Joe Harland

Nile Pulp Hero


What odd pathways we follow in life. Born blind, my road was one of touch, sound, and smell. On Terra, I was tolerated, pitied, but rarely given credit for any intelligence or ability. Let's face it, it's easy to pretend not to see someone who can't see you. At 25 years old, I had never held a job, failed out of school. Heck, I hadn't even been with a woman. Even the whores on Terra ripped me off when I had scraped together enough cash for a piece. I was living in a crap apartment with some guy who fenced stolen equipment. He tolerated me because he knew I'd never be able to ID his "clients." He let me stay because he liked to tell tall stories about himself, and he figured I was safe.

At this point, I thought my life couldn't get any worse. Boy, was I wrong. One day, a bunch of bad-smelling thugs breaks into the apartment. I figured they were just stealing stuff which my roomate had already stolen, so I just hid in a corner. Next thing I knew, I had a headache and everything went black. I woke up in some place that smelled like a chemical factory and roared with the sound of electrical arcs and running motors. I later learned that it was a weird science lab. The wacko there told me that he was going to discover a cure for blindness with my help. That sounded OK, but he hadn't told me I was to be a guinea pig. For the next three years, I lived in constant pain as my eyes were poked, prodded, injected, and soaked in all kinds of crap. If I wasn't strapped to a table most of the time, I would have grabbed the nearest gun and shot myself. What a surprise, then, when one day I awoke and saw a faint light! It was blurry, and I didn't know what I was seeing, but my vision had started to return.

At this point, I couldn't risk further experiments reversing what had already been done. When the scientist arrived, I cold-cocked him. I grabbed everything that looked important from the lab and ran. I hid in the basement of an abandoned building and waited, staring out the window and absorbing the joy of sight. Hour by hour, my vision became clearer. After a few days, I could see well enough to make out characters in a book. Never having read before, I began to flip through the diagrams in the scientist's notes, comparing them to what I had stolen. I was driven with a need to learn. I crept into the library and "borrowed" children's books to learn to read. Soon, I had mastered the scientist's techniques and understood his designs.

Something strange happened at this point. My vision had been rapidly improving, and somehow continued to improve beyond what is "normal." When I left my hiding place and began to interact with people, I learned that it was not "normal" to be able to read a street sign from over a kilometer away. I learned that other people could not stare at an object and see right through it. Most frightening, though, was when I learned that I could stare into someone's eyes and actually "see" their thoughts.

Who knows how far my vision will "improve." I still get headaches sometimes, and I lose my sight entirely if I get hit on the head too much. In the meantime, I will use whatever abilities I posess to wipe out those underworld creatures who would take advantage of the helpless and less fortunate.

PER11 (14 w/ super-attribute)

Fire Combat12
Melee Weapons11
Unarmed Combat10
Egyptian Religion15
First Aid15
Land Vehicles16
Evidence Analysis15
Weird Science14
Played by Steven DeSanto
Race: Human
Home Cosm: Terra
Height: 5'9"Weight: 170 lb
Possibilities: 13

Hallomesh, +5/15

2 Colt 45's, DMG 16

Children's booksBR> Sunglasses
First Aid kit
misc. weird science parts

Pulp Powers:
Super Attribute: Perception, adv cost 3 (stymie flaw)
Mega Sight (19), adv cost 3
X-Ray Eyes (14), adv cost 5
Mind Reading (15), adv cost 5 (fatal flaw)

Power Flaws:
All have setback flaw, lose powers for one scene from blow to head causes K
Mind Reading has fatal flaw, must disengage from mind, 1 wound per failed attempt
Attribute has stymie flaw when trying to see in very low light

Minimal: none
Average: Arabic
Good: none
Superior: English
Spectacular: Terran Arabic

World Law Effects:
May spend two possibilities on an action and choose the better result


Campaign adventures