Hindu Puraan

1-Brahm Puraan2-Padm Puraan,   3-Vishnu Puraan,   4-Shiv Puraan5-Bhaagvat Puraan,
6-Naarad Puraan,   7-Maarkandeya Puraan,   8-Agni Puraan,   9-Bhavishya Puraan,
 10-Brahm Vaivart Puraan,   11-Ling Puraan,   12-Vaaraah Puraan13-Skand Puraan,
14-Vaaman Puraan,   15-Koorm Puraan,   16-Matsya Puraan,   17-Garud Puraan,   18-Brahmaand Puraan

2-Padm Puraan - 4-Paataal Khand


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2-Padm Puraan, 4-Paataal Khand, p 444-454

This Khand covers the pages 411-609 (220 pages) of the book. It describes Raam's Ashwamedh Yagya, and Krishn.

Grace of Purushottam

Shesh Jee said - "Seeing Chyavan's power, Shatrughn admired Brahm power - "What a difference? Pure hearted Muni has attained automatic victory over great pleasures, and ordinary people only desire for such pleasures." Horse continued his journey and others followed him. Horse arrived in Ratnaatat named city of King Vimal. King Vimal immediately came to see Shatrughn and said - "What can I do for you?" Shatrughn embraced him and Vimal handed over his kingdom to his son and accompanied the horse procession. Then they saw a very high mountain. Seeing it Shatrughn asked Sumati - "Which mountain is this, Sumati?" Sumati said - "Raajan, This is Neel Parvat. Sinners and low level people cannot see this Parvat. Who does not feed a person coming in the mid-day, he also cannot see this Parvat. Who sell Neel and Laakh; the Braahman who sells Ghee and drunkard people also cannot see this Parvat. Who sells his daughter, who cooks for himself only, who cheats other people, they also cannot see this Parvat. Purushottam lives here. Who does Pranaam to Bhagavaan from this Parvat, he himself becomes like Bhagavaan. There is an ancient story about this.

There is a city named Kaanchee. It was very rich and prosperous in ancient times. All people followed their Dharm according to their Varn and Aashram in that city. Its king's name was Ratngreev. The king ruled there for long time. One day he said to his wife Vishaalaakshee - "Dear, Now our sons are able to rule this kingdom, so I have only one desire that I have not gone to any Teerth, that is why after handing over this kingdom to son, I wish to go to Teerth with my family." Thinking like thus he meditated upon Bhagavaan in the evening and saw a Tapaswee Braahman in the dream in the night. Next day when he was sitting in his court that a Braahman came there. Ratngreev did Pranaam to him, worshipped him and offered him an Aasan to sit upon. 

After formal conversation, the King asked him - "Now I have become old. Please tell me the way so that I should not take birth again." Braahman said - "One should serve Shree Raam, because only He can save one from this world. I have been to many religious places, Teerth - Dwaarakaa, Samantpanchak, Kurukshetra, Vaaraanasee etc but what I have seen on Neelgiri, that is not seen anywhere else. Now you listen to that event. When I arrived at Neelgiri, whose foothills are always washed by Gangaa Saagar Teerth water, after wandering over many Teerth, I saw some Bheel (a wild community which subsists on hunting wild animals with arrows or spears) who had four arms and had bows in their hands. They ate fruits and roots.

Seeing them I thought, "How these wild people have become 4-armed human beings?" They were looking like Bhagavaan. So I asked them - "Who are you people, and how did you get this 4-armed guise?" Hearing this they laughed heartily and said among themselves - "In spite of being Braahman, he doesn't know the importance of Pind Daan here." Now I got more surprised, so I asked them again - "What type of Pind and to whom this Pind is given?" Then they said to me - "Listen, Our one child used to eat Jaamun (rose-apple) daily and wandered around. One day he came here also playing with his playmates. He saw a temple whose walls were made of gold and was studded with costly gems. He got surprised to see it and entered it. There he did Darshan of Purushottam. There were some Devtaa also who were dancing and singing. That child also went near them. Devtaa finished their worship and went to their places.

There was some Prasaad of Bhaat (cooked rice) fallen there, he picked it up and ate it. Then he did Darshan of Bhagavaan's idol. He also got 4-armed guise. When he came home, seeing his strange guise we asked him as how did he get this guise. He told us the whole story, so we also came here, ate that Prasaad and became 4-armed people. You also go there and eat Prasaad there, you also will become 4-armed people."

Ratngreev's Pilgrimage

Braahman said - "I was surprised to hear Bheel and got happy also. First I took bath in Gangaa Saagar, then climbed up the mountain. There I did Darshan of Bhagavaan and ate His Prasaad also by which I also got 4-arm guise. Now I don't have to be born again. You also go to Neelaachal and become free from this world." Hearing this Ratngreev asked the method of Teerth Yaatraa.

The Braahman said - " Bhagavaan is beyond birth, death and old age. In whichever way one remembers Bhagavaan - by desires, anger, fear, jealousy, greed or pride, but one must remember Him. First develop Vairaagya from the world, then start the pilgrimage pronouncing "Raam, Raam". After going about two miles, he should take bath in some Teerth and shave his head, because who go to Teerth, their sins live in hair. Change his guise to a Teerthlike guise - take a stick, a Kamandal, wear deer skin etc. One should not be greedy at that time. One should go to Teerth on foot only and always remembering Bhagavaan. If somebody goes on a conveyance (especially riding on a living being) his Punya is divided between them. Who travels wearing shoes, he gets one fourth Punya and who goes on a bullock cart, he is attached to cow killing sin. Who goes to Teerth even without any desire, he gets half Punya and his sins are destroyed, but by doing Darshan of Teerth in a methodical way one gets its specific results. With this method you go to do Darshan of Purushottam."

Sumati said - "So Ratngreev decided to take his all people to have Darshan of Purushottam, he said to his minister - "Tell everybody that all have to go to Darshan of Purushottam and all will go with me." Hearing this the King's Minister Satyanaam got very happy. He made this announcement in the whole city and all people got very happy to hear this. All kinds of people came out with the King. King was leading his people. After going for about two miles he shaved his head wore deer skin etc and got ready for Bhagavaan's Darshan.  King was donating many things on his way. All over the way stories related to Vishnu were told and heard and His glory was sung. As he was going, he saw a river in which all stones were Shaal Graam stones. King asked that Braahman about that river. 

The Braahman said - "It is Gandakee River. It is called Shaalgraamee or Naaraayanee River also. In earlier times Brahmaa Jee produced this river from the droplets of his cheek. All these stones are Bhagavaan's idols. Who worships Shaalgraam stone marked with circle, he never takes birth again. Mark of Chakra taken from Dwaarakaa and Shaalgraam stone taken from Gandakee River, both destroy all kinds of sins in one moment only. All the four Varn can worship Shaalgraam Jee but a woman, whether widow or Suhaagin; should never even touch the stone. This destroys her Punya and makes her fall in Narak. Even the greatest sinner attains Param Gati after drinking the water after giving bath to Shaalgraam Jee. Tulasee leaf, sandalwood paste, water, Shankh (conch), Ghantaa (holy bell), Divine Chakra, Shaalgraam stone, copper pot, Vishnu's name and His Charanaamrit - all ten things are holy.

Shaalgraam stones should be worshipped in even numbers (except 2), in 4, 6, 8 etc; in the same way Shaalgraam stones may be worshipped in odd numbers also (except 3). If Shaalgraam stones are dry then they take away a man's age, wealth and fame, therefore whichever stone is oily type, shiny and beautiful, only those stones should be worshipped. Once Bhagavaan said to King Ambareesh that "Braahman, Sanyaasee and Shaalgraam stone - these three are my forms on Prithvi." There is a story in this regard.

In earlier times, a Pulkas caste man lived in Magadh Desh. His name was Shabar. His job was to kill animals and robbing others. One day he was wandering around that his Time arrived and Yam's Paarshad came there to take him. As they got ready to take him, tied with their Paash, that a Braahman who worshipped Vishnu arrived there. He saw Yam's Paarshad ready to take him. He got pity on him, so he took Shaalgraam stone and poured His Charanaamrit mixed with Tulasee leaves in his mouth and pronounced Raam's name in his ear. He put Tualsee leaf on his forehead and Shaalgraam stone on his chest and said - "O Yam Paarshad, Go away from here." At the same moment Vishnu's Paarshad came there and pushed away Yam's Paarshad.

Vishnu's Paarshad said to them - "With whose order you are taking him away? This Pulkas is a Vaishnav, then why did you tie him?" Yam's Paarshad said - "This man is a sinner. We are taking him by the order of Yam Raaj. He has never done any good to anybody by his heart. He has robbed pilgrims several times. Why did you free him?" Vishnu Doot said - "Any kind of sin is destroyed by the touch of Shaalgraam stone. Raam's name rings in whoever's ears even by mistake, it destroys his all sins. On whose forehead Tulasee leaf is kept, on whose chest Shaalgraam's stone is kept, and in whose ears Raam's name is told, all these destroy his all sins."

Hearing Yam's Paarshad went away and told everything to Yam Raaj and at the same time a Divine Vimaan came and Shabar went to Parampad riding in that Vimaan. So although that Pulkas was a sinner but because of these things he got Parampad



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 3/15/2005, and Updated on 02/18/2008
E-mail:  hindupuraan@yahoo.com