About Me

Born in the southern state of Tamilnadu, India in 1974, I did all my schooling at the Hindu Senior Secondary School, Chennai. I am still in touch with some of my class mates. Some of them work in the same organization that I work for. My mother, daughter of an Islamic books publisher, got me a lot of islamic books to read. In fact, I read more of them in my early years than the comics (which is the craze among children). I had great interest in reading the history of the Prophets (May Allah's Peace be on them).

A lot of scholars would visit our mosque which is a two minute walk away from my house and give speeches on various aspects of Islam during the month of Ramadhan. It is a great occasion and I remember that right from my childhood days, I use to pray regularly during ramzan and attend all the sermons of the different scholars. I remember instances when my mother would come in search of me to the mosque at around 11 PM to find me listening to a sermon.

I did my graduation at the New College, Chennai. It was a college specifically run for Muslims, who are a minority in India. In my first year at the College, my friendship with one Mr. Muhammad Javid Faizee strengthened. Though we had studied together in the same school, we were not that close. Our friendship blossomed only in college. In college, we used to discuss about the various aspects of Islam during the free periods (which we used to get very often). I use to participate in them with great interest. Seeing my interest, Muhammad Javid Faizee, who never used to talk during our discussions, told me about Sufism.

During the summer holidays of my first year in college, Muhammad Javid Faizee took me to his Shaikh (spiritual guide). At my first meeting with the Shaikh, I was introduced to the Shaikh by Javid's father at the end of the congregation. Javid's father also told about my interest in getting initiated in Sufism. The Shaikh had an important appointment and asked me to come in the evening. I couldn't meet the Shaikh in the evening as I was a bit late due to a chore I had to attend. The next day, April 11, 1993, he accepted me as his Mureedh (disciple).

From then on, by Allah's grace I am learning and practicing sufism slowly.

On my academic side, I have completed my Masters in Computer Applications. I am working in a top IT company in Chennai since January, 1998.

You can write to me to the following email address: faizee@yahoo.com

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