Ottawa Chinese Martial Arts
About Us
About Us
Hsing Yi
Tai Chi
Other Styles


The Ottawa Chinese Martial Arts Association is a martial arts club based in Ottawa, Canada. Classes are taught by Mr. Kim Lee, who has been teaching martial arts for more than thirty years, in both Asia and North America. Mr. Lee also specializes in traditional Chinese Acupuncture, massage, chiropractic treatment, and herbal medicine. Our friends and students can now be found all over the world. Our main interests and objectives are the promotion and practice of traditional Chinese martial arts.



The secret of kung fu is at once apparent and accessible to all. The key ingredients are proper attitude and correct practice. Proper attitude includes having an open mind, pursuing self-improvement, and developing an awareness of the rich culture and history of the martial arts. Correct practice requires diligence, perseverance, and self-awareness. There are many varied benefits to training, and we encourage everyone to take an active role in enriching their lives.


Our training and practice is for everyone. We strongly believe that all can benefit from the correct type of exercise. Our students follow two different paths: there are those who seek health benefits through stretching and flexibility exercises, followed by Chi-kung and eventually Tai-Chi forms, and those who want to study the martial arts, beginning with the basics of Shaolin, before advancing to other techniques and styles (for example, Chin-na, Shuai Chiao, Er-mei, Wu-dang, Hsing Yi and Ba Ji). We encourage our students to help each other gain insight into the true meaning of the Chinese Martial Arts.

Time and Location

Our classes take place:

Tuesday - 7:00 - 8:00 pm (Main Gym)

Thursday - 7:00 - 8:30 pm (Main Gym)

Summer Hours (June - August) Saturdays - 11:00 - 12:30 pm (Outdoors - Experimental Farm)

Location - Heron Road Multiservice Center, 1480 Heron Road (Please do not call the Center - use the number below)

Phone number - 613-799-9954 (Poon Chan)

Please contact via e-mail -

Buses - 8, 111, 114, 141 (See the OC Transpo Map)



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Last update: 09/01/2004