ranma Saotome. MIKO: Nice to meet you Ranma-san. I've heard a lot about you. You're betrothed to Soun-chan's youngest aren't you? RANMA: (eyes still bugged out) Umm... yeah. MIKO: I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself properly, we're not allowed to use our real names here. My working name is 'Mi-mi', but you can call me Miko, that's my real first name. RANMA: Err... Nice to meet you Miko-san. MIKO: What brings you by tonight Soun-chan? SOUN: Oh, Mi-chan, just to see you is more than reason enough. (He sighs). I don't get to see you often enough Mi-chan, I get lonely. [Soun suddenly begins a full fledged Soun-wail and takes Miko's hand.] SOUN: Oh, Mi-chan, when will you agree to end an old man's loneliness forever! [ Miko and Ranma have a somewhat shocked look at that. Genma just looks bored. ] [End flashback] [ Back to Ranma, Gemna-panda, and Soun walking down the street at night. ] RANMA: (to himself) If I said something like that to Akane we'd be married within an hour. [ A police officer walks up to the group. ] OFFICER: What's going on here... Say, is that Soun Tendo? RANMA: Yeah. OFFICER: Should have known. Who else walks around with a Panda? Say, he's really out of it tonight. What's the occasion? RANMA: Well, it's this engagement thing... OFFICER: You mean Tendo-san finally proposed to Mi-mi? Wow, I didn't think he had the guts! Wait till the guys at the station hear this! (quietly to himself) I wonder who won the pool? SOUN: (slurred) Oh, Mi-chan you're so kind to a lonely old man. RANMA: (gets a nasty grin). Ummm... yes, he finally proposed, just tonight. OFFICER: And I thought he would be too nervous to ask. RANMA: Well, he was pretty nervous. I hope Miko-san understood what he was asking. Especially since he wants to get married right away. OFFICER: I wouldn't wait with a catch like Mi-mi either. Congratulations Tendo-san. (Officer waves and walks off). SOUN: (slurred) Congratulations? For what? RANMA: Why for your engagement to Miko-san. SOUN: (crying) Oh Mi-chan, we will finally be together! RANMA: [ Ranma is sitting at the table in his normal sleepware of a muscle shirt and boxers. Kasumi is putting a cup of tea in front of him. ] KASUMI: How was your night out? RANMA: Kind of weird. Those two got so drunk I practically had to pour them into bed last night. KASUMI: I'm glad you were along to take care of them. Oh, I'm just starting breakfast, so it will be a little late this morning. RANMA: Okay Kasumi. Thanks for the tea. [ Ranma sips the tea and looks out at the koi pond. ] RANMA: [ The phone rings. ] KASUMI: (from kitchen) Ranma, could you get that? RANMA: (gets up) Sure Kasumi. [ Ranma goes to the phone and picks it up. ] RANMA: Moshi-moshi. WOMAN: Could I speak to Kasumi... (muted sobbing) Wait, is this Ranma? RANMA: (confused) Yes. WOMAN: This is Miko Yamada, we met at the club last night. RANMA: Of course. Is something wrong Miko-san? MIKO: Soun said something to me last night, something that sounded like... (voice drops to a whisper) a marriage proposal. RANMA: Yeah, that bit about ending his loneliness forever. MIKO: Yes, you remember. At first I thought he was just flirting with me, but Officer Tanaka stopped by after you left and congratulated me on my engagement to Soun. RANMA: MIKO: And one time when you were in the restroom Soun asked if I thought a Western or Shinto ceremony was better, and if today or next Sunday would be a more auspicious day. RANMA: MIKO: Oh, I don't know what to think! Has he really, finally, decided to marry me, or is it all just a misunderstanding? (starts crying) And does he really want to get married right away? Maybe even today? RANMA: Miko-san, please don't cry. I don't know for sure, but I'll go talk to him and call you right back, okay? MIKO: Umm... I don't have a phone in my apartment, this is a pay phone. RANMA: Okay, I'll have him come over and talk to you. Can I have your address? MIKO: Umm... I really don't want him to see how I have to live. RANMA: (mildly exasperated) Right. What if I bring over a message? MIKO: Oh, Ranma-san, that would be so kind of you. [ Ranma sticks his head into the kitchen where Kasumi is cooking breakfast. ] RANMA: Kasumi? KASUMI: Yes? RANMA: Do you know a Miko Yamada? KASUMI: Why yes, she's a good friend of fathers. I meet her for tea every now and then. RANMA: Do you know of any... romantic relations between them? KASUMI: I think Miko-san is interested in father, but I don't know about the other way around. Why do you ask? RANMA: It's kinda complicated, but Miko-san thinks your dad proposed to her last night, and I'm beginning to think he really did. KASUMI: That's wonderful! RANMA: Well I guess so. But she thinks he wants to get married right away. Like maybe today. KASUMI: Oh my. RANMA: Yeah. Anyway, I'm going to talk to your dad and see what he wants to do. KASUMI: Please let me know what's going on. RANMA: Sure, as soon as I know myself. [ Ranma walks into Soun's bedroom, Soun is crashed in the bed. (Authors note: As far as I know, Soun's bedroom is never shown in the Manga. So just make up your own.) ] RANMA: Hey! Mr. Tendo! Gotta talk to you. SOUN: Grumphgl. RANMA: (Grinning) It's about *your* marriage today. SOUN: (half awake) Huh? RANMA: Don't you remember proposing to Miko-san last night? SOUN: Huh? RANMA: (serious look) Mr. Tendo, you said something to her last night that sounded like a proposal to me. And to her. SOUN: (sitting up and frowning sadly) It doesn't really matter son. RANMA: Why not? SOUN: Why would a beautiful young woman like that be interested in a broken down old man like me? RANMA: Actually, I have no idea. But she sounded like she wanted to marry you. SOUN: (shocked) She did? RANMA: Yeah, she called a few minutes ago and... === END EPISODE 1 === C&C *very* welcome, flames ignored. Please send comments to twrensch@geocities.com. My completed stories and relatively complete drafts are posted at http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/5201/.