This is one of my friend's website... Its real link is here
Now i'm not being a cruel person here... just having fun... So Nazneen... No hard feeling huh?
I've saved it in almost the same format that it is on her website.
(comments in Brown)  are by me... so watch out for those    

 ---Suyash Ideologies Inc.

Hey, Welcome!!

That's me!!Hi everybody!
I'm Nazneen. I've walked the earth 19 long years (really?? boy u must be tired!). I have been born and brought up in Mumbai, India (oh! u forgot Earth). Currently, I'm a sophomore (is that something like ‘saynomore’ … I’m just human) student at ADMIIS, University of Mumbai
pursuing (purging would be more like it)my BMS degree. I hope (really hope!) to complete my education with a PGD (duuhh!!) in Personnel Management & Industrial Relations from XLRI,Jamshedpur (so much for ‘born and brought up in Mumbai’ ).
I already had a stint in Human Resource at DHFL this summer.

Since you have made it to my page, you probably know all that (dammit! Why’d I read it?). You also probably know what (read: who!!) I love and what I dont love so much. Anyway, if you wanna check how well you know me, here's A few of my favourite things.
Apart from the things I love, there are people who I cannot do without too (and all too essential ones like my dhobi and istriwala… well them u forgot!). I'm an absolute people's person (But u said u were a sophomore!!). You'll find all about my folks on the Family page. Then there are some of my closest friends who know me better than family (darn! now why’d I visit that Family page…). And if you are one of them, you'll find yourself here. And if I've missed you out, dont yell or whimper. Let me know who you are and what you do and I may just include you. Haha... Its my page, you know!!
Now if you're getting bored, you may leave (Already did … twice… !). If not read on...

Apart from BMS, I am also learning French (something’s better than nothing huh?) from the Alliance Francaise. Paris is undoubtedly the most romantic city in the world and when I visit it (I’ll book u an one-way ticket to Tim-buk-a-too), I dont want to be at a loss for words (not to mention lots of money!!).
I love music and singing along with my favourite songs. Here are lyrics of some of my favourite songs on the Lyrics page. Did you know that I too write poetry?(aha!… now’s my time for poetic justice!! Never knew what that meant..)  Its my favourite form of catharsis (is that like an arthritis?). Most of them are too intense and personal (read: you wont understand them… cuz neither did I) to put up, but here are some of them on the Poetry page (Lyrics on the lyrics page… poetry on the Poetry page.. what next?). And here is the link to my mentor, writer and poet, Edgar Allan Poe's best site on the net (no Mentor page?). I could really go on blabbering all day (more?? This not enough?)if I have to, but let me just end here. So then, that's really all about me..
And ohh, I just added a Freeware page loaded with lots of useful stuff so that your visiting my page may be of some use to you. Thank you for visiting!!
And hey, please sign My Guest Book (what’s in it for me?)

---The critics speak.
And then some….