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Portrait of Françoise d'Aubigné,
Marquise de Maintenon
"We were there!"
Quebec, American, Canadian,
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17th & 18th century ancestors:

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Nicholas Marsolet

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St-Castin (1685-1728)
Charlotte Guyon D'Amours

Madame de Maintenon  (17th century)
would become the second and last wife of
King Louis XIV of France.

She would create a very  fashionable
school for girls at St.Cyr.
Madame de Maintenon is memorable as an educator and was responsible for the improvement of the moral tones of the Court.

The Marchioness of Maintenon, la marquise de Maintenon, née Francoise d'Aubigne, was born in the prison of Niort on November 24 1635. To all intent, she was an orphan.

Her father was Constant d'Aubigne, seigneur d'Aubigny et de Surimeau. Her Mother was Jeanne de Cardilhac. She had chosen to stay with her husband in prison. Constant was in prison for counterfitting, but he was also a murderer.

Before Francoise, Constant and Jeanne had two sons:
Constant, born in 1628, died accidently in 1646. Charles, born in 1634, died in 1703

Francoise's Grand-Father was Theodore Agrippa d'Aubigne (1552-1630), a well-known soldier, historian and poet, Calvinistic, whose life, filled with dangers and adventures in the Huguenot cause under Henri IV, ended in exile at Geneva and died a hero.
He is remembered for his Histoire Universelle and Histoire Secrete who were officially burned and he also wrote Les Aventures du baron de Foeneste and Les Tragiques, poemes satiriques

Her Father was persecuted for his Huguenot sympathies. In spite of her Protestant heritage she was baptized a Catholic.

When Constant came out of prison, sure of getting the post of Governor for La Martinique, he brings there all his family. Alas, the job is already taken. After two years he abandons them and goes to La Rochelle. The family spent some years in Martinique, but when they hear of Constant's death, Francoise and her Mother returned to France. They lived there in great poverty. At twelve, the girl and her two brothers were educated by a Protestant aunt, but the Mother of her GodMother, Madame de Neuillant, gets special permission from the Queen Anne d'Autriche to kidnap the child from this Calvinistic (Huguenot) home. At that point, Francoise is used as a servant, herding the turkeys. Eventually she is taken to the Ursulines Convent in Niort, until sixteen, but she still has not really adopted the Catholic faith so she is put in another convent, in Paris, where she decides to convert to get her freedom and becomes very devout.

She is still 16 years old when her Godmother decides to marry her and choses a man 25 years older, with serious rhumatism.

He his a poet, Paul SCARRON 1610-1660, a French Realistic Novelist and burlesque playwright remembered for Roman comique. His Nouvelles magi-comiques supplied Moliere, Beaumarchais and Sedaine with characters, plots, and titles.

He holds a "salon" in their home. There we can see: Benserade, Marigny, Mortemart, Villarceaux, la marquise de Sévigné.

Through Scarron's position she became a figure in the literary and intellectual world of Paris, being a fine writer herself.

In 1660 he died leaving her with some debts
and again she found herself penniless, but the Queen-Mother continued to his widow the poet's pension. Later Mme de Montespan official mistress of the King at the time, obtained a pension for her.

In 1669 starts a real saga: Mme de Montespan is pregnant with her first child from the King, Louis XIV dit le Roi Soleil (the Sun King).
Mme de Maintenon is hired to secretly conceal this first child, waiting at the birthing, then hiding the child in small house in Paris, so that the Marquis de Montespan is unable to have the child to legitimize him. When the second child arrives, the same thing is required from Francoise, but he is kept in another house, out of Paris. When again Mme de Montespan is with child, the King decides to install the governess (Mme de Maintenon) and all his bastards (6) at Vaugirard. In 1673, when the Queen died, the King legitimized his children from Madame de Montespan and Francoise was able to go to the
Chateau de Versailles

Mme de Montespan had been
the lady-in-waiting for
the Queen Maria-Theresa
and after she was granted a divorce from
her ex-husband, the Marquis de Montespan, she became
the Official Mistress of the King.

She was eventually supplanted
by Mlle de Fontange.

The Queen, Marie-Therese, was devoted to Mme de Maintenon and died in her arms.
It was in 1684, King Louis XIV, having had great esteem for Mme de Maintenon, secretly married her. Because of her high standards, it is unlikely that Mme de Maintenon had been his mistress, though it is possible.

She remained with him until his death in 1715. She was judged harshly by the Ministers of the King  because of her "undue" influence on the King on matters of State, mostly religious tolerance for the many Protestants still living in France since Henri IV.

Click here for more information on all the Kings' Mistresses at Versailles.

She had Mme de Guyon released after 7 years in prison (house-arrest)
because of her Quietist teachings which had been disturbing to the Pope.

She had founded a famous school for the empoverished noble-born  girls, St-Cyr, which provided them with an opportunity to get the education expected when they would marry at their level or beyond;
during the late 1670's quite a few "filles du roy' which went to la Nouvelle-France also spent some time at St-Cyr before their trip.

When King Louis XIV died in 1715, and Louis XV came into power,
she retired in St.Cyr

Françoise d'Aubigné,
comtesse de Maintenon, died in 1719.

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Danielle - Celebrations 2000

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Danielle et Olga Obry LeMyre (1916-2006)
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