Titanic © by Bob Beardon 1998
All Rights Reserved
Webpage by Jilli / Fate



The Price of Folly and Pride

By:  Bob Beardon   aka   Thon

Iceberg!   Too late the cry of warning.
The scrapes and groans of metal
and ice. The water roaring as it torrents
through the rends in man's creation
and the rends in mankinds arrogance.

SOS! Save us, save us, we flounder
in the dark sea, going down at the bow,
drinking the cold water into the dry
holds of our folly, taking our gurgling fill
of the wet death that is embracing us.

Lifeboats! Women and children first!
Cast them away from this elegant
iron tomb as it sinks slowly, painfully,
into the light-less graveyard of the deep
that is claiming it, pulling it irresistibly down.

Row! Pull hard on the oars, pull to escape,
to put distance between those who live
and those who must die. Cover your ears,
block out the screams and pleas.And weep
for the drowning and freezing.but don't go back.

Titanic! Etch your name and memory,
your legend, into the psyche of the world.
Make us shudder to think of icy green
water climbing marble staircases, and
man's folly pulling under more than are saved.

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