--- Mrs. Jaya Gopalan ( Coordinator ), Edison, New Jersey
Several years back my husband and I went to attend Shri Matajis Nirmala Devi's programme (first time) more out of curiosity at Calcutta, India in Birla Auditorium. There were more than 500 were present eagerly awaiting to see Shri Mataji. We took a seat on the edge of the main isle somewhere in the center of the hall not only to have an easy access to watch at the stage/podium but also get out of the hall if necessary without hindering others. We waited for quite some time looking to the empty podium/stage for someone to appear. Suddenly, we saw a big "flash light thing dazzled from behind" to the extent we were almost blinded! Quite unexpectedly, Shri Mataji was arriving from the front of the hall thro the aisle way in the center, contrary to normal expectation to enter through back entrance of the stage! Since we were sitting on the edge, Shri Mataji, we remember, even looked at us in fact on everyone with her usual smile and walked by accepting our Pranams. We did not know what s he talked on that day except supreme unexplainable joy and satisfaction landed on us suddenly which lasted quite some days! This was something of a unique experience!! This was our Self Realization of raising Kundalini from Shri Mataji and ever since for us no turning back.


--- Mrs. Mamata Save-Vaidya, Edison, New Jersey
I came to SahajYoga through my parents at a very young age, at an age when you are learning and grasping everything around Getting Self-Realization helped me a lot. As a student, it built up my concentration. At a later stage, it was easy to take those critical decisions of my life with the help of vibrations deciding for you what is right and wrong or I would say, the wisdom that develops within you with the awakening of Kundalini through the Mooladhara Chakra , gives you the power to decide the best for yourself. I have seen people healing through SahaYoga meditation. One of our family friends, had Cancer. My father introduced him to Sahaj . At that time, he took it as a last resort and within months he was completely cured of his Cancer with the help of the divine vibrations and by the grace of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. I had a friend who had a total lack of confidence . She used to be always scared of things and had a very pessimistic attitude towards life. After she started meditating, I noticed the difference in her and how self-confident she is now. Experiences like this could go on and pages can be written about it, but this is something, which you need to experience. We have to raise this divine power, the Kundalini, which exists within everyone of us, and thus benefit with the divine vibrations.


--- Mrs. Sarika Shaha, Edison, New Jersey
Sahaja yoga: Is a real gift to people worldwide. I came to sahajayoga because of my parents, especially my mother. Today also I do remember that auspicious day when my mother got self-realization through one of our friend and that was the beginning of “DIVINE MIRACLES” and it’s still happening in enormous ways and forms.My mother was having cold and sinus problem for many years before coming to sahajayoga, as my father being doctor we tried all the possible ways to overcome it But nothing worked out so easily and spontaneously as Sahajayoga did. After 2/3 days of her realization her cold and sinus problem was totally cured and it was cured from roots which focuses on the Sahajayoga’s Meditation Power which cleanses out your system from roots. My personal experiences are countless after coming to sahjayoga, it has been a “COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION”. I was very emotional person , used to keep on thinking a lot,even on small small things in past and about future and in effect I used to react, morever over-react on everything which was leading me to anger. My mother who have been already in Sahajayoga gave me self-realization with few other people who are also sahajayogis and the transformation slowly steadily began. After 10-15days, I felt that some cool breeze is flowing all over and inside the body, I thought at first moment it’s just something like wind, a/c but No,it wasn’t either of those. It was the “DIVINE LOVE,VIBRATIONS”, I started enjoying things, I felt that I have just becoming “witness” to happenings, no reactions anymore,no anger , it has just given me “BALANCE” leading to the life full of joy and joy. When now I look around and if someone asks me What Sahajayoga and Meditation have given you………..I will say “ The Society of Beautiful, Loving, Kind and Generous People, as Sahajayogis”


--- Mrs. Julie Mandal, Edison, New Jersey
I received my self-realization in November 1992, in Germany. Early in the summer of 1992, I had decided to spend the remainder of the year seriously looking for ‘it’ – ‘it’ not being anything I could put a name to, but knowing that ‘it’ was missing from my life. I was in my early twenties then, and since childhood and early adolescence I had been aware of living in phases – phases of simply being and doing giving way to phases of being withdrawn, incredibly sad, sometimes simply not getting out of bed because I didn’t know what for. Bouts of depression fairly early in life. I tried being very busy, I tried going to church, I tried falling in love. I used to be a pretty intense person, so when I say I tried, I mean I really really tried. Hard. So one day in May or June that year, I decided I had had it. The phases of being desperate and feeling lost were stretching over several weeks, sometimes months, the phases of being content and balanced had narrowed down to a few days at a time. Don’t get me wrong, I was always functional and kept commitments and schedules. Being very analytical and critical, I did very well in academics, I had a busy social life, I was earning well. Why couldn’t I be at peace? I simply knew life wasn’t supposed to feel like this. I also felt sure that I would know ‘it’ when I see ‘it’. I tried a lot of different things, from revisiting a previous life to color therapy, and looking back it amazes me how I could tell so clearly that none of these techniques or groups had ‘it’. When I did receive my self-realization, I immediately knew that this was ‘it’, that this was exactly what I had been looking for all my life. On a Sunday afternoon, in the basement of a tracthouse in the countryside, I suddenly felt like I had finally come home.


--- Mr & Mrs. Neeru Marwah, Edison, New Jersey
Sahaj Yoga is a life transforming technique, by which one starts living in present. In this present time most of us are thinking either about our past or of future. We all forget that past does not exist and no-body knows about the future. By thinking all the times either about past or present one's brain always remains occupied thoughts and by which one invites most of the diseases. In Sahaj Yoga we have learnt how to surrender to divine. By surrendering all the problems to the divine, we start living in present. By living in present, the vibrations start flowing through all the seven chakras (energy centers). By the flow of these vibrations one can come to know about the catches on these charkas. These charkas control the vital organs of the body. One can easily cure all the catches of these charkas by which most of the diseases automatically get cured. At the same time one starts rising above in the spiritual world. Another good thing of the Sahaj yoga is that it unites all the religions of the world. As all the charkas are governed by various Hindu, Christine, and Muslim primordial powers. Followers of Sahaj yoga always pray to all these primordial powers of all the religions. So there is no fight on the name of religion. Sahaj yoga has taught us to live peacefully and happily in today's modern world. Meditation brings the balance of mind and heart hence making the life very simpler. We have our divine mother taking care of us as a mother takes care of child,by surrendering our selves to divine, we can enjoy the life like a baby in our adult age too.


--- Mrs. Radhika Reddy, Edison, New Jersey
These days everybody has a busy life style that is very stressful & frustrating at times. How to overcome this? Is there a way to eliminate the stress & frustration and be compassionate & forgiving! Yes.... The answer is Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the founder of Sahaja Yoga. She started teaching Sahaja Yoga in 1970. Sahaja means 'spontaneous' and also means born with, yoga means union - Thus 'Sahaja Yoga' is a spontaneous union via a mechanism that is born within each human being. Every one of has the subtle energy called Kundalini. Awakening of this kundalini is called Self Realization or enlightenment. Self Realization is possible in Sahaja Yoga.