Winter/Spring Program 1999
      			         MARXIST STUDY GROUP

	1.. Very Important (please note carefully!):  
		We have changed location for the Winter/Spring series to
			The Unitarian Church of Calgary
			Basement Entrance
			1703 1st Street NW (two blks W of Centre, just 
			N of 16th Ave)

	2. New Format:  After considerable debate, the organizers have 
		decided to shift from the speaker-driven sessions to guided focused discussions 
		with resource persons. Those attending are invited to 
		prepare questions and comments ahead of time and
		come to the sessions ready to listen and contribute 
		thoughtfully in the exploration of the concerns raised 
		by the topic suggestions listed below.

I. Sunday, January 31, 1999 (7:30pm)
   A Marxist Examination of a Potpourri of Issues Critical to Our
	Times:  (1). Why is Alberta, surrounded by progressive provinces,
	so conservative?  (2). How has 	higher education been 
	transformed in the last 20 years?  How can students resist being 
	turned into debt and career slaves?  (3). Marxist predictions 
	for the Millennium.  (4). Are there significant distinctions 
	among the various  brands of Leftism (CP, CP-ML, Anarchist, 
	Socialist Worker, NDP, and the like)?

II. Sunday, February 28, 1999 (7:30pm)
     Can Marxism and the Church Co-exist and Co-operate?
	Is the Marxist truism that "religion is the opiate of the masses" 
	valid today or have other opiates replaced the church?  Can 
	the church be a viable force for social justice?  Was Jesus 
	revolutionary (recently a church in England created a poster 
	of Jesus looking like Che)?  What can we learn from Liberation 
	Theology? Do new discoveries in cosmology and quantum physics 
	force us to re-examine the doctrine of materialism?  The United 
	Church will be represented at this session.

III. Sunday, March 28, 1999 (7:30pm)
      What Can Popular Culture Tell Us About the Crisis of Capitalism?  
	This session will be committed to examining examples from film, 
	popular & alternative music, television, shopping malls, skate-
	boarding & paint-ball, pro-wrestling, science fiction, cartoons, 
	comic books, and breakfast cereals from a Marxist perspective to 
	see what they tell us about our capitalist culture and what it 
	professes to value and what it truly values.

IV. Sunday, April 25, 1999 (7:30pm)
       Marxism, Feminism, & Sexuality:  This session will look at such 
	matters as defining harassment and consent; affirmative action 
	in the workplace; the causes and solutions for violence against 
	women; the "battered wife" defense; power and gender roles and 
	"gay-bashing"; cross-cultural expressions of female exploitation 
	and oppression; women and education; the question of male/female 
	brain configurations; alternative sexualities; birth control & 
	abortion; the single mother, welfare, & poverty; Dr. Laura & 
	"family values".

V. Sunday, May 30, 1999 (7:30pm)
        Racism as a Modality of Capitalist Exploitation:  What are the
	origins of racism?  How is it connected to imperialism and 
	colonialism?  What similarities exist between the experience 
	of apartheid in South Africa, slavery in the U.S. and the 
	reserve/residential school system in Canada?  How does racism 
	continue to manifest itself in relations between the
	White power-structure and the First Nations?  How are we to 
	understand the experiences of new immigrants to Canada, 
	especially those of East Indian and Oriental origin?  What role 
	in all this do White Supremacists and "Holocaust doubters" play?  
	What is inter-ethnic racism?  What are the remedies for racism?
		Admission Is Free

For more information on the Study Group call 246-8246 
or email -- 
For more information on the sponsoring organization 
(The Calgary CPC) call 283-3243 or write Box 61006, Kensington PO,
 Calgary, AB T2N 4S6

For more information call 246-8246 or email

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