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Bashun Da Bass

Bass Guitar

Take Me Back

orn Seb Fosdal during the hazy, trippy summer of ’67 Bashun da Bass is a direct descendant and reincarnated spirit of the Danish minstrel Random Harmonix, who travelled to the breadth of Europe as part of his Bardic training.

Random Harmonix had several unfortunate accidents during his travels, which he started with his more famous brother Total Cacophanix who settled in Gaul after meeting those heroic Roman bashers Asterix and Obelix. Taking some of the Gaulish magic potion, Random Harmonix decided to continue on to Brittanicum to gather material for his Magnum Opus "Ode to Something Wonderful and Slightly Perplexing."

Unfortunately Harmonix had not gone far when he was captured by Romans who set him to work on a Roman galley, moving troops across to England. Harmonix managed to escape however by sneaking into the galley drummers post gig session and teaching them some wicked break beats after plying them with copious amounts of some fine Babylonian Red Weed. Needless to say the drummers wanted to try these out the next day and during the ensuing chaos, whilst the galleys were going backwards and forwards and spinning on their sterns, Harmonix managed to jump overboard and floated to nearby England.

Arriving in Londinium without a Denarii to his name, Harmonix soon landed a gig playing a regular session in a rowdy tavern called "The Disgruntled Tribesman" and it was here that he bumped into a member of the Iceni tribe who after a skinful, managed to back his chariot over Random’s instrument and feeling remorseful of this dire deed, invited Harmonix to come to the court of the Iceni Queen Boudicca as the tribe had been called to war and a Bard and Druid was needed to raise the spirits of the tribe and to compose sagas of the forthcoming rebellion.

Bashun da Bass, being of the same ilk as his ancestor also wandered the length and breadth of this country playing with a variety of entourages and moving steadily but inexorably towards the Iceni Homeland as if called by an inner voice to lay down a bombastic bass background to the tribal outpourings of ICENI!!!! Further adventures of both Bashun da Bass and Random Harmonix will appear on this page.

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Take Me Back to ICENI

Bass Heaven



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