You Tube Clips

Fans everywhere have been generous enough to contribute memorable clips of What's My Line? to You Tube.

Here's a few to enjoy (and I will add more soon):

From 1956 - The show following the death of Fred Allen, opening and closing - Watch

From 1/31/65 - Jimmy Durante trys to fool Bobby Darin, Dorothy, Bennett & Arlene - Watch

From 4/25/65 - Barbara Streisand's second appearance as Mystery Guest, trying to fool Tony Randall, Dorothy, Bennett & Arlene - Watch

From 11/14/65 - The first show to air after the death of Dorothy Kilgallen - Watch

From 9/3/67 - The final portion of the final CBS show - see who's Mystery Guest! - Watch

Thank you everybody for contributing these wonderful clips to You Tube.