**Marxism-Leninism is the science of the future** (Reprinted from the August 22, 1998 issue of the People's Weekly World. May be reprinted or reposted with PWW credit. For subscription information see below) By Gus Hall, national chair of the Communist Party USA The true value of any science is constantly weighed and tested as to whether it is a living, growing, expanding and deepening body of thought. Does it continue to be a true reflection and expression of the ever-changing essence of reality? In the deepest sense, the revolutionary science to which Karl Marx gave birth, that Frederick Engels enlarged and Vladimir Lenin so creatively extended and developed, meets the most critical test of a science for our times and for the future. In the process of his exhaustive studies, Marx created a new way of studying, a new approach to probing developments, a new method of observing things. He showed why it was always necessary to penetrate, to get beneath the surface or veneer, and not to accept the appearance of a thing as the real thing. Why know the laws? In order to get at the essence, the essential core of developments, it is necessary to know the objective laws of social, economic and human development. To know these inner laws is to know the present. But even more important, we can gain knowledge of what is coming by knowing the laws that bring about all change. This enables us to predict scientifically, not by premonition, superstition or guessing. Understanding of the laws of capitalist development is a powerful factor in the struggle against capitalism. It gives the working class the ability to synchronize its actions with the objective processes taking place in life, in objective reality. It provides the revolutionary movement with guidelines on how to take advantage of weaknesses in the ranks of the class enemy. It is a necessary foundation for solving such tactical questions as timing, disposition of forces, nature of alliances, etc. It is an absolute necessity for a mass approach to struggles. Only by use of this science is it possible for the class- conscious sector of the working class movement to determine when the objective processes and the subjective factors are ready for a new stage of struggle. Tactics and timing are, therefore, closely related to a scientific, ongoing assessment of objective reality. Everyone sees objective reality, the processes and stages in society, from a class viewpoint. The ruling, capitalist class denies the existence of such laws because these laws expose the greedy, exploitive, anti-human, predatory nature of capitalism and show that just as capitalism grew out of feudalism, capitalism is now on its way off the stage of history to make way for a more advanced socioeconomic system - socialism. Analyzing & predicting In the Communist Manifesto, Marx asserted that the capitalist system, during its rule of scarce one hundred years, had created more massive and more colossal productive forces than had all preceding generations together. In a sense, it is precisely because of the big monopolies and the vast expansion of the productive forces under capitalism, that it has outgrown itself. Capitalism, because of its inherent contradictions, because of private ownership and lack of planning in production, has now become an obstacle to the further development and progress of society. Capitalism was an advance over slavery and feudalism. It was able to use the technology of its day. But now, capitalism is increasingly out of step with modern times. Knowledge of and application of the laws of society also enable us to analyze more recent capitalist developments like monopolization, conglomerization, globalization and privatization, all processes in the overall development and processes of capitalism. These new processes mean huge layoffs, the end of any job security and, as Marx said, the increasing "pauperization" of the working class. We understand and analyze these new trends and developments by examining all the processes and changes in capitalism as it develops from one stage to another. We do it by tracing the changes in the production process and the class forces in relation to that process. The reality of life is many-faceted, many processes are taking place in a particular stage of development. Each of these processes influences the others and together they influence the total process, the overall direction of developments. Today, based on the inner laws of monopolies and imperialism, we know how U.S. capitalism must operate, must fall into and out of constant crises, must maximize profits and must ultimately be replaced by socialism. In other words, in order to keep maximizing profits, the monopolies eat up smaller, weaker companies. Today, they merge with or take over huge corporations and thus become conglomerates, huge global monopolies. They keep downsizing to save money on labor, the source of all their profits, while forcing the remaining workers to work harder for less wages. They drive to privatize for their private profits all the public services, systems and institutions like hospitals, schools, sanitation, transportation, public lands and property. Laws applied to life Corporate profits come only from one source, from the exploitation of workers. The more exploitation, the more profits. Speedup means squeezing more production for less pay. Wages have been declining for over 20 years. The lower wages of part-time workers means "double-time" corporate profits. Downsizing means mass layoffs, more profits. Racism means more profits. Discrimination resulting in lower wage scales means increased profits for monopoly capital. The ideology of racism is based on the economics of profits. Racism was designed by the ruling class to justify inequality in jobs, wages and hiring. The inequality of women is profitable. The lower wages for women workers means corporations reap more surplus value (profits). High technology is more profitable. But under capitalism it means lower wages and loss of jobs. Thus, the gap between the haves and have-nots in our country is one of the widest in the world. Two-thirds of all the wealth of our land is owned by 10 percent of the very rich. Over six decades of fierce and bitter class struggles by workers and their unions, an economic safety net of government programs was won - Social Security, unemployment insurance, welfare, disability and food stamps. Today the most reactionary sector of the ruling class, represented by the ultra-right Republicans in Congress like Newt Gingrich and his "Contract on America," are pushing to gut all the programs that have served as an economic safety net for the laid-off, the very poor, the sick, disabled and elderly. Their assault on food stamps, welfare, education, has created misery, starvation and permanent poverty for new millions. State-monopoly capitalism is moving in a rightward, reactionary, in some areas even a fascist-like direction. It is increasingly anti-working class, anti-trade union, anti-democratic and anti-people. Basic flaws However, from the very beginning capitalism had very serious basic flaws because by its very nature the system favors a small minority, the ruling class of corporate America and Wall Street. It is a system in which the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. The richer, the more economic and political power. The biggest inherent flaw, and the most basic contradiction of capitalism, is between the social nature of production (that more and more workers collectively produce all the wealth) and the increasingly private ownership of that wealth, the means of production (factories, tools, machines and mines), including natural resources, land and public property. Buying and selling distributes profits. This process does not make profits. Only workers' labor power makes profits. The class struggle is the very essence of the struggle between the workers and the corporations. It is a struggle over the value that the working class produces. Today, more than ever, workers are locked in the battle with corporate America for a bigger share of what workers produce. The power and organs of government (the state), and most laws that are passed, are weapons in this struggle. Every process has a general direction it is moving in. For capitalism, the processes are now mainly negative. Capitalism goes in and out of crises. But the general direction is off the stage of history to make way for socialism. What's happening today What is the general direction of social and economic developments today, especially in relation to the class struggle? The ruling class - corporate America - is moving in the direction of accelerating mergers, forming ever larger, giant global conglomerates, using the processes of downsizing, conglomerization, globalization and privatization to extend and expand its reach and power. The working class is being victimized by ever higher rates of exploitation, by mass layoffs, a lower standard of living and quality of life. On the other hand, it is also moving in the direction of greater militancy, class struggle trade unionism and radicalization. In the last two years, the number of workers joining unions has increased. There are more workers on strike and the strikes are bigger and last longer. Ideologically, the working class is moving in the general direction of class consciousness and some are moving towards "Bill of Rights" socialism. The middle class is increasing in size. The number of professionals remain constant. The number of scientific workers replacing industrial workers is increasing. The number of basic industrial workers is declining. The number of women workers is growing. The number of nationally and racially oppressed peoples is increasing, especially the African-American, Mexican- American, Latino, Asian and American Indian peoples are growing. The number of African-American and Mexican-American workers is increasing. However, when compared to general wage scales, their wages are declining. The number of children working, mostly in sweatshops, is increasing. And, we now have what can be called "technological unemployment," machines replacing labor. It is estimated that, in the next ten years, for every 3,000 jobs high tech industries create 50,000 jobs will be lost. The ever-new advances in science and technology have become entangled in the monopolies' single-minded determination to milk all the benefits of production for their private profits. The number of overall jobless is increasing. The number of part-time workers is increasing. The number living in poverty is growing. The number of homeless is increasing. The number of people in prison, especially African Americans and Latinos, keeps growing. Because of takeovers by agribusiness, the number of family farmers is dwindling. The number of people on drugs and afflicted with AIDS keeps increasing. There are more unpaid mortgages and bank loans than ever before, more people going bankrupt and driven into poverty. Taxes on workers keep going up, while taxes on the rich are going down. Health care keeps declining and the costs keep climbing. The number of workers without health insurance is growing. All entitlements, but especially Social Security, welfare and public education, are under attack. Thus, for the working class and poor people the quality of life under capitalism is on a steady decline. Radicalization, militancy and working class unity - Black, Brown and white - are on the rise. The overall, long-term development of all societies is in the direction of socialism. Whatever is positive in capitalism, socialism will adopt. That is the basis for the concept, "Bill of Rights Socialism." It is clear, when you put all these processes together, that capitalism is on the declining side of history, including in countries like Japan and Russia, which are sinking ever deeper into debt and crisis. The crisis in the Asian countries and Japan are beginning to impact negatively on the U.S. economy. The extreme volatility and instability of the stock market indicates that capitalism is in long term trouble. Laws ... & class struggle The laws of socioeconomic systems and, specifically, the laws of capitalist development are of great political significance today, because when we become aware of these laws we come to understand the pivotal role of the class struggle in an exploitive society. When we are conscious of the economic laws, we then inevitably conclude that the working class is the only truly revolutionary class. Then we come to see that the laws of capitalist exploitation mold and compel the working class to be, as the Communist Manifesto says, "the main gravediggers of capitalism." By the law-governed processes, the working class has become the main force for social change. Not to see the leading role of the working class is not to see the direction of history, the direction of progress and social change. ... & revolution However, the class struggle can only be resolved when the working class decides that living under capitalism has become intolerable, that capitalism can no longer meet the basic needs of the majority of people, especially the racially and nationally oppressed. This contradiction can only be resolved by a revolutionary transformation of power and wealth from the capitalist class to the working class, from capitalism to socialism. The ruling class rejects and fears all concepts of laws because the objective laws are proof that they are the force holding back social progress, that history is leaving them behind, that capitalism is the old and socialism is replacing it with the new - including a whole new set of social and economic laws. The Communist Party USA, the party of the working class and its science, Marxism-Leninism, in its very essence represents the unity of revolutionary theory and revolutionary practice. Marxism-Leninism is the main fountainhead for introduction and development of this science in our land. There are no other Marxist-Leninist parties in the United States. The role of the Communist Party has added a new quality to all phases of American life. It plays an important role in influencing the course of events. The CPUSA gives the working class a scientific basis of struggle. It gives the class struggle a direction - a revolutionary direction. As it continues to grow in size and influence, the Communist Party plants many seeds of socialism among the American working class. The significance of this contribution will grow as the struggles of the working class move toward the historic point of a revolutionary transformation from capitalism to socialism.