Who are we?

We are teachers, historians, bankers, engineers, managers, health care workers, truck drivers, collectors, graphic artists, writers, students, controllers, DJ's, salespeople,accountants, psychologists, librarians, computer techs, lawyers, programmers to name a few. Some of us are unemployed-no significance to our capabilities- just a reflection of our economy. Some of us carry our scars on the outside re: deaf, blind, post-polio survivors etc. Some of us carry them inside re: abuse survivors, former alcoholics etc. The most important thing is that we are a group of friends who care for one another, respect one another and support one another whenever necessary. We are lovers of life and givers of self. We are just like you in many instances but uniquely our ownselves in other instances. We are Agapê and urge you to become a part of this wonderful cyberworld.

Click on the buttons to learn more about us!

Rebecca Martinez Bob Sharkey Catherine Smith
Big D Dixie Ohlander
Charles Griffin Gene Gray Leslie Kassel
Pierre Bauduin Nancy Nelson Nora Frateschi
Val Lamp Bridget Hockney-Griffin Betsy Jenkins
Britto Vincent Cheryl Riley Deb Frederiksen
Frank Bachman Lee Nearpass Melissa McCann
Nick Myar Robert Garvin Rosa Colon-Tiegs
Linda Pfeiffer Steve Mullane Susan Stewart
Phil Smith Ralph Perez Chuck
Cyndie Tamala Dave Magyar Lee
Mystery Guest

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