Furniture in Museums


Egyptian Furniture
Research and News
Furniture in Museums

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The Egyptian Museum, Cairo

Chair of Queen Hetepheres, 4th dynasty, JE 53263

Chair of Sennedjem, 18th dynasty, JE 27256

Golden Throne, Tomb of Tutankhamun, 18th dynasty, JE 62028, Image 1 

Golden Throne, Tomb of Tutankhamun, 18th dynasty, JE 62028, Image 2

Painted and Gilded Stool, Tomb of Tutankhamun, 18th dynasty, JE 62038

Shrine Shaped Box, Tomb of Tutankhamun, 18th dynasty, JE 61477 

Shrine Shaped Box, detail of lid, Tomb of Tutankhamun, 18th dynasty, JE 61477

Chest on legs, Tomb of Tutankhamun, 18th dynasty, JE 61446

Bed frame, Tomb of Tutankhamun, 18th dynasty, JE 62014


The Louvre, Paris

Chair, 18th dynasty


The British Museum   

Round legged stool, 18th dynasty, BM EA 2472

© Geoffrey Killen 2003